Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 939: Sounds really intriguing.

The same thing, viewed from different angles, sees different results.

Lin Mo understood this truth a long time ago.

So he doesn't mind listening to No. 1 talk about the past.

Use the opponent's point of view.

"Actually, I am very much like you. From a certain point of view, I am you. If the original accident hadn't happened, I would have become you." No. 1 said this sentence with a sense of persistence read.

This Lin Mo also understands.

Number 1 was created to be who he is.

Lin Mo can think of what my brother thought at that time.

At that time, I was dead, but it is said that people cannot be resurrected from the dead, and my brother has no choice.

All he could think of was to use a dummy.

After the dummy is completely imitated, not only is the habitual appearance identical to the imitated person, but after inheriting all the memory of the imitated person, it can be said that they are no different from the imitated person.

If these dummies were erased from the memory of being dummies, they would actually be exactly the same as the imitators, even if they themselves had no idea they were fakes.

The imitated person is completely unaware that he himself has ever died. For him, the eyes are closed and a new day begins, as in the past, there is no difference.

This is actually what my brother wanted.

In this way to resurrect the younger brother.

It was the best way he could think of.

Of course, there are several types of dummies, so he needs to choose and see which one is more suitable.

No. 1 is actually one of his favorites.

"Really, at that time your brother was most inclined to be me. If you hadn't brought it back to life, I would have become you."

No. 1 spoke with a strong sense of unwillingness.

But this just shows that what he said should be true.

So for so many years, he will still stare at Lin Mo, and will set the biggest goal to replace Lin Mo and become Lin Mo.

This is his long-cherished wish.

Lin Mo asked him to talk in detail.

No. 1 has now accepted his fate. He is very clear that he has no chance. Now that he can save his life, it is already thankful that he can't count on anything else, and he has no ability to count on it.

No. 1 in the doll state fell into memory and began to tell.

"The day was when I was going to be you, I remember very clearly..."

Inside a ghost town.

Several people who looked like they were carved out of a mold were waiting quietly in a courtyard.

The yard is old, the surroundings are dim, and the candles in the house are dancing.

In the house, a figure was walking back and forth, and in the yard, several people who looked exactly the same stood quietly.

Number 1 is one of them.

The yard is full of dummies.

They both know each other that there will be one who will eventually be selected, become that person's younger brother, inherit everything from the other party, including memories, and then will be cut off from other memories and become the other party completely.

It's something a few dummies dream of.

They all want to be selected.

To be that person's younger brother is a very honorable thing in itself.

The ghost town was full of gloom, and there were ghosts passing by from time to time outside the yard, but none of them dared to stay at the gate of the yard.

"It's almost time."

The people in the room stopped at this time, pushed open the door and said.

Several dummies in the yard were all excited.

Everyone thinks they have a chance.

As long as you are selected, from then on, you can truly be a person.

The person standing at the door is Lin Yuan.

At this moment, his hands are behind his back, and his appearance is the same as the dummies in the yard, but the momentum is stronger, the difference between heaven and earth.

Seeing him looking around, he finally said, "No. 1, come on."

No. 1 was so excited that the other dummies turned ashen.

For a moment, heaven and hell.

Those dummies who lost the election were naturally disappointed, but they didn't dare to say anything more, because they were very clear about Lin Yuan's methods, and honestly accepting fate was the best choice.

If you don't know how to resist, it will definitely not end well.

But just when No. 1 was excited to walk into the house, the most terrifying and weird thing happened.

No. 1 found a figure standing behind Lin Yuan.

It thought it was wrong at first, but the next moment, Lin Yuan groaned, he turned back suddenly, and looked at his back, with a dagger stuck in it.

There was a ghastly figure standing in the room.

Obviously he stabbed Lin Yuan with a knife.

"Who is standing in the room?" Lin Mo asked at this time. In fact, he had already guessed, but he still wanted to ask.

No. 1 glanced at Lin Mo at this time.

When he first told this story, he once took a look at Lin Mo. At that time, he had a little desire for Lin Mo, because his greatest wish was to become this man.

But this time he looked again, and there was fear in his eyes.

It was the kind of fear that was etched in the depths of my memory.

"It's you standing in the room," No. 1 said.

Lin Mo guessed it.

He asked No. 1 to talk about it carefully.

Not to mention, Lin Mo actually got goosebumps when he heard this.

Mainly because he didn't remember it at all.

"We were all stunned at the time, and your brother was stunned too. He just looked at you like that, and then you rushed out and knocked me away. At that time, it was like a cow bumped into me."

"I was knocked out four or five meters away, fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. When I got up to check the situation, I found that you had killed all the other dummies, and your brother was also injured, but he seemed to convince him. You two were talking, but I didn't understand what you were saying."

At this time, Lin Mo asked the other party to stop first.

"What is it that you don't understand, did you not hear it?" Lin Mo corrected.

No. 1 wants to say, confirm it, heard it, but didn't understand it.

"You two seem to speak some kind of dialect. Anyway, the tone is very strange. I don't know what you are talking about. In the end, you walked back to the house and didn't come out again. Your brother came out later and told me that I was no longer needed."

After that, Lin Mo didn't want to hear about how to settle No. 1. He didn't expect this very crucial part to be so short.

"that's it?"

"Yes, that's all. Later, I knew you were resurrected, but your brother must know what happened that day, but he didn't tell me."

Lin Mo stared at No. 1 carefully.

See if the other party is deliberately hiding something.

No. 1 is very calm, saying that every word of this matter is true and there is no concealment.

Lin Mo was lost in thought.

This thing is indeed quite strange. My brother was obviously helpless at the time. The reason why he was inside the copper door was to arrange for a dummy to replace him.

But his plans were interrupted by an accident.

He actually resurrected himself.

He was as mad as a cold-blooded killer, not only killed a lot of dummies, but also seriously injured his brother.

What happened, Lin Mo didn't remember at all anyway.

Could it be that this memory was also cut out and hidden somewhere else?

Or, the resurrected person may not be himself, but someone else.

Anyway, there is something weird about this.

It's better to say other things, Lin Mo was thinking, that "someone else", wouldn't it still be in his body?

When I think about this, I feel uncomfortable.

Also normal.

Anyone else would not feel comfortable knowing that there is another 'person' hidden in the body.

Lin Mo decided to ask Xiaoyu to see if she could sense it.

Immediately took out a pen and paper, wrote on it, and asked Xiaoyu if there was anyone else in her body.

At the same time, he said to No. 1: "Tell me about my brother, you don't know him very well, tell me about his situation."

No. 1 nodded.

"Your brother is a very special person. He hardly speaks any nonsense or shows any emotions. Even if he was stabbed from behind by you that day, looking at his expression, it seems that the one who was hit by the knife is Others have nothing to do with him."

"However, he cares about you very much. For you, he seems to have clashed with some ghost towns. I don't know the specifics. By the way, your brother is very powerful. He is outrageously strong. I have a feeling that he It seems that as long as you look at me, you will know what I think, and I feel that any secrets cannot be hidden in front of him."

Highly rated.

But there is no comparison in this kind of evaluation, so Lin Mo asked No. 1, you have seen my ability and know me very well. Similarly, you also know my brother. Then, compared with my brother, who is stronger and who is weaker?

No. 1 thought about this very He said that your brother would never rely on the power of other nightmares, but rely on his own strength. Definitely not an opponent.

"If you use the power of those nightmares, it's hard to say. It seems that you are stronger, but let me say that your brother must win in the end."

Lin Mo told the other party that you were blind worship without reason.

At this time, Xiaoyu also saw the problem in the book. She stretched out her hand from Lin Mo's sleeve, grabbed Lin Mo's hand, and wrote a few words on it.

"Yes, and many!"

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!


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