295Chapter Song Ma’s Tears

295Chapter Song Ma’s Tears

After Song Ma saw this scene, a delicate tear appeared on her face, it can be seen that she really is particularly sad, in the face of such a thing, she always feel particularly sad.

And now she also had to go to make some explanations, this person is misunderstood themselves, if they do not pay attention to the words, fear is Song Jia will be driven out, this is not what they want to see ah.

“Master you really misunderstood me, I really did not steal something, if I stole something, I will be hit by thunder, I simply will not do this thing, how can really do this thing out of it, honestly I actually will be particularly painful in my heart ah, face such things, I do not want to change these things, but I am now also I have503 to say is to give in ah.

After all, this person has really hurt me, and I am now nothing to do, begging the old man to open that never say anything here, no, what you say I can scold me what can, so you do not greet my family again, also hope that you do not drive me over, just be able to let my family live well, I even to you do cattle and horses I am willing to do. ”

After Song Ma heard this, a kneeling on the ground, it can be seen that she really special pain, and her face has been tears (cfbj) sliding down, it looks like it is really hard to suffer.

After experiencing such a thing, his heart is now about to numb, and their own just lost and their own pain has been about to disappear, and turned into their own family side of the family, there is no way to go on a worried expression.

Now he is really more and more painful, and he is also aware that if he is thrown out, then he has no reason, and then his family will only live to starve and freeze to death.

After all, their own family depends on their own to support, if their own accident, then when their family will be in trouble.

This is really not a good thing, and their hearts think of this thing are feeling particularly terrible, every time you think of this thing, he has a special painful feeling, for him this is really too terrible some.

“Please master, I kneel down to you to beg you, master, you must not recruit this continue, otherwise then I really have no way to live, I think I look to starve to death, I now eat less food does not matter, you let them eat some okay? And I do not want my poor grandson accident ah!

PS: the author of the puff, the new book for the care, care!!!! Ask for collection!!!! Ask for subscription!!!! Ask for flowers!!!! I’d like to see a review!!!! I’d like to ask for all the support!!!! I would like to thank all of you for your support!!!!

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