Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 921: Make a quick spell

The old Taoist really didn't hide his secrets.

He belongs to the kind of person who has already lived and understood it. He is transparent and will no longer regard some things as secrets and treasures that are not passed on.

He said that he was willing to teach Lin Mo all his money, so he wouldn't have any secrets.

But Lin Mo fell into deep thought after listening to the other party talk about all kinds of skills.

"Second brother, it goes without saying that those who have studied for 30 to 50 years can only achieve a little success. Is there any quick success? I don't have that much time."

As the old Taoist said before, there are seven or eight processes such as meditation, Taoism, ink making, magic brush, etc., each of which requires a long time of practice and understanding.

In addition, there are some others, either you have to study the Taoist scriptures first, or you must start from the foundation.

The most powerful of the old Taoist priests is martial arts.

That's right.

This thing is real, but later people can't do that hard work, and slowly the real work is lost.

But here in the old Taoist priest, that is still there, and it is all real Kung Fu.

Lin Mo scratched his hair, thought about it carefully, and said it was wrong.

"No, no, that's not right. Second brother, your body is gone. It stands to reason that you are already a dead person. Then the kung fu you practiced before has also disappeared."

The old Taoist smiled and said, "We Taoist call the fleshly body a cauldron. The stronger the cauldron, the more vigorous the fire in the cauldron, and they complement each other. It belongs to the relationship that you are strong and I am strong, and you are weak, and I am also weak."

I don't know how much truth there is in these words, but at least from the current actual situation, the old Taoist's ability is still there.

That means it's true.

There is a scientific basis.

But even if there is a scientific basis, Lin Mo can't learn it.

I really don't have the time or energy to do this effort, which takes more than ten years and decades.

So Lin Mo has to do it quickly.

"Quick? There are, but there is one. Please 'Night Youshen', which is also one of the magic spells, because you don't need to worship, you don't need to be connected to the gods, you can use it immediately."

"Really? That's good, I want to learn this."

"Third brother, we are our own people, I will tell you the truth. Although this is also one of the God's spells, it has more disadvantages."

"What's the downside?"

"It's the unknown, that is to say, you don't know what it is that you invite, it's okay to be a weak chicken, if it is a Demon Venerable Ghost King, the fun will be great, if you don't get it right, you will fold yourself in. "

This is really a disadvantage.

According to the old Taoist priest, asking the night wandering spirit to possess the body is exactly the same as opening the blind box.

I don't even know what's going to come out.

"Or it's a quick success, because it doesn't need any foundation or cultivation, so it's normal to have a little drawback. I mean, third brother, you should still play steadily, with second brother escorting you, it doesn't take 30 years. , It doesn't take twenty years, just ten, ten years, you can become a master of Taoism like the second brother."

The old Taoist patted his chest to guarantee.

Lin Mo said, second brother, please bring it down. Although I can't beat you now, I won't miss you by twenty or thirty years.

"Besides, you have your way, and I have my bridge. What suits you may not be suitable for me. Please ask the gods for this quick spell. I will learn it, and teach it quickly!"

"You really want to learn?"

"Yes, to learn."


When the old Taoist saw that Lin Mo wasn't joking, he just said okay, if you want to learn from the second brother, he will teach you.

Next, Lin Mo and the old Taoist were alone in the room.

Even Doudou and Xiao 6 were waiting outside.

In addition to them, there are several guards guarding the door.

About an hour later.

"Have you learned?" the old Taoist asked.

"Second brother, are you kidding me? Just such a talisman, just such a spell, I learned it an hour ago, okay?" Lin Mo looked helpless.

"You're wrong. No matter how simple it is, you have to lay a solid foundation. You should write down what I just told you. Those are all the respectful teachings of the seniors in the past."

"Okay, it feels useless."

"Don't talk nonsense, third brother, after you learn it, you still need to go back and think about it carefully for a few days, deduce it well, and then you can use it...Hey, hey, what are you doing, hurry up and spit out the talisman, who told you to use it now. ?"

The old Taoist was about halfway through, when he saw that Lin Mo had already eaten the talisman and started chanting the incantation.

This surprised him.

Although this is a quick summoning spell, it is still the lowest level among the divine spells, but it is also a serious Taoist spell, not a joke.

You have to practice, you have to spend time trying to figure out and deduce.

Perform at least three days later.

This is already very fast.

Unexpectedly, this guy Lin Mo didn't even wait for three days, and used it on the spot. Obviously, the other party's explanation of the quick success was different from what he understood.

The old Taoist wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

This guy has chanted.

And this process, as a novice, must not be disturbed.

Otherwise, it's easy to get into trouble.

The old Taoist who knew this very well naturally did not dare to say a word. Although he was anxious and angry, he still had to calm down for the sake of Lin Mo, the third brother he had just recognized.

He stomped his feet hurriedly beside him, and Lin Mo had finished chanting the spell over there.

"God is above, respect the order, enter my body!"

After speaking, Lin Mo shivered for a while.

The next moment, the breath on his body changed suddenly, and he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already full of white.

The pupils are gone.

It looked eerie.

"It's broken, it's broken, what kind of night wandering **** is this inviting?" The old Taoist secretly thought that something was wrong, and he was ready to intervene.

If it was those evil demons, then he would definitely have to drive them away and save his third brother's life.

The next moment, Lin Mo said, "Who are you?"

This voice belonged to Lin Mo.

But then, Lin Mo immediately let out a smirk.

"What about you, who are you?"

It was still Lin Mo's voice.

The other side also laughed.

"Fuck you, uncle, this is inviting a fool to wander around the night, right? Second brother, your spell doesn't work."

Lin Mo stared at the old Taoist over there with a gloomy expression on his gray-white eyes.

This made the old Taoist straight, and he didn't know what to say.

Before the old Taoist could speak, Lin Mo spoke again, but this time, the voice was gloomy, obviously the voice of another person.

"Who do you call the foolish night wandering god?"

"What about you? Just laugh like a fool. Do you think you are a fool?"

"It seems that you are tired and crooked."

"What are you talking about, get out of here for me."

The above conversations were all from Lin Mo alone, but he alone made two different voices, and also scolded each other and quarreled.

Very weird.

The old Taoist had never seen such a situation, but he probably knew what was going on.

He had one eyelid and a look of disbelief on his face.

The next moment, a small pale hand stretched out from behind Lin Mo, then suddenly came around and put it into Lin Mo's mouth.

Then he seemed to grab something and started pulling away.

It was a pale, pale mass.

The pale little hand was so powerful that it pulled it out without much effort.

Then Lin Mo returned to his original appearance, his face was no longer gloomy, and his eyes returned.

I saw him stepping on the white thing.

"Who is tired of living? Tell me clearly, are you a fool? I don't like to bully fools. If you are a fool, I can let you go today. If not, I will kill you immediately."

The white object that was unable to move was stepped on and struggled, and made a sound of anger.

"I'm a fool, okay?"

Lin Mo said that if he hadn't heard what you said, he would have thought you were going to be tough with me.

"Just admit it. I said if you admit it, you can let you go first. Just because Doudou lacks a toy, I will give you to him to play with later."

After speaking, Lin Mo took out another talisman, kneaded it into a ball, and put it into his mouth again.

Start chanting again.

The old Taoist wanted to stop it, but because of the scene just now, he thought about it and let it go.

To be honest, for the old Taoist priest, subduing and suppressing a weak night wandering **** is nothing; but being able to cast the divine spell for the second time in a short period of time, even if it is the lowest level, also shows that Lin Mo is not ordinary. .

According to the normal situation my third brother cannot succeed.

But somehow, the old Taoist still had a trace of anticipation in his heart.

What if it really works?

Just as he was thinking about it, Lin Mo finished reading again. Before, he stomped his feet and shook his head again.

I really thought that was the case.

The next moment, white smoke appeared from Lin Mo's body, he opened his eyes again, and his eyes were actually green.

There's also a hint of weirdness.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the early morning, ask for monthly ticket support, during the beginning of the month, you need a little more monthly ticket guarantee, everyone votes more, thank you, thank you!


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