Chapter 1294 What a coincidence

Chapter 1294 What a coincidence

Speaking of coincidence, he did not expect such a thing, in his eyes, this thing always has to make him feel dependent, but now he has nothing to do, although the world has happened, it is not to blame others, and their own hearts will feel particularly innocent.

Seriously, he does not want to go and these people’s enthusiasm to speak, but the reality proves that they have to economic growth to think, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable, and they do not want to be in the eyes of these people is a particularly unreasonable character, seriously, he does not want to become this person, and he does not want to change the people of such an impression of himself.

After clearing this thing, his heart is also slightly relieved in some, in his eyes a little is quite valuable, as long as it is able to do these, then he is willing to pay all, and his heart will also feel because of such a model is particularly not enough, honestly this point is his I am happy with what I know, he also understands this point.

If you do not usually pay attention to the words, then why do not you have such a happy feeling in your heart, it is obvious that your heart will also be because of such a thing, moved especially important to do these for him is not very difficult, it is difficult to do such things often.

“Well, if you can’t understand, don’t think here, think about these things is just a waste of time, and give you a lot of trouble, also added a lot of trouble, if the time to appear again such things, but my heart will actually be particularly uncomfortable, really, I don’t want to appear some things again, and my heart also I hope you people can painfully deal with those things, so that I will be particularly happy, and I am willing to continue such a good state.

It’s hard to do these things for me than what is valuable, but I usually have to do this often, so then I will be particularly painful in my heart, and I am not able to get a particularly good benefit in all aspects, for me this is too terrible, and I now hope to change these things as soon as possible.

My heart now really some not taste, if have been lost such a state, then the consequences are really unimaginable, and I do not want to go, has been maintained in such a state, for me this is too painful some.”

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support (of the), you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Request flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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