234Chapter Three Alliance

234Chapter Three Alliance

“Because the Su family is likely to get the help of the security team!” Lu Jiuling said coldly, he heard the guards at the door yesterday, there are people from the security team waiting outside the door to pick up Chu Tian and Lu Tian Fang three, and the two girls in Lu Tian Fang’s villa were also secretly picked up, which makes Lu Jiuling even more angry, after Lu Tian Fang rebelled, Lu Jiuling, on the contrary, is still a little happy, because he also knows that there are two beautiful girls in Lu Tian Fang’s villa.

The two girls were originally the target of Lu Jiuling’s anatomy, and if Lu Tianfang rebelled, no one would be able to protect them, and Lu Jiuling could just use them to get by, but when he sent someone to Lu Tianfang’s villa, he found that the villa was empty, although things were left, but people had long since disappeared.

The security team is the strongest fighting force under the divine Eagle, and also the strongest fighting force in the whole base city. The collection team, although it can compete with, but still worse.

“Security team?” Hu Feng exclaimed out, his face is also very ugly. He took a sip of tea, calm down a bit, then slowly said: “God Eagle guy is not always absolutely neutral? How is it possible for the security team to help the Su family? This is not quite in line with the rules, right.”

“Yes, the divine Eagle but has always claimed absolute neutrality, the security team is not his thing, we all family is not out of resources to support the security team?” Wang Xuan complained, she is also very dissatisfied with the security team to help the Su family.

“Recently the divine Eagle and the Su family that Chu Tian is very close, and before Chu Tian broke into my Lu family with the help of the security team, so the divine Eagle may want to use the Su family’s hand to get rid of our Lu family.!” Lu Jiuling said coldly, this is his idea once, he wanted to buy the divine Eagle, and the divine Eagle together to get rid of other families, and compete for the hegemony of the base city, but the divine Eagle did not agree.

“So what does brother Lu mean?” Wang Xuan asked, in fact, what Lu Jiuling means, they all know it by heart, but some words or get on the table to say.

“I call you two to come this time, it is our three families united, get rid of the Su family and security team. Compared to the Liu family will certainly not have anything to say, from now on, the base city is our three families said! “Lu Jiuling said with a smile, in fact, this is only part of the plan, in addition to the security team and the Su family, the base city is naturally his Lu family, the Hu family and the Wang family have no way to resist the Lu family, then the Lu family can blatantly annex the Wang family and the Hu family, the Liu family also has no ability to resist, so the base city after that will only be left with the Lu family.

Wang Ying and Hu Feng two heard the words of Lu Jiuling, are smiling and sip tea, they naturally know what Lu Jiuling means, but also know that if there is no security team, they have no way to resist the Lu family.

As for the small calculations after Lu Jiuling, they naturally understand, but now they have no other choice, the security team plus the Su family’s arms, sure combat power can go up a level, but that can not resist the attack of the three teams of the Lu family.

Wang family and Hu family intelligence ability is also good, they know that the Lu family has recently been recruiting, expand their capabilities, and the collection team will also bring back a large number of weapons and equipment to expand the strength of the Lu family, which is exactly what the Wang camp and Hu Feng scare, if they did not hold a group with the Lu family, then after the Lu family destroyed the Su family and the security team, they will also suffer.

Wang Xuan and Hu Feng at this time gloomy face, Lu Jiuling is already Sima Zhao’s heart – the world knows, but they are not able to stop, and now also face a difficult choice, whether it is the Lu family, or Su family?

The Su family’s Chu Tian they have investigated before, but the information is not so complete, only know that he is a good hand at killing zombies, but those things, to be honest, the heads of families can also do, so they do not care too much, just think that this is a slightly powerful kid.

But Lu Jiuling is different, but Lu Jiuling is the head of the Lu family for many years, it is he seized the opportunity of disaster, the Lu family pushed to the top, his strength base city all the people are clear, so Wang Xuan and Hu Feng at this time is the Su family and the Lu family difficult to swing, they are very distressed.

“Let’s do this, this time just to our family out of breath, after winning the war, the security team and the Su family’s people and resources, the two of you two equally divided, we Lu family share nothing!” Lu Jiuling see the two people in front of him is hesitant, he gritted his teeth, is also a big hand, said boldly.

“How can I say this, according to reason should be the Lu family contributed the most, we just help out.” Hu Feng heard the words of Lu Jiuling, eyes are bright, but he still politely said, this is also the beginning of Hu Feng thought, they help the Lu family this time, is to get some spoils, their two families together are not the Lu family’s combat power rich.

“Yes, our two families also can not help what a big help, all take what …Wang Xuan also echoed, but Lu Jiu Ling know, this is polite polite only.

“No, no, this is what you should take, after all, this is my Lu family and Su family’s private affairs, pulling you to participate is already a lot of trouble for you, so you should also take more things.” Lu Jiuling then said, he knows that to use the power of these two, they must give them to make them heartfelt reward.

Look at the expressions of the two (of the money), Lu Jiu-ling knew that they were moved.

But the Lu family to pay such a price, no matter who will be moved, Lu Jiu Ling said this sentence after some pain, after all, the security team and the Su family’s arms is a very critical resource of the base city, the Lu family if you get these resources, can really be able to dominate the base city.

And at this time, Wang Ying and Hu Feng is really moved, half of the security team and Su family resources, that is enough to let the two forces solidly upgrade a grade, if after getting these resources, the two united again, then the Lu family is estimated that there is no way to annex them!

Two people at this time, the mood is more complex, or the problem of standing in line, this time standing in line to affect everything after, but also the base city power relations of the great reshuffle.

“Brother Lu, happy cooperation!” Wang Bodhi gritted her silver teeth, her expression firm up, she raised her head and said.

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