228Chapter Temporary residence Su family

228Chapter Temporary residence Su family

“So powerful!” Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai sighed while looking at the Balu beast on the bed and Lu Tian Fang, did not expect this little thing to be so powerful.

This time the Balu beast is also retracted her vines, at this time her little face has been full of sweat, can see that the treatment of Lu Tianfang consumed a lot of her energy, she retracted the vines, slowly closed her eyes and lay down, and soon went to sleep.

“Little dream, take her back, let her have a good sleep.” Chu Tian smiled and looked at the little one snoring in front of him, knowing that she must be very tired today, Lu Tianfang picked up Lu Jiuling a, even if it is not dead, should not be far from death, can save back really is the ability of the Balu beast.

“Good.” With a response, Lyumogard took the Balu beast back into the room.

“Then you take good care of brother Tian Fang, he woke up and called us.” Chu Tian said, and Su Yu went out together, Su Ren is now naturally back to his office, he usually like to sit alone in this office when there is nothing to do. Drink tea, read a book, last time Chu Tian out of town also brought him back a lot of books, Su Ren will be fine in the room to 25read books.

And everything in the Su family at this time is Su Yu to take care of, so what needs to be done to find Su Yu on the line.

Su Yu and Chu Tian went out, Su Mei also came to the door, she is sleepy-eyed, a look at it is just woke up, this Su Mei Miss home after keeping a day than a day later than the wake up time.

But Su Mei has not been concerned about the Su family, in her words, she is not the material of the housekeeper, so she will be honored to the Su family to Chu Tian and Su Yu, these are her two most trusted people.

“What’s going on? I heard that three guests came?” Su Mei asked, she has never cared about these things, so just casually asked.

“Hey, hey, a great general has been recruited from the Lu family!” Chu Tian said with a smile, was able to make Lu Tianfang come to the Su family, he was also in a good mood today.

“The Lu family? Their family can be trusted? “Su Mei heard the Lu family immediately frowned, since the last time I heard about the crimes of Lu Jiuling, Su Mei on the Lu family is completely no good impression to talk about, in her eyes everything is evil in the Lu family.

Of course, “Trust me, this is a silly boy!” Chu Tian smiled badly, from the beginning when he first met Lu Tian Fang, all of Lu Tian Fang’s behavior did not escape Chu Tian’s control and expectations, this person’s behavior in Chu Tian’s eyes some simple, Chu Tian even doubted whether he is a young master of a large family.

“That’s right, Lu Tian Fang in the base city is famous for its integrity, but really did not expect that he is so upright people will be in the Lu family. “Su Yu said, her impression of the Lu family is not very good, and even the impression of Lu Tianfang has had a slight impact. But before Lu Tianfang every adventure back, will bring her a lot of rare things, this is also Su Yu to Lu Tianfang very good feeling reason.

“That’s good….. then I’m going to eat breakfast ha! “Su Mei whispered a sentence, and turned around and walked towards the restaurant. This is noon, she just eat breakfast…

“Yes, Sister Su Yu, tonight the back kitchen to make some delicious, to Lu Tian Fang to receive the wind, let him see the benefits of our Su family.” Chu Tian said, this Lu Tianfang he has to be well in the bag.

“Okay, but this young master Lu has been in our house after? “Su Yu smiled and asked.

“Not necessarily, but he also has no other place to go, after our Su family will certainly also have to establish their own adventure team, so Lu Tian Fang is the best candidate to lead the team, perhaps after the Lu family’s security team will also be absorbed by him!” Chu Tian stroked his chin and said, after last night’s observation, he also knew the status of this Lu Tian Fang in the heart of the Lu family’s adventure team, otherwise the adventure team member would not risk so much to help Lu Tian Fang break into Lu Jiuling’s villa.

Very good “ah, then do you want me to find someone to clean up the villa next to it? In the future, more and more people, the Su family villa is certainly not enough to live.” Su Yu said, she is the most understanding of the situation of the Su family, the villa is the largest villa around, plus Lu Tian Fang after some tight.

“Can ah! We also build a fence next to our villa area, just like the Lu family, Lu Tianfang and the three of them let them move out, after all, not our family, they used to live in their own villa, in the Su family also let them live on their own.” Chu Tian said.

“Okay, then I’ll have someone pack up the villa around the week tomorrow. “Su Yu said, then went to the kitchen back kitchen to let the preparation of tonight’s dinner.

Originally, many of the villas around the Su family, but due to the post-apocalyptic, the Su family’s lack of population, so those villas are also no one to live, slowly lock up deserted, since the expansion of the Su family’s power, then the best place to live more up.

After Chu Tian went back to his room to lie down for a while, he was up all night last night, naturally resting for a while is good.

After lying down for a short time, Xiao Ting came to tell Chu Tian that Lu Tian Fang had woken up, so Chu Tian immediately went to Lu Tian Fang’s room.

“How is it Tian Fang brother?” Chu Tian asked, looking at the face at this time Lu Tian Fang recovered well.

“It’s fine, thanks to Chu Tian, thanks to your care.” Lu Tian 067Fang said, his voice is still a little weak, but not as small as just now, sounded like the medium has recovered a lot.

“It’s all right, it’s my fault that Brother Tian Fang is in this state, I was the one who told you about your father. ” Chu Tian said.

“How can I blame Brother Chu Tian for this? It’s me who doesn’t have the ability to read people! Cough, cough,” Lu Tian Fang was a little emotional, coughing, and his face was red.

“Don’t get excited, if there is no place to go after brother Tian Fang, then why not stay in the Su family, although our Su family is not as illustrious as the Lu family, but also allows brother Tian Fang to recover well, just a few days is my wedding with Su Mei, brother Tian Fang can also be a best man or something. ” Chu Tian said with a smile, this set of words he has long been prepared.

“Would it be too intrusive?” Lu Tian Fang asked, Chu Tian was able to see the look in his eyes that his heart had moved.

“Of course not, today, we will let brother Tian Fang and the two girls stay here first, tomorrow we will send someone to clean up the villa next to it, according to the arrangements of brother Tian Fang to set up, if you need to ask us for it. ” Chu Tian is still full of smiles, he knows that Lu Tian Fang at this time will certainly agree with his words.

“Then I’ll be respectful.” Lu Tian Fang said with a smile.

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