258Chapter Praise for Courage!

258Chapter Praise for Courage!

“Did you just shoot?” Chu Tian walked up to the man and asked, and instructed Kidola to let go of the man, because at this time the man had been carried by Kidola’s face full of red, blue veins, feeling that he was about to break the way.

“Cough cough cough-”

The man was put on the ground, he coughed violently a few sentences, and a large mouth to do a few breaths, if not Chu Tian sent word, he really think he may die here, Kidola looks soft, but the power of a person surprised, this man is very strong, at least must have two hundred pounds, height than the Chu Tian also half a head, than the Kidola is simply crushed, but The company said, if the flat state, he can not see the Kidola.

But this is such a man, but just by the effortless choke of Kidola lifted, and lifted into mid-air, which makes everyone’s impression of Kidola again refreshed, this girl kicked the cannonball, punching Lu Jiuling, but also can lift the man than they are much higher, this is simply a monster ah! Now, in their eyes, the most frightening thing is 25not Chu Tian, but this little girl beside Chu Tian.

If Chu Tian knew what they had in mind, he would have greatly approved and nodded his head yes, but they were right, Kidola is the monster!

“Yes.., it’s me!” The man coughed a few times, immediately straightened his body, condescendingly and loudly replied Chu Tian, but although his voice is loud, but from his trembling legs can be seen, the man’s bottom is not so full.

“Why do you want to kill me?” Chu Tian asked, he naturally knew that at this time the collection team and the police members are hated him to the bone, hate to kill him, but he still seriously asked the man in front of him, his expression is very serious, he stared at the man’s eyes, with an incomparable seriousness in his eyes, which makes the other party completely dare not say false words.

“The master of the Lu family has a deep debt of gratitude to me, I want to take revenge for him!” The man took a deep breath, and then gently exhaled, and could clearly see that his legs were no longer shaking, and his expression was serious. His tone of voice is also very calm, it seems she is ready to die.

“Good! That’s the way to go!” To everyone’s surprise, Chu Tian applauded and said with a smile on his face to the man in front of him, “A man should know how to repay his kindness, I approve of your approach and your courage, but don’t be too impulsive, impulsiveness is not revenge, but will only put yourself in danger.” Chu Tian patted the man’s shoulder, and went back to continue to drink Lu Tianfang talk.

We “have killed a lot of people today, after that if there is an overreaction, shut a few days, do not need to kill again, Su family to continue to develop, or need a lot of people.” Chu Tian came over and said to Lu Tian Fang.

Lu Tian Fang was impressed by Chu Tian’s solution to the problem, which was the best decision for him.

Master” Master! Why don’t you kill him! “Kidola ran over and asked, still not understanding, why didn’t Chu Tian kill the other man.”

“Because I’m in a good mood today! ” Chu Tian smiled and stroked Kidola’s head. Softly said.

“Hey, so that is the case, the master is in a good mood! “Kidola also said with a smile, in fact, kill others ah, the life and death of others ah and so on, she does not care very much, the important thing is that Chu Tian can be happy.

“Well, I’m even happier when I see little Ra’s smiling face! ” Chu Tian smiled and pinched Kidola’s face, Kidola’s little face with a little baby fat, soft and cute, Chu Tian usually like.

Kidola is blushing and quietly letting Chu Tian squeeze her. Chu Tian’s intimate behavior made her feel very comfortable.


This time, the tall man reacted from the thrill, death is not terrible, he is not afraid of death, but no matter how afraid of death, can not stand to struggle on the edge of death, that feeling is the most deadly, and at this time the man finally understood the meaning of the four words “after the robbery”.

He is called Dazhuang, is a member of the Lu family police force, was already outside the wall surrounded by zombies, is passing Lu Jiuling saved him, brought him back to the Lu family, at that time the Lu family is still in the development stage, all men will go outside the wall to find survivors to bring back to the Lu family, which is the reason for the large population of the Lu family.

Dazhuang did not know anything else, but only knew that the day he saved him from the zombies Lu Jiuling, for him is as important as the sun, so he joined the police force, day and night patrol, full of energy to protect the Lu family.

But just now, his sunshine went out, was a man called Chu Tian cut off his neck, which makes the blood of the big strong rolled, he can not stand such a result, only two words left in his heart, revenge.

So he found the timing of Chu Tian down, close to him, pulled the trigger, he knew he would die, but before he died to give Lu Jiuling revenge, he was also considered to die in the right place.

But Chu Tian did not kill him, he really does not understand, he obviously want to kill the man, but the man did not kill him.

“Why not kill me Dazhong murmured, he sat down gently, eyes empty, like -473 puddle of mud. This is the first time in his life to think, people and the meaning of people.

But this has nothing to do with Chu Tian.

Soon, Lu Tianfang and the brothers of the adventure team counted the number of prisoners and dead, and all the prisoners were tied with ropes and brought back to the Su family, and the remaining bodies were neatly arranged and piled up outside the door, waiting to be disposed of together afterwards.

“Security team brothers, out a person, go to inform the divine eagle senior, let him also come to our Su family’s celebration feast, the victory of this battle thanks to everyone, after we slightly prepared a thin wine meal in Su family, invite everyone back to Su family, we celebrate!” Chu Tian said loudly to the members of the security team.

Then the security team immediately came out of a person, said a “I go!” and ran in the direction of the divine Eagle’s residence.

“Brother Tian Fang, is there anything else that needs to be dealt with?” Chu Tian once again confirmed that the work of cleaning the battlefield is all given to Lu Tian Fang.

“Nothing more, basically all finished. “Lu Tian Fang said, he has always been serious, he said basically finished, that is completely fine.

“Then, let’s go back to Su’s house to celebrate, hard work for you!” Chu Tian said.

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