301Chapter can’t afford to mess with

301Chapter can’t afford to mess with

Otherwise this also seems too dry that kind of look, too much can not let themselves go to accept this kind of look, this look they can not bear ah, they can not afford ah.

If you continue to do this, you don’t know what kind of problems you will face in the future, what kind of things you will face, so that you are so embarrassed, so incapable of imagining, so that you have no way to solve such a thing, so that you are particularly confused, particularly afraid to believe that you are not able to accept The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re getting into.

“Okay, okay, I know, you two don’t need to make a scene, these things are not even able to go to simply solve it, simply be able to go to deal with things, then this also do not need to make this look now, well, since it has been said to be able to go to deal with such a thing, then it is definitely a particularly good thing But not to be able to deal with such a thing, it may not be a particularly bad thing, well, after all, there are some things that we can deal with, but there are some things that we can not deal with, the”

Su Yang this sentence is really words, after all, no one can simply be able to speculate to their hearts in the end in what, they do not want them in the end know their hearts in the end in what, so naturally want to go to get such a thing, perhaps it is already particularly embarrassing, particularly particularly dry that kind of thing, but I also have to think that this must be the need to deal with such a thing, otherwise I am very very embarrassed ah, very very incapable of allowing themselves to solve such a thing ah, but I have no choice but to do this, need to do such a thing ah.

There are some things they know, maybe there is no need to ask, but there are some things they don’t know, there is no need to ask, after all, there are some things they really can’t imagine, but some things they can really handle to the kind of look, after all, some students are really the way to be able to accept, but some things There is really no way to accept this kind of thing.

I do not like knowingly ask this kind of feeling, and naturally hope that such a thing will not happen in their own body, but there are some things are inevitable.

PS: the new author, the new (Lee’s) book for care and support, the big guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Request flowers! Evaluation!!!

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