19Chapter: The special buggy! (More 1begging for everything!)

Once outside, a strong, unpleasant smell filled Chu Tian’s nostrils.

This smell, is the smell of blood mixed with the smell of rotten, people can not help but want to vomit, but Chu Tian has long been used to.

Kidola was also used to it and just called out softly in a bored voice: “Kido-”






With the urban heat island effect, Chu Tian lived in this kind of urban fringe, theoretically, zombies will be less and less, a large number of zombies, will be gathered towards the center of the city.

Among the zombies left behind, there are still a large part of them are in the house, they will not attract attention as long as they do not make too much noise.

After leaving the confines of his home for some time, finally, Chu Tian encountered the first walkers.

It was three walkers, a man and a woman, and a baby walker stumbling on the ground, but the skin on the face, too, was almost rotted out.

The three zombies in the male line zombie, it seems or Chu Tian this around a very famous young entrepreneur, young, the company’s annual profits on million.

Unfortunately, when they encountered the calamity, the family did not react and all three became zombies.

Seeing Chu Tian, the three zombies directly burst out with extreme speed and lunged towards Chu Tian.

Even the baby walker stumbled to his feet and trotted towards Chu Tian.

But unfortunately, the three zombies that

None of them have come close to Chu Tian.


Kidola chirped, dragon wings incited, directly towards the three zombies rushed over.

A face to face, three zombies instantly a life.

Then Kidola was beautifully prepared for a full meal.

“Wait a minute!”

Chu Tian stopped Kidola and continued to walk in the direction of the knife store.

Now the primary goal, or knife store, looking for a good weapon, as for the corpses of these zombies, a little later to solve the words, indeed very troublesome……

Moreover, in case there are crystal cores, wouldn’t you lose a lot of money.

Chu Tian opened his backpack straight away, and there were two empty compartments.

The corpse of the zombie was stuffed directly into it.

zombie x3

Takes up a grid.

The zombie corpses on the ground instantly disappeared.

A long way, also encountered several batches of zombies, but each batch, at most, only three or four, Chu Tian himself do not need to make a move, Kidola will be able to easily solve them.



Suddenly, a silver and white SUV, whizzed past Chu Tian’s front.

“Haha, luckily Laozi has money! To prevent kidnapping, the buggies they bought were specially made to resist rifle fire! I never thought it would work so well now!”

A man in a bodysuit poked his head out from the rear of the SUV, smoked a cigarette in style, and after seeing Chu Tian, he couldn’t help but laugh: “Haha, here’s a poor bastard who’s lucky to be alive! Hey, poor bastard, want to get in the car? But I don’t want to drive you ……”

“That’s enough of you!”

In the driver’s seat, a middle-aged man in a suit said angrily, “So loud, are you trying to lure the zombies over?”

“How dare you scold me?”

The young man in the guard coat was furious: “Usually in a good mood, I call you Uncle Yi, but you should know that you are a fucking dog raised by our family! This is Laozi’s car!”

The middle-aged man called Uncle Yi froze, and then sneered: “Then you know, that is the usual, now is the end times, not for the sake of your father, now throw you down!”

The guard-clad man’s aura suddenly shriveled up.


Looking at the distant back of the SUV, Chu Tian revealed a smile.

I was worried about how to get this SUV, but I didn’t expect someone to send a pillow in sleep.

Sure enough, just a few moments later.




Nearly all the walkers around were attracted by the roar of the young man in the guard coat just now, and the roar of the SUV.

There were even some zombies hidden in high buildings, directly broke through the glass, jumped down from the building, although one leg was broken, but still limped towards the SUV.

“No good!”

Uncle Yi in the driver’s seat, a tight heart, some hands and feet up.

Next moment.

At least two dozen zombies, blocking the front of the SUV, almost forming a small wave of corpses, and the number is still growing.

“……Uncle Yi Yi, what to do ah, many zombies ……”

The young man in the guard coat shrunk in a corner of the buggy, shivering, all without the just that spirited.

“Damn, it’s all your fault this waste, now still have the good sense to compare than ……regardless, can only so try!”

Uncle Yi exhaled fiercely, and then slammed on the gas pedal, this special off-road vehicle, tires rolling up like crazy.

In an instant, several zombies, directly by the SUV crushed into rotten meat, blood flowing.

However, the

The number of zombies, is too much, the bodies piled high, even this special buggy, can not move.

“It’s over!”

Uncle Yi’s heart was cold.


PS: Sorry for being late to the party, the first shift is on, for flowers, for evaluation, for monthly votes, for reward!

PS: I saw some book lovers say that I am the main update another book, which caused the slow update of this book ……but in fact, the author now, really the main update this book ah! *

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