Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 938: Secrets of the year

No. 1's words made Lin Mo stunned.

He felt a door.

"Don't kill me, I'll tell you what happened to your brother, you must really want to know, right?"

1 to continue to add code.

As a result, Lin Mo outside started to turn his pockets, and he didn't know what he was looking for.

This made No. 1 a little flustered.

His instinct was not good.

Before that, he secretly conducted an extremely detailed investigation on Lin Mo, and spent a lot of time and energy on it. Originally, this time he was sure of everything, but as Lin Mo said, he was unlucky.

No wonder others.

It can be said that No. 1 now knows more about Lin Mo than anyone else. Except for Lin Mo himself, No. 1 may know him the most.

This is very helpless. The one who knows oneself best is not a confidant, but an enemy.

It was because of knowing Lin Mo that No. 1 panicked at this time.

He suddenly realized that he had made a mistake.

He was actually threatening Lin Mo.

What the other party hates the most is being coerced, and when No. 1 thinks about it, the other party has a small mind and will never take revenge overnight.

Also, this guy's hands are black, and he's very ruthless.

Seeing that Lin Mo was focused on finding things and didn't speak, No. 1 panicked.

"You, what are you looking for, we have something to say, don't be confused."

Lin Mo ignored No. 1 and continued to look for it.

When No. 1 saw this, his heart became more and more uncertain.

Finally, Lin Mo found it.

He found a unique doll from his arms.

Like a dark version of Barbie.

"Sister Yue, please take action."

Lin Mo said a word, and a cloud of black mist immediately poured out of the doll in his hand, and the black mist quickly spread around.

In fact, the moment he saw this doll, No. 1 shivered.

He investigated Lin Mo.

Naturally know some of Lin Mo's methods.

He knew this doll.

This is an extremely powerful nightmare that Lin Mo has mastered. Sister Yue, has the ability to make any target into a doll, but after being made into a doll, it will lose all power and be kneaded by anyone.

No. 1 knew what Lin Mo was going to do.

"No, don't come here, don't come here."

He was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, his whole body exploded, screaming frantically, trying to avoid and escape.

But he couldn't escape from this cage.

The black mist spread extremely fast and had penetrated into the cage.

No. 1 yelled and took out a nightmare item, a flashlight with blood on it.

He illuminated the black mist with a flashlight.

Not to mention, it was useful at first.

The blood-colored light emitted from the flashlight can actually disperse the black fog.

But obviously, Sister Yue has improved by more than a little or two after experiencing the sacrifice ceremony of the gods. Similar methods may have worked for her in the past, but now, it can only make her more excited.

The black fog condensed and engulfed the entire cage in an instant.

I heard the number 1 inside make a few shrill screams, and then there was no sound.

Slowly, a tall figure emerged from the black fog.

Carrying darkness, this figure walked in front of Lin Mo, reaching out and handing Lin Mo a freshly baked doll.

This doll is quite miserable, its hands and feet are folded in reverse, and some hair is still wrapped around it, like a rope that binds people.

It's Sister Yue's hair.

This is for the sake of safety, not only turning the other party into a doll, but also tying the other party's hair a few times, which can be regarded as completely sealing the other party's ability.

No matter who it is, even if it is a god, in this case, it can only be slaughtered by others, and there is no resistance at all.

"Thank you, Sister Yue!"

Lin Mo said something.

"Small thing!" After Sister Yue finished speaking, she turned into a doll again, climbed down Lin Mo's trouser legs to his pocket, and then got into it.

She seemed to like Lin Mo's pocket and made it her home.

Lin Mo has long been accustomed to this scene.

But it was the first time that others saw Lin Nan, as well as other experts and action team members of the General Administration, and they were all terrified.

When Sister Yue came out, they were all covered up.

The power emanating from that top-level nightmare is like the feeling of a sheep encountering a tiger.

The whole body is stiff, except for fear, it is fear.

There are only a handful of people on the scene who can stabilize their mentality in front of Sister Yue.

Lin Mo did not interrogate No. 1 for the first time.

He knows that the other party is not an ordinary person, and his willpower must be very tenacious, so asking now is a waste of time.

The other party said that he knew his brother's whereabouts.

This Lin Mo won't believe it when his head is hot.

In Lin Mo's view, No. 1 is likely to deceive himself, throw out a bait that attracts him the most, and then take the opportunity to get out of trouble.

Although he knew that the other party was unlikely to know the whereabouts of his brother, for the sake of safety, Lin Mo did not immediately kill No. 1.

Of course, this may also be the purpose of No. 1.

Throwing a bait is not about running away, because running away is unrealistic in this case.

The other party has only one purpose.

That is to save life first.

If you look at this standard, No. 1 succeeded.

Lin Mo really won't kill him at this time. Even if there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance of No. 1 knowing the whereabouts of his brother, Lin Mo doesn't want to lose this clue.

In the short term, No. 1's survival plan was successful.

Because he saved his life.

But in the long run, this may not be a good thing.

Lin Mo will let him know what it means to die early and be born early. Sometimes living is a hundred times more painful than dying.

At this moment, Lin Mo grabbed the doll, found the cardboard box, and handed the No. 1 doll to Doudou inside.

"Have fun, remember, don't let him escape, by the way, sew this guy's mouth with a needle, I'm afraid he will teach bad children."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he asked Doudou to do the same.

The sewing of the mouth was done by Doudou himself.

Children are not very good at sewing, so they make a mess. Originally, it could be done with a few stitches, but the little guy made dozens of stitches.

It should be painful.

Lin Mo closed the lid of the carton and began to do the aftermath.

After all, many colleagues helped him a lot this time, and he also had to report to the 'commander' of the General Administration.

After this set of things was done, more than half a day passed.

Finally, I can go back to the ward with Xiao 6 to rest.

They were both still patients.

But in the past two days, so many things have made them forget that they still need to rest.

So Lin Mo instructed him to ignore the rest of the matter and take good care of his illness.

At least one week.

Lin Mo did what he said.

For the next week, Lin Mozhen just stayed in the ward honestly, either watching movies or playing games with Xiao 6.

It's a relaxed and comfortable life.

It even brought him back the feeling of some carefree days from the past.

In the past, he had time to watch some dramas that he didn't have time to play, and he also started playing some games that he didn't have time to clear.

After a week like this, Lin Mo's injury has mostly healed.

Xiao 6's genes have been edited, and his physique belongs to the human ceiling, so his recovery ability is stronger than that of Lin Mo. Two days ago, this guy was able to go to the ground and even jump.

Simply live animals.

Lin Mo said once, Xiao 6 asked what a live animal was.

Lin Mo lied to her, saying that it was to praise your health.

"Generally, if you praise a person's good health, they say that he is a live animal."

Xiao 6 wrote it down, and then said that Lin Mo, you are also a live animal, because it is only a little slower than her recovery speed.

"I don't count, I'm still a long way from a live animal." Lin Mo modestly said no, you are a live animal, a real live animal.

Lin Mo regretted teaching her this.

Even Lin Mo suspected that little 6 was out of ten because he saw that he was playing tricks on her, so he came up with a plan.


Xiao 6 has a very high IQ, and sometimes, he is completely confused.

Later, Lin Mo confirmed this from some clues.

For example, when playing a game, when playing a very powerful boss, Xiao 6 said that the other party is really a live animal.

Obviously, this is not complimenting the other party's good health.

Hey, I'm tired.

A 2-year-old child can count like this, and it will be fine in a few years.

Two days later, Lin Mo and Xiao 6 were discharged from the hospital together.

When he was discharged from the hospital, Lin Mo made a special trip to thank the medical staff who took care of them these days.

Anyway, Lin Mo felt pretty good.

Nurse Zhou Xiaofei has recovered a lot after going through the previous events. Lin Mo also went to see her specifically, and said that if there is any difficulty in the future, if you need help, you can come to him.

In any case, Zhou Xiaofei's mother's death has something to do with herself. If you can help a little in the future, just help a little.

In the past few days, Lin Mo has also recharged his energy, and at the same time carefully sorted out everything about No. 1 in the past, including the game set by the other party this time.

No matter from any angle, the opponent's game this time is very powerful.

If there were no seeds of the human head tree, Lin Mo knew that he would definitely be cold this time.

For this, Lin Mo quite admires No. 1.

Admire the other party's calculations, admire the other party's calmness, and admire the other party's methods.

Just how did the bomb in Xu Fuhai's spiritual realm come out. Although Lin Mo knew that it was probably far away, he wanted to recreate it one by one. He asked himself that he couldn't do it.

No. 1 is definitely a talent.

Also a dangerous person.

can threaten their own safety.

So number 1 must die.

Lin Mo can feel at ease when No. 1 is dead.

But before that, you have to pry out the brother's information from the other party's mouth.

No matter what method is used.

"Where are we going?" Little 6 looked at the Qianlong Safety Zone excitedly at the moment, she had never seen such a big city before.

Lin Mo thought about it.

After training for a week, I feel that the time is almost up, but to interrogate No. 1, I have to do some preparations.

This guy No. 1 is not an ordinary person, and he cannot be regarded as an ordinary opponent.

And let Doudou play with each other for a week, I feel that it is not enough to destroy each other's willpower.

Still need some heat.

Now, the heat is not enough.

"Little 6, you and I will visit some experts."

"What expert?"

"Experts in interrogation, forced confessions, and psychology."

There are not many people in this area, but there are.

Through some connections, Lin Mo found some experts in this area, who are real masters, especially in torturing people, destroying the opponent's willpower and interrogation, they are all talents.

Lin Mo can do things that are tormenting people, but how can it be just right? It is a knowledge to find out key clues through this question.

Lin Mo is also very concerned about this matter, so he will humbly ask for advice.

For this, Lin Mo spent another three days, visiting mostly experts, and learned a lot of advanced experience in this area.

Xiao 6 was also pulled by Lin Mo to learn together.

Mainly in terms of learning ability, Xiao 6 has the potential of superhuman level, so in the final application, Lin Mo has to rely on her.

Come to think of it, it's been ten days.

Lin Mo felt that the heat was almost over.

At night, Lin Mo and Xiao 6 fell into a dream and took Doudou out of the cardboard box.

"Brother Dou, are you having fun?"

Little 6 called out.

Doudou was obviously very useful and said it was fun. He played a lot of tricks with the doll that he had given him before.

Lin Mo was curious and asked Xiao 6 why you called him Dou Ge.

Only then did I know that Xiao 6 and Doudou had compared before, who was younger.

"I think you are idle."

Lin Mo took the No. 1 doll and looked at it. It was really miserable. Not only was there a lot of scratches on his body, but he also lost a leg.

"What about the legs?"

Lin Mo asked Doudou.

"I don't know where I lost it."


One less leg is one less leg, just right, the other party can't run even if he wants to run.

The doll No. 1 was motionless at the moment. From the face of the little doll, Lin Mo could see a kind of meaning that life was worse than death.

The sewn mouth was cut open with scissors, and the doll cried out in pain.

"Lin Mo, you have the guts to kill me. You want to know your brother's whereabouts. There is no door. Dream."

Still so tough.

Or rather, just pretending.

Because those experts who extorted confessions by torture have said that, under normal circumstances, the other party's toughness is only made by the outside force and the middle, just to protect themselves.

To put it bluntly, it is bluffing.

There is an expert in this area and Lin Mo said.

Interrogation, this matter is actually a showdown for both parties.

It is a showdown of means, a showdown of willpower, and a showdown of ingenuity.

Just like playing chess.

If you want to win, the first point is not to be seen by the enemy.

Because once the bottom line is seen by the other party and the depth is explored, it is easy to be pinched by the other party.

In the past few days, Lin Mo has not been idle. He has really learned a lot. Various cases and various possible situations have been deduced for Lin Mo, and every possibility has been carefully carried out. analyze.

Just like now, the other party is hoarse, and it is strong outside and in the middle.

How to deal with it, Lin Mo already has a spectrum in his heart.

That is to make the other person scream.

Let's hold on.

Don't say a word, and don't give you a response, but you must continue to increase the amount of torture, so that the other party can't figure out your details and thoughts, and if you continue to suffer, you will definitely reveal flaws.

Lin Mo didn't say a word at the moment, as if he didn't hear the call of the other party, but he didn't panic, took out the lighter, took out another needle, and burned the needle with fire.

Normal people will not feel anything when they see this scene, but in the eyes of No. 1, it is like a villain who is burning a soldering iron in the interrogation room.

After that, in all likelihood, the other party will find a piece of pig skin to scald, and say in the scorched white smoke: If you don't move, if you don't move, this is the end.

Number 1 panicked.

But he didn't show it.

hold back.

The tip of the needle was burned red, and Lin Mo poked the No. 1 doll without saying a word.

Immediately, there was a screaming scream.

Lin Mo counted, one three, four, five, six, seven.

After poking seven times, he just stared at Doll No. 1 without saying a word, just staring at the other party.

Doll No. 1 wailed, her heart sank.

"Lin Mo, if you kill me, don't ever wonder where your brother is... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, the needle stabbed again.

At the thirty-ninth stab, No. 1 scolded again, but Lin Mo remained silent and continued to stab.

When he finally stabbed more than seventy times, the opponent gave in.

"Stop stabbing, I said, I said everything."

Lin Mo took the needle and asked what he was going to say.

"You have to ask me first."

Upon hearing this, Lin Mo continued to stab without saying a word.

"Going to die, fuck, don't stab, I said, I said..."

No. 1 took a few breaths and looked at him as if he was really going to die.

After finally recovering, he asked Lin Mo how much he knew about the past.

"Didn't you investigate me deeply? How much do you think I know?" Lin Mo asked back.

No. 1 thought for a while: "How I was born, you should know, yes, I am a dummy made by your brother, originally to be you, but later, I was ruthlessly abandoned."

"I know that." Lin Mo wanted to stab.

"Wait a minute, your brother prepared a lot of dummies at the time. I'm only No. 1, and there are No. 2 and No. 3. You know that?"

"You can guess it." Lin Mo shook the needle in his hand.

"Don't, wait a moment, let me think about it, yes, when your brother wanted to resurrect you, he prepared a lot of plans, but they didn't actually work. Do you know why?"

"Fuck, am I interrogating you or are you interrogating me? It's still selling off, do you think I'm chatting with you?" Lin Mo went up and was stabbed three times.

A scream.

This time, No. 1 learned to be good, and he didn't ask questions, and he didn't give a shit.

"Actually, you survived by yourself."

Lin Mo was taken aback?

Didn't understand what the other party meant.

As for his own death, Lin Mo had actually investigated a lot and knew a lot of the inside story and secrets of the year. He already knew the whole incident very well.

He was indeed dead, but he was rescued by my brother using a special method.

And No. 1 is actually a dummy.

Back then, my brother prepared various dummies to imitate himself, and it can be said that they are all candidates.

But in the end, all the candidates including No. 1 were not This Lin Mo probably knows.

I just thought that my brother found another way to resurrect.

But now No. 1 actually said that he was not resurrected, but came alive.

Lin Mo stared at No. 1, considering the authenticity of the other party's words.

After a long time, Lin Mo asked, "You don't even know where my brother is, do you?"

Number 1 shivered.

Obviously Lin Mo said it.

"Yes, I really don't know, but I know a lot of the secrets of the past. I have been with your brother for a long time and know him very well. If you save my life, I will definitely be able to help you."


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