229Chapter Last Night’s Incident

229Chapter Last Night’s Incident

“Then I’ll respectfully submit.” Lu Tian Fang said, his face is also a smile, he was worried about where to go after leaving the Lu family yesterday, although the base city has a lot of empty houses, but the three of them are not much survival skills, it is difficult to survive alone.

At this time to join the Su family for Lu Tianfang is also a very good choice, one is also the base city of the big family, can let Lu Tianfang like the old life, the second is Chu Tian helped him so much, he also want to help Chu Tian do something after. This third well, is close to Su Yu every day, which makes Lu Tian Fang more happy, see him Lu Tian Fang mood will be better.

“That would be great, today let the back kitchen cook a delicious meal, as a reception for brother Tian Fang, today we have a good drink together!” Chu Tian said with a smile, he knew that this Lu Tianfang very eat this, since childhood there is no one to care for him, so the Su family will give him a little warmth, so that he will follow the Su family with all his heart.

“Then I’ll trouble Chu Tian, but you haven’t finished talking about last night’s events during the day today!” Lu Tian Fang nodded, now he had no choice but to accept Chu Tian’s arrangement, and then find the opportunity to repay Chu Tian’s kindness.

Nothing “trouble, we cleaned up after the cattle housekeeper, Chu Tian polite sentence, and began to tell the story of last night, then the picture again back to last night.

Chu Tian and Liu Menggaard solved the Niu housekeeper, then sent the girl back, the girl cried like a tearful person, it seems to be a shock, so the two also tried to send her back to her home, her family saw her back, is also a good thank you Chu Tian and coconut Menggaard.

After Chu Tian and Coconut Dream Plus once again returned to the Lu family, this is also the habit of the two of them in the past few days, after they patrol the past few days will be watching over the Su family, to see if Lu Tian Fang has no action, so all the actions of Lu Tian Fang is mastered by Chu Tian.

They naturally witnessed all the process of Lu Tian Fang walking into the basement, and also saw the way Lu Tian Fang buried the organ jar and returned to the villa in anger, Chu Tian saw a series of Lu Tian Fang’s actions, and knew that something big would definitely happen tomorrow, so they also felt the next day on time to Lu’s house, watching Lu Tian Fang’s actions, and then secretly came to Lu Tian Fang’s villa.

“Knock, knock, knock – Chu Tian knocked on the door of Lu Tian Fang’s villa.

“Is there something you didn’t bring? Young master, back so soon!” Xiao Ai said and opened the door to the room, this Lu’s home is naturally all Lu’s family, so the two girls will not have any defenses.

Xiao Ai opened the door to the room, outside the door stood Chu Tian and Coconut Dream Plus, this is Xiao Ai has never seen people, plus recently there are always rumors of people breaking into the Lu family, so Xiao Ai will naturally be hostile to the two people outside the door, so the moment you see her two people closed the door a little.

“Who are you?” Ai asked, half-covered.

We” is a friend of Lu Tian Fang, he recently to move out of the Lu family, afraid that you two are in danger, so we sent us to pick you up first, the specific circumstances of our way to say it.” Chu Tian said, can see that he is a little anxious, after all, after picking up the two girls also have to go to save Lu Tianfang this upright fool, looking at Lu Tianfang today this state, eight out of ten is to get things.

“The young master’s friends?” Xiao Ai repeated, from the expression she should be quite shy, “you guys wait a minute ah…

“Snap–” Ai closed the door.

But Coconut Mongaard can still hear the room, and at this point she can give Chu Tian a live broadcast.

The specific is Xiao Ai into the house and Xiao Ting said this thing, the two are torn whether to go with Chu Tian and Coconut Dream Plus, they do not want to believe in strange people, but at this time Lu Tianfang and the relationship between the Lu family is really not particularly good, which they can feel, so the two deliberated for a long time.

“Knock, knock, knock…

Chu Tian knocked on the door again.

“I say two, discuss it well, if you discuss a little longer your young master’s life may not be saved!” Chu Tian said loudly, the tone of voice is also very exaggerated, it sounds like Lu Tian Fang really will soon die.

“Young master what happened to him?” Xiao Ai heard this Chu Tian this word, directly anxious, can not wait to ask a clear now.

It is estimated that “is looking for Lu Jiuling duel to go.” Chu Tian spread his hands, “so you guys hurry up, we have to go save him later.

“Okay, okay, then we go with you, but you are only two people, the young master to bring things how to do? “Xiao Ting came over and said, two people at this time are red in the face, it seems to be really anxious.

“What else do you bring? You can’t even save your life!” Chu Tian spat out a sentence, come on over, just the two of you, with some carry-on clothes can still, heavy can not really bring.

“Good.” So the two immediately went to the room to pack the clothes with them, out of the room fly.

We “how to go ah, it is said that the Lu family’s security is very strict.” Xiao Ting said anxiously, can see her head full of sweat, let people think she is now very nervous.

“Fly away!” Chu Tian said, and then looked at Liu Mengade, the two exchanged glances, and then each extended their wings, and then walked behind the girls, pulling a girl’s shoulders.

“What?” Ai asked in alarm, she was a little confused about the meaning of Chu Tian’s words.

“Gotcha! ” Chu Tian said, and then both he and Ryu Mungad rose into the air, sending the girls screaming beyond the fence of the Lu house, where the security team Chu Tian had borrowed from the figure was waiting.

After sending off the two girls, the two Wang Zhao) once again came to the Lu family, they do not know how many times to come here, so now is considered familiar with the road, it did not take long to come to the villa area where Lu Jiu Ling.

The two saw through the office window, at this time Lu Tianfang and Lu Jiuling is in a tense confrontation, so is also immediately walked to the villa roof, here is the third floor of the villa, coconut dream plus to use their own poison gas, the roof dissolved a circular hole, the two just can pass through there.

Two people came to the third floor, here is the storage room of the Lu family villa, so usually there will be no one, of course, this is also the previous homework, the two of them but the Lu family research thoroughly.

Two people came to the third floor, Chu Tian took out his long-prepared secret props, a microphone, two people to the microphone sound paste to the ground, to ensure that the sound can also be heard downstairs, so there was a scene when the rescue of Lu Tian Fang! ,

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