18Chapter: post! (4More, good luck with the Dragon Boat Festival and the entrance exams)

Ridiculous human woman, this man, but my master, enchanted by me, is also you can fight?

But it seems pretty good that it lasted so long and only slept through.


Chu Tian did not know what was on the shoulders of Kidola’s thoughts, but went straight to the side and turned on the computer in the living room directly.

Soon, the familiar sound of the power on sounded.

Chu Tian tried to open his browser and was relieved to find that he could still connect to the Internet.

But on second thought, the current Internet business, are set up after the system, let it run since, as long as the host is not destroyed, the basic Internet, or able to run.

The end of the world has only come one day now, it is normal to be able to connect to the Internet.

Before Chu Tian could type, a post instantly caught Chu Tian’s attention.

Click in and a column of posts instantly refreshes.

“Everyone on the internet, this is Jack Horse! Now trapped in the office can not get out, outside a large wave of zombies, who can come to rescue me, I promise to empty your shopping cart!”

“Guys, you have to believe that someone will come to save us!”

“Mom yeah, the end times really came, I witnessed my sister bit my mother, luckily Laozi smart, directly hiding in the closet, now my sister and my mother in the bedroom looking for me everywhere, how to do, help!”

This post was updated half a minute later: “My grass, I’m cool, found by my mom and my sister.”


Most of these posts, within a few hours of the start of the mutation.

The latest post, which was made last night.

Under the large title, there are just three paragraphs.

Wait to die, there is no help, the zombies will take over the earth!

I found out, almost 80% or more of the people around, have become zombies, with these odds, there can’t be a rescue organization!

Also, I would like to advise all female celebrities that you should be careful not only of the zombies but also of the male survivors, who definitely want to get you.


Chu Tian scoffed at the first one, but was deeply impressed by the latter.

There are rescue organizations, such as the mysterious base city, except that most of the people outside, are not eligible to be rescued, watching these people being eaten by the zombies, the base city, and will not lend a helping hand.

For example, the former self……

However, in this post-apocalyptic world, this is a very normal choice. If it was Chu Tian himself, he wouldn’t be so kind as to save someone unless that person was useful to him or her and could make sure that, even if the other person betrayed him or her, it wouldn’t have much effect.

With a sigh, Chu Tian exited the forum and searched again on his browser.

Soon, Chu Tian searched for the target.

Taiko Iron Works!

Address: 36No. Chunjiang Road.


For this ironworks, Chu Tian, before the end of the world, does not have much impression.

However, from the information coming from the search

That iron-making factory, the distance from their own home, about four or five kilometers.

Located at the edge of the city, there should not be many walkers in the past now.

Moreover, there should be a large amount of steel stored inside.

It’s almost like it was made for Kidola.


Now it’s already afternoon, rush over and back again, will certainly encounter some unpredictable dangers, night, it is the time for those mutated creatures that are more terrifying than ordinary zombies, to act.

After transcribing the address, Chu Tian pondered it.

Today, during the day, there are still several hours left, so we can’t waste them.

Another search for a nearby knife store.

In this era, there are very few people who use this kind of cold weapon and buy it for collection, but Chu Tian is located in a city that is known as a big city for forging knives.

Fengquan treasure knife, world famous.

Chu Tian did find a few knife stores, and none of them were too far away from here.

Chu Tian secretly jotted down the address, directly put Kidola on his shoulders, took a deep breath, directly opened the door of the room, after tightly locked, and went out.

The kitchen knife has been rolled blade, necessarily no way to use.

So it is very necessary to find a favorable weapon.

And hot weapons…… are simply impossible to find here. Even pistols are not something that ordinary people can own.

And even if you find it, bullets are a big problem, not yet as good as cold weapons to use.


PS: This chapter is yesterday’s fourth chapter, Fei Lu collapsed last night, can only be sent this morning.

The book is set, there is no police station, so do not ask why not go to the police station to find. The setting is such that there is no police station!

Before the end of the world there is no, does not matter, the author also did not think. The important thing is that after the end of the world, there is no police station!

Don’t ask the author why, the setting!!!

And, I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

Friends of the college entrance exams, I wish you a bright future, all of you get into the university of your choice, do not leave regrets like the author. *

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