Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 922: 9 Please go to the night god

The old Taoist looked at Lin Mo, whose eyes were gloomy and green, and thought that the third brother had invited some ghosts again this time.

But no matter what was invited, asking God twice in a row was already the limit for beginners.

In fact, it takes several days for beginners to ask God once.

The old Taoist understands this best, and he has the right to speak.

Because he is on this road one step at a time, and he has come down solidly.

When I think of studying art in the mountains back then, it is as if it happened yesterday, vividly in my mind.

"Hey, at that time, I was also in full bloom, young, energetic, and dare to fight!" The old Taoist fell into the memory of the past.

He took a sip of tea.

At this time, whether it is tea or wine, as long as it is mixed with memories, it will become different from usual.

It will become more mellow and more intoxicating.

It was as if everything in the past, rough tea and light meals, was better than the current brocade clothing and jade food.

Is it good?

Not necessarily, it's just a layer of buff called 'Memories' added.

The old priest is ready to go.

He felt that it was the limit that the third brother he recognized could complete the second invitation to the gods, so he would definitely be unable to control the night wandering **** that he invited.

So he had to get out.

But as soon as he put down the teacup and stood up, Lin Mo was already asking: Who are you?

Same as last time.

The old Taoist stopped.

He found that his three younger brothers seemed to be able to control the situation.

"Looks like I underestimated him."

The old Taoist sat down again, and he planned to see how the third brother solved the second night wandering god.

"I'm Liu Rulan!"



"Do you have any skills?"

"The slave family's ability to seduce men is one of the best in the world!"


"Why, you don't believe it?"

"Trust, but that's not what I want, Xiaoyu, please catch this Liu Rulan out for me."

As soon as the words fell, Xiaoyu stretched out his hand from the side and pulled out a red fox with a fluffy tail from Lin Mo's back.

This fox is not big, about the same as a puppy, and it is still struggling. The four little hooves fluttered, green eyes staring at Lin Mo fiercely, grinning, and sweeping their tails.

But obviously, this deterrent is almost zero.

"You're still seducing men? Are you kidding me?" Lin Mo said to the fox and sighed again: "Give it to Doudou too, the little guy has long wanted to keep a pet."

After he finished speaking, Lin Mo said to the old Taoist priest: "Second brother, why do I feel that your quick request for a divine spell is not very reliable, what kind of stuff are you inviting? When you are fighting the enemy for life and death, if you do this, you have no deterrent effect other than the possibility of laughing your opponent to death."

The old Taoist told you that this is normal.

"When I practiced back then, I wasn't as good as you, and you didn't need to catch everyone out. What's the use of getting such a bunch of waste at night, it's not appropriate to eat or drink, it's not suitable, you can just send it back?"

"Can you send it back?" Lin Mo was taken aback.

"Of course, oh right, I only taught you to ask for the magic spell before, but I forgot to teach you to send the magic spell. My fault, my pot, I'll teach you now, it's okay, it's quick, just write it down."

The old Taoist realized that he forgot to teach the magic spell.

Can't really blame him either.

He hardly needs this kind of quick spells. There are many kinds of night wandering gods, and they are uneven. They are not as good as the spells that he orthodoxly practice. Several kinds of divine powers have been fixed, which is the safest and the strongest.

But it takes at least ten years of immersion.

Precisely because it is rarely used, almost never used, so I forgot.

This time, Lin Mo learned the spell of sending the gods, so he asked if he encounters something inappropriate next time, just send him away, right?

"That's normal, but there are some exceptions."

"What exception?"

"For example, the other party doesn't want to leave and wants to do something."

"Wouldn't that just kill it?"

"The problem is, some night wandering gods are very scary. If they don't kill you, it will be a high incense. But third brother, don't be afraid, there is a second brother here. If any night wandering **** is so ignorant of praise, the second brother will send a thunder talisman. It goes west."

"I'm relieved if you have the second brother, then I'll do it again."

"Okay, hey, wait a minute, you..."

The old Taoist didn't react at first, but when he did, Lin Mo had already swallowed the talisman again and started chanting the incantation.

Asking God three times in a row?

Do not die?

The old Taoist remembered very clearly that when he went to the mountains to study art when he was young, the master ordered the incense of the gods at night (that is, the sandalwood that entered the nightmare world in ancient times).

At that time, the master said that it was called going out of the body, and that what entered was another realm of psychic wandering.

In fact, it's a nightmare world.

It was the first time the old Taoist priest cast the divine spell.

Also used the quick method.

Mainly because the master planned to let him use this quick practice first.

At that time, the old Taoist only did it once, and the result was almost a mess. He was almost killed by the invited Yeyoushen.

At that time, he was young, full of energy, young and vigorous, and he refused to admit defeat.

The young old Taoist said that it was just an accident before, and he wanted to do it again.

Master just asks you okay?

The young old Taoist was not convinced and said yes, but for the second time, he collapsed and nearly fainted.

From that time on, the old Taoist knew that the matter of inviting God had extremely high demands on his own 'cultivation'.

Without a certain amount of capital and strength as a foundation, the result of continuously asking God is to deplete the foundation, ranging from serious illness to serious illness.

When I saw Lin Mo ask God for the second time before, the old Taoist felt that the other party was extremely talented, but two consecutive times was the limit.

Unexpectedly, the other party came for the third time immediately after learning the spell to send the gods.

He wanted to stop it right away.

But the next moment, Lin Mo asked God to succeed, and there was a terrifying corpse aura on his body.

That smell is very strong.

Even at the moment, Lin Mo looked like a corpse. His skin was bloodless, showing a grayish-brown color. His skin was dry and his muscles were atrophied. He looked like a skinny skeleton.

But the breath is really strong, and I don't know what kind of night wandering **** is invited this time.

The old Taoist had already taken out the talisman and walked over slowly, waiting for him.

As long as something is wrong, it will be shot immediately.

As for how to find out what's wrong, it's actually easy to judge. It depends on who speaks first. If it is the third brother Lin Mo, it means that the situation is still under the control of the third brother. If it is a night wandering god, it means that the other party has suppressed the third brother.

must start.

This time the old Taoist leaned over, looked up and down, and couldn't help but ask, "Third brother?"

"Second brother, don't talk, I'm discussing with this night wandering god, it's a bit shy and only willing to communicate with me in the spiritual realm."

Lin Mo stretched out his hand to stop the old Taoist from approaching.

The old Taoist was stunned.

He didn't quite understand what the spiritual realm was at first, but after thinking about it, he guessed that it was the Lingtai Fangcunshan that Amen Daomen paid attention to.

Back then, it took him more than 20 years to touch the threshold in this regard.

Third brother will now?

The old Taoist was extremely curious, but when he saw that Lin Mo was fine, he felt relieved and sat down to drink tea again.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Mo suddenly recited the god-sending spell.

The old Taoist thought to himself, is this not negotiable?

After Lin Mo finished reading, the terrifying corpse aura on his body disappeared, and his corpse-like complexion returned to normal.

Then Lin Mo came over and sat next to him, drinking a sip of tea.

"Did you not agree?" the old Taoist asked.

"Hey, don't mention it, the Yeyoushen invited this time is much more powerful than the first two, I'm quite satisfied, but there is a problem, the corpse aura on this guy is too heavy, getting on my body will affect me. Body. Health is the most important thing, so, I rejected it."

Lin Mo said so.

The old Taoist said that the ghoul felt a lot of resentment, so he left so easily, no trouble?

"It wanted to make trouble, so I asked Lao Bai to frighten it and shy."

"Who is Lao Bai?"

"I'm a good friend. In my cozy cabin in the spiritual realm, it's also an introvert, and it doesn't come out even if you call it."

Spiritual realm, but also cozy cottage.

The old Taoist's eyes lit up.

He immediately inquired carefully.

In the end, it was determined that the spiritual realm in Lin Mo's mouth was the development of the "Inner Palace", also known as the "Purple Palace".

In short, this is a high-level ability that requires long-term meditation practice to master.

The old Taoist also opened up a little inner palace when he was in his fifties. His master said that he was extremely talented, more than ten times stronger than Taoist Zhu Yun.

Even if Daoist Zhu Yun stayed here for hundreds of years later, he did not step into this step.

This is what the old Taoist said to Lin Mo himself.

"Third brother, you are a genius in cultivating Taoism. Who was the one who inspired you before?" The old Taoist looked excited.

Lin Mo said that the second brother, you can pull it down, and I have no one to enlighten me.

"They were all forced. At that time, you couldn't live without developing your spiritual power. Of course, if you have to talk about the guides, I think there are some. They are the family members in the cozy cabin. They are really kind to me. ."

Lin Mo said truthfully.

Then Lin Mo said that if he wants to continue, he must invite a relatively reliable Yeyoushen today, otherwise, he will never give up.

This time the old Taoist stopped him.

He told Lin Mo that the summoning spell, even this kind of quick and low-level summoning spell, could not be cast continuously.

"It will be fatal. I have seen a lot of people in the past, just because they didn't pay attention to this, they were all abandoned in the end, and some people disappeared on the spot."

Then asked Lin Mo, are you feeling weak all over, dizzy, and even the temples and Baihui acupoints hurt like acupuncture?

Seeing the anticipation of the old Taoist priest, Lin Mo said no.

I don't feel it at all.

"I'm full of strength now, no dizziness, no brain swelling, and no pain. Second brother, don't worry about it. If I don't feel right, I will stop."

Lin Mo waved his hand and started to ask God directly.

What can the old priest say.

"This is the fourth time, right? Anyway, after this time, it's the limit, and you can't try again."

The old Taoist muttered to himself.

Similarly, he was standing on the side at the moment, always paying attention to Lin Mo's process of asking God, and if something was wrong, he would intervene immediately.

Moreover, the old Taoist felt that this time, Lin Mo could not bear it anymore.

"Young man, if you don't hit your head, you will bleed. You really don't have a memory."

At this moment, Lin Mo's mantra was also finished.

The next moment, Lin Mo had a weird expression and said what was going on.

Then his hand was retracted into the sleeve, and then a small pale hand came out of the sleeve, both hands, then the feet, and finally, the body and head.

After a wave of terrifying black air, Xiao Yu appeared in Lin Mo's clothes.

At this moment, Xiaoyu looked at her hands and said, "Fuck me!

It was Lin Mo's voice.

"Why did I invite Xiaoyu, what's the trouble?"

Lin Mo was stunned.

Please God, I actually invited Xiaoyu to the upper body.

He really didn't expect this.

Although it is normal to open a blind box, this blind box feels a little too unexpected.

The difference is that this time Xiaoyu is on Lin Mo's body, and because the two of them already have a special curse connection with each other, they directly show Xiaoyu's appearance.

But it was Lin Mo who controlled it.

In other words, this is the same as playing with a remote control toy. Not only can you control Xiaoyu's body, but you can also use Xiaoyu's ability.

Until this moment, Lin Mo completely understood the power of Xiaoyu.

very powerful.

Regardless of her thin arms and legs, she can use brute force, which is stronger than her own body.

This is not to mention, Lin Mo feels that he can directly control the cursed chain, and can even smell some traveling nightmares in the air.

By the way, when thinking about some problems, vaguely, you can see some vague words.

Those words indicate some past and future trends in this matter.

Lin Mo knew that this was Xiaoyu Bixian's predictive ability.

It turned out that Xiaoyu also relied on reading these mysterious words to know, but the words of some things were too vague to see clearly, so he didn't know the specific situation at all.

But overall, asking God this time was a very unsuccessful attempt.

The reason is, without a doubt.

Because Xiaoyu is already there, when Lin Mo needs it, she can come out and do it directly, so why should she ask?

One plus one equals two.

As a result, it's over now.

This is definitely not appropriate.

Clearly, this time it's off to a bad start.

Because I can invite Xiaoyu, maybe I will invite Sister Yue over next time.

It's not like light rain.

But this kind of thing cannot be avoided.

The second brother made it very clear that this kind of quick summoning spell, who can be invited over is entirely a matter of face. The previous three times, two weak chickens, a ghoul, and Xiaoyu were invited.

Next, Lin Mo plans to make persistent efforts.

In short, don’t give up until you are satisfied with yourself.

"Third brother, can your body still bear it? No, rest!"

The old Taoist was really worried about Lin Mo. He had invited him four times in a row. He felt that if he came again, Lin Mo would definitely fall.


Can't persuade.

Lin Mo said, second brother, which eye do you look at me like?

"I'm in great shape."

Lin Mo's chest thumped loudly.

The old Taoist said don't do this, it's all empty now, it's emptying your body, and you're not in a hurry, why bother.

"Second brother, you can't look at me with your standards. You could only do it once in the past. I'm different. I feel that I can come again several times. Don't persuade me. I know my own situation best. "

Lin Mo had made up his mind anyway.

Continue to swallow the talisman, continue to chant the mantra.

But after eating five talismans in a row, Lin Mo felt a little stretched in his stomach.

This might not last forever.

Not because of lack of energy, but because of not being able to eat.

After reciting the mantra this time, the one who still invited was a weak chicken.

Lin Mo felt that he had a good relationship with the weak chicken.

And this time, the weak chicken was even weaker than the first and second. When he came up, he would cry, make trouble, and say who brought it here.

Obviously, there are also cowards in the night tour god.

Lin Mo directly sent the other party away with a spell of sending the gods.

"Are you going to come for the sixth time?" the old Taoist asked.

Lin Mo nodded.

This time, the old Taoist did not persuade him either.

Now he especially wants to know what Lin Mo's limit is, and how many times the other party can ask God in a row.

For the seventh and eighth next time, Lin Mo was already very skilled. After all, with the previous experience, the process of asking God was quite smooth.

If it doesn't feel good, send it away immediately, and then come again.

Until the ninth time, just after chanting the divine spell, Lin Mo's head fell, and the whole person seemed to be standing asleep.

At the same time, a surge of blood began to flow from his body.

The blood mist visible to the naked eye is entangled and soaring.

It looks eerie.

The old Taoist remained seated this time and did not get up.

Like the story of the wolf coming, the old Taoist was beaten a few times and learned to be smart. He knew that Lin Mo was very capable, capable, and most importantly, talented.

I felt that the other party would not be a problem even if the other party came to ask God a dozen times.

People are more mad than people.

Fortunately, the old Taoist's state of mind has been mastered, not to say jealous, at most he feels that he is old, and the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and he is already lying on the beach.

"But this time I invited Yeyoushen's breath, it feels a little familiar, like, where have you seen it before!"

The old Taoist squinted at the blood emanating from Lin Mo's body, and began to rack his brains for memories.

After a while, the old Taoist seemed to think of something, slammed the table and jumped off the bed.

He was startled.

Shocked indeed.

Because he remembered this kind of breath, and he had seen it before.

His master also accepted a closed-door disciple back then, which means that in addition to Daoist Zhu Yun, he also had a junior disciple.

The younger brother is also very The aptitude is very strong. After a few years of entry, he began to try to ask God, but the first time something went wrong.

Because of this incident, the master was also severely injured, and finally died in depression.

So the old Taoist remembered it very clearly.

The Yeyoushen invited by the younger brother at the beginning is exactly the same as the one invited by the third brother Lin Mo at this moment.

No wonder it looked familiar.


The old Taoist's scalp was numb at this moment.

How the younger brother died and how the master was severely injured all had something to do with this blood fog, which made the old Taoist feel a sense of trepidation in an instant.

The events of the past also flashed before my eyes.

"Third brother, third brother, why did you invite this terrifying ghost, it's hard to deal with it now, it's easy to ask God, it's hard to deal with it!"


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