336Chapter Against the Wind

336Chapter Against the Wind

If you are not able to live your own day, you will really have no way to face some problems how to say that this is very applied, and now you also hope to be able to seriously and these people say some words, I really hope that I can get all of these things, so that their hearts will actually be particularly sincere.

And you wish now that you could go forward and deal with all of this.

Any thing should be dealt with effectively, and now I hope to be able to assist my grandson’s growth as a particularly good person.

If there are some mistakes in the growth of 25the problem, then their hearts are particularly painful at the same time their hearts also want to be able to do what they can, as far as possible to deal with each thing, so that their wealth is particularly happy, but also now they hope to do a good job of these.

If you can’t do well in this matter, then you and a particularly poor person, what is the difference between me? The actual fact is that you will be able to get to know the people who are going to have a feeling.

I don’t want to do something wrong again, and now I hope I can go into the wrong, I can go as far as possible not to make mistakes less mistakes is the most important thing, so that the master will get the blame, the son is also a little do not want to be driven out of the house by the master to go.

If he was driven to the family, then he could only take his grandson to ask for food, to commit such a thing to say is also able to let them not starve to death, after all, he will also be asking for food, he used to do things to ask for food, know how to be able to ask for some food, you know how to make those particularly rich people pity, to give themselves some money, to let themselves eat more things.

But he does not want to take his grandson to live such a life of wandering around and hope that his grandson will not be affected by his own involvement.

How to say their own grandson should live a particularly happy life son, you are now hoping to make up for such a deficit, how to say that their own young found the error of their own offspring to bear the responsibility.

The future of their own grandson does not know what to look like, they do not have their own grandson to read any books, and they are also a person who does not know a word, to say the least, even their own name will not write, let alone to teach their children.


PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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