257Chapter war is over

257Chapter war is over

With Lu Jiuling’s head on the ground, the people under the field in Chu Tian’s shock, to keep a moment of silence, but let everyone under the great fear to remain calm is almost impossible, so the battlefield quickly chaos, everyone’s shouting, escape, and the sound of fighting chaos.

And at this time, the Wang family and Hu family’s police force also quietly retreated, they are not the people of the Lu family, naturally there is no need to worry, after all, they can still go back to the place, but they are still Chu Tian’s ruthlessness shocked, but really cut off the head of Lu Jiuling in public, although now is a disaster, is a chaotic world, but no one has really used this way to achieve the effect of shocking the public.

So, the evacuation of the Wang family and Hu family members of the police force also with desperate expressions, he “four five seven” eyes hollow, they suddenly feel that they have messed with the wrong person, the new son-in-law of the Su family, is simply a devil, at this time Chu Tian in the eyes of the members of the police force, is the incarnation of the devil, they even think of Chu Tian’s face will be shivering, the back of the raw race.



A dozen gunshots rang out in the air, each one would cause the collection team and the police team members tremble, everyone even thought it was Chu Tian this big devil shot, in killing the prisoners, they also anxiously touched their bodies after the end of the gunshot to see if there was any blood hole.

War really has a great impact on the human spirit, Chu Tian knows this, the weak people always hope to explain all the injustice and cruelty in the world by their own faith, but when these things really come to them one day, they can no longer bear, in the end, the culprit who started this war has been Chu Tian In the end, the culprit who started this war has been beheaded by Chu Tian, he did not suffer too much pain of defeat, so these pains must be borne by his subordinates.

This may be the real meaning of a death, Chu Tian even some regret, he should let Lu Jiuling desperate a little more, and then cut him, after all, he was decomposed alive by the girls living in the despair, he has not experienced completely, I do not know if he is in heaven, will not feel repentance for his actions before he was born.

At this time Lu Tianshun is kneeling on the ground, desperate head down, just now, the moment Lu Jiuling was beheaded, he seemed to hear the sound of something breaking in his ears, this sound is too ear-piercing, but also now he has no way to bear, he felt like crying, but tears but no way to flow out, he felt that he should also go with Lu Jiuling, but he does not know why, he is completely unable to Make action, he can only maintain this posture, a huge despair spread in his heart, so that he could not breathe, he is now confused and grief, this is the first time he faced such a fiasco.

Before, no matter how the failure, they can still go back to the place, there are shelter their place, but now, after this battle, they even this shelter their place are lost.

“Brother.” Lu Tianfang came over, he wanted to help Lu Tianshun up, although Lu Tianshun and Lu Tianshui grew up bullying him, but Lu Tianfang is not so petty, he knows at this time Lu Tianshun’s mood, he does not know what words can be said.

“Don’t touch me.” Lu Tianshun fiercely glared at him and shook off Lu Tianfang’s hand, it was impossible for him not to have a feeling of resentment towards his brother at this moment, because just now, the adventuring team led by Lu Tianshun immediately turned against him after Lu Tianfang’s appearance and became an enemy of the Lu family, which made Lu Tianshun both jealous and resentful.

Lu Tianfang saw Lu Tianshun’s eyes, but also can only helplessly walk away, he knows, Lu Tianshun’s mood is not a day or two to recover, he is on the side of the Su family, but also defeated the Lu family, so he can understand Lu Tianshun.

“Everyone quiet down!” After the gun went off, the collection team and the guard appeared quiet for a moment, Chu Tian took advantage of this gap to shout, “Today’s failure is Lu Jiuling, the Lu family, not you, you do not cry and cry there! Look at my displeasure but also have to give me patience! Although the Lu family has lost, but the Su family will still accept you, so you can live the same life as before in the Lu family!” Chu Tian said again, he knew that after the defeat of the Lu family members must be in a very bad mood, so he could only slowly infiltrate, with the words over and over again to influence the idea of the Lu family members, so that after they submit to the Su family, will also be easier,

Although Chu Tian have said so, but the members of the Lu family is still inevitably sad, this is certain, they are at this time both worried about their situation after, but also worried about whether they will die now.

“Little dream, you go back to the same time everyone, say that we won! Let Su Yu prepare a celebration feast! This time even if the Su family’s food is consumed, it does not matter! ” Chu Tian smiled to the side of the coconut Mongaard said, he was very happy at this time, even if before again sure, but still this victory to the pain.

Tian Fang “brother, you after the organization on the adventure team brothers, the dead and wounded bodies are thrown outside the wall, or buried outside the wall, can not just buried in the walls, may occur plague. ” Chu Tian jumped off the ice wall, said to Lu Tian Fang, although the battle was won, but there are still a lot of aftermath need to deal with.


At this time, Chu Tian’s back sounded a gunshot, the sound of this gunshot in the silence of the moment extraordinarily heavy, almost overshadowed the voice of everyone on the battlefield to speak.

After the gunshot, Kidola blocked behind Chu Tian, and an empty bullet casing appeared on the ground at her feet.

And in the opposite side of the Kidola, a man shivering with a gun, his eyes flowing two lines of tears, he just made such a thing on impulse, and now he has 19some regrets.

Kidola immediately rushed forward, grabbed the man’s neck, stretching out the other hand, trying to kill him with a slap, the other party tried to sneak attack Chu Tian, which made Kidola very angry!

Wait a minute, “small pull! ” Chu Tian called the Kidola, that bullet even if it hit, will only scratch his skin, will not cause him any substantial damage, his body now has a strong identity.

Kidola was very puzzled, but still withdrew her hand to kill the man, her big eyes flickered to look at Chu Tian, full of doubts.

“Why, master, is he going to hurt you? “Kidola asked, at this time all eyes on the field are watching Chu Tian, they do not know what kind of action this man will do next.

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