302Chapter begged for mercy

302Chapter begged for mercy

“Master, Master, Song Ma wants to see you.”

A maid in front of the grandfather’s house said with a groveling voice.

“Let him come in, no, let him come in on his knees!”

The grandfather drank a mouthful of water, said without raising his head, it can be seen, he is particularly disgusted with this person.


The maid said loudly, said the words after hurrying to retire, he knows that these words are not able to listen, if they are at the door, afraid to hear the grandfather and this Song mother’s only words, then afraid to cause a lot of people’s disgust, I think the master will be angry, then open the grandfather, they have nothing to eat.

Song Ma also heard the words, she heard to kneel in, frowned503, but she still gritted her teeth and kneeled on the ground, the ground is cold and prickly, so he this old cold legs are a little unbearable, at least is the older people.

Although he is strong and strong, right, and work more, what work can be done, whether it is heavy work or light work, or some crafts alive can feel out, but his legs are still not very good, there is no doubt about it.

But now he has to kneel on this cold ground, really let himself some can not stand, the meaning of this dead bone to bring him a kind of cold feeling all over the body, but he did not (cfbj) any way.

Because he knows that if he is not able to gnash his teeth now, he is a moment himself will regret, and then the grandfather will be furious, think will be beheaded to show themselves, or let themselves be killed alive how to say they will die.

Because in this house, anyone who offends the master will die in the hands of the master, it is impossible to have other possibilities, after all, the grandfather is the biggest figure in this house, if you offend this person what good fruit there is to eat, even if they have long been able to survive, afraid that they are no longer, what can meet their grandson’s food and clothing may be, for the sake of their grandson.

For the sake of his poor grandson he is willing to give all he is willing to come to endure.

Just for the sake of the grandson such a kind of unsupported children, to be able to live a good life to be able to feed and clothe, so that they are also considered willing, the main is how they can live.

He was also willing to endure the feeling of being on his knees, asking for forgiveness for such a shame and lack of dignity.

This cold and stinging feeling is too hard for him to bear, but he is still holding back, step by step, walking forward on his knees, his movements are very slow, but he does not dare to be too slow, although his legs are particularly painful, but he is still desperately moving forward in the body.

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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