337Chapter Shock

337Chapter Shock

“Wow.” Liu Qing can’t help but out of the sound, he is now just very surprised.

He even doubted whether the person in front of him was Su Chu Tian, how could he say such things, it was too incredible, after all, he has always been the style of the kind of people do not approach the feeling, originally thought he hated these things, did not expect him to actually say such things, it is really incredible, even if they have never seen him like this.

And Wang Hu and his party is also some strange look at Su Chusheng, after all, in this case in the lawsuit to say this kind of words, really let them very incredible, and in this case to say this kind of words, really let them will be mistaken that he is not lying to them in the end.

But after thinking about them there is nothing to cheat, if it is because they want to kill them in order to maintain justice or something, it should not be this way, with his martial arts, even if he really shot, one of them can not run, why so much trouble.

If it’s true, he can’t understand why they have to pick people like them who are sinful gods and pings, they have always despised them, in the end why?

Su Chusheng said helplessly: “I just think that at first you are also for the test good things, not to mention that you said cold did not bully good people, then I believe you once, I am talking about the equivalent of substitution, that is, there is value, there is a price, you do things for me, I provide you with food and drink, pay you silver,|

He really felt that he did not know what to say, he is obviously quite good, a person said the words are not malicious, why they are so strange looking at themselves.

So he had to say so many words for the first time, to explain this matter, otherwise he would not want others to misunderstand what he has non-conformity.

Not to mention fast even with hair can be thought of what can have non-perceptions. For a few mountain bandits how can he have any non-existent thoughts? It is simply impossible to be right.

He just think this Wang Hu at the beginning of the heart is still good, after all, in his life so poor under, will think of helping other people, is a lot of people do not have the heart, although it may not be the right thing to do the mountain bandits, but they are really helpless, so Su Chusheng willing to help them,

In fact, about this matter, he also thought about it for a long time, if you give the silver is too much to look down on people, so he thought about it, if you give the silver, it can only solve their temporary problems, so he felt that this solution is not very good,

That’s why he had this decision, since he is also short of people, why not take these people back, but also save him the time to go out and look for it, also considered to meet his selfishness.

(Li Wang Zhao)” “You’re not wrong, are you? Why don’t you say relief to me. “Liu Qing said with some surprise.

Even so, he still feels that this person in front of not how normal, Xiaoming out of their own bullied even clothes can not afford to wear, to his door, he did not say to help themselves ah, how now so kind-hearted, it is not really what is wrong today, he helped people to help addicted? Before is blue soft, now is these people.

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