235Chapter War Preparation

235Chapter War Preparation

“Good! Sister Wang Ying is indeed a quick-witted person! After that we will discuss the other side Su family and security team method!” Lu Jiuling said with a smile, he had thought that if the two still did not accept this condition, he could add more chips, of course, can not pay more is naturally better.

In fact, according to normal thinking, the Lu family is not necessary to be so afraid of the Su family, even with the addition of the security team, but the two combat power disparity, the Lu family is not necessary so worried, Lu Jiuling can attack with impunity, wait until the time to see the two Wang Hu make a decision.

But I do not know why, Lu Jiuling very worried about this war, he always felt that the Su family’s Chu Tian is very odd, and the girl in red who caught his attack that day, also made him very scrupulous, he clearly heard the other side said a sentence, “to kill him?” Lu Jiu-ling did not know whether this is the other side is not clear about his strength, or the other side simply do not put him in the eye. Anyway, this feeling makes Lu Jiuling very unhappy, so he has to prepare for this war with all his might, can not let the other side grab a little cheap.

“So, what does brother Hu mean?” 080 Lu Jiuling continued to ask, he must bring both families under his formation today.

“Since, wang bod sister have agreed, then I naturally can not do anything out of line, my Hu family also into the gang! “Hu Feng said with a loud roar, and then filled with winks to Wang Xuan, he for Wang Xuan is also a long time in love, his original wife has long since died in the disaster.

“Good, in that case, then the three of us will make an alliance, and after that we will share the blessings and suffer the hardships!” Lu Jiuling said loudly, he smiled, today’s purpose is achieved, he is naturally in a very comfortable mood.

“The two of you do not leave today, in my Lu family to eat some casual dinner, but also as a celebration of today’s alliance!” Lu Jiuling said with a smile, this is the first time today he showed such an obvious smile, can see that he is in a very good mood, the atmosphere between the three is also a lot better.

“Then the two of us will bother!” Wang Xuan said with a smile, her smile at this time is also very bright, for this war after being able to obtain the harvest she is still very satisfied, she is not very clear Chu Tian and Su family strength, but a person is also very difficult to sway (cfbj) war, so Wang Xuan felt that this will certainly be their overwhelming victory, so Wang Xuan felt that they are equivalent to pick up a bargain for nothing, which still makes her very happy The.

“Good! Let’s drink a few glasses of wine today! Celebrate today’s alliance! “Lu Jiuling smiled broadly, immediately led the two to the first floor of the Lu family’s restaurant, the restaurant can not be said to be large, almost twice as large as the Su family, the table has also been set up a lot of dishes, it seems that today the Lu family’s back kitchen is also moving a lot of effort, this table of dishes are rare dishes in the base city, even surprisingly there are fish and crab and other seafood, which is exactly the last collection team Back to bring back, in the Lu family saved to today, but in a few days after the collection team back, will bring back more things.

“Really gripe Lu brother, and we allied, and also we prepared so many things, really sorry.” Wang Xuan said with a smile, her voice also became soft, as if glued to the body of Lu Jiuling and Hu Feng, let people feel like a gentle water surrounded by the same, feeling great.

“It’s okay, from now on we three families will not need to be polite, we are all allies!” Lu Jiuling waved his hand and said, “Then, let’s wish our alliance goes well! “Lu Jiu-ling raised his red wine glass and said with a smile to the two people in front of him.

“Good!” Hu Feng and Wang Xuan also raised their glasses, and the three of them touched their glasses together, emitting a crisp ringing sound that echoed in the large dining room.

And at this time, Su Ren’s office, Chu Tian is also talking to Su Ren about today’s events, the two families are at war, the war seems inevitable, and this time to use a large number of Su family arms, so you still have to talk to Su Ren about this matter.

“That’s it, Su Lao. The Lu family has already been moving, if we do not prepare for the defense, I am afraid that this attack is difficult to resist. ” Chu Tian said, his expression is very calm, looks completely without a sense of crisis.

“Good, then leave it all to you, Chu Tian, I’m old, after this, I’ll leave everything to you, I hope you can grow my Su family, in this end time, so that my Su family can preserve the previous glory. “Su Ren sat behind the desk, said quietly, he also showed a smile, does not look so nervous.

“Don’t worry Su Lao, I will.” Chu Tian said confidently.

“Okay, here you go, let Old Wang take you to get the arms, everything is at your disposal.” Then Su Ren handed Chu Tian a note, that has his signature and orders, this note in the Su family is equivalent to a holy decree!

“Okay, don’t worry Su Lao, I will definitely keep the Su family.” Chu Tian put away his submissiveness and gave Su Ren a firm look, that look looked very serious, making it hard to doubt.

The old man “believe you. “Su Ren said with a smile.

Then Tian left Su Ren’s office and went to the Su family’s arsenal, the Su family’s arsenal is guarded by two security guards, although the defense is not strict, but has a first-class alarm system, there is something Su family and the security team are able to come to the first time to guard the arms, which is also the reason why the Su family’s arsenal has not been stolen.

The security team also had an agreement with the Su family, the Su family will provide arms for the security team, relatively, the security team is also responsible for the protection of the Su family, but also to help the Su family guard the arsenal.

Chu Tian took Su Ren’s note, and Lao Wang came to the armory, Lao Wang took out the door card of the armory, opened the door of the armory, what came into view was the entire warehouse of guns and shells, although there is nothing too high-tech weapons, but already considered very advanced, armed two or three armies should be very easy.

The arsenal is almost as big as the warehouse of the Lu family, although there is no stratification, but the placement of arms is also very careful, very neat, the old king will let people come every day to organize, so the arsenal is also very clean, there is a little bit of smoke smell of arms, but this is also a normal thing.

This is still the first time that Tian entered the arsenal, the last time out of town with the gun is the old Wang hard stuffed to him, so he is still the first time to see such a large number of arms, he was also stunned for a second, into the arsenal, the old Wang is also straightened up, the arsenal is the last glory of the Su family.

“Old Wang, ship out arms that can arm every single person in the security team!”

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