Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 919: reconciliation, reunion

The dark clouds rolled over his head, as if it was about to be pressed down in the next second, and it seemed that some terrifying and frightening things might rush out of the dark clouds at any time, full of uncertainty.

There are three floors in the attic, surrounded by guards in armor, the suffocating waist knife and terrifying force block the surrounding ghosts, swords and swords, and it is difficult for the ghosts to approach.

In the group of ghosts, in a dark domain, Lin Mo showed half of his body and looked at the old Taoist priest in the attic.

"You still dare to come to me?" The old Taoist squinted, murderous aura surged.

It seemed that he hated Lin Mo deeply.

"It's not all your fault. Who made you ruthless and chased after you so hard? You think I'm easy to bully?" Lin Mo wasn't used to the other side either.

The old Taoist was silent for a while, and finally laughed in anger.

"Is it my fault?"

Lin Mo thought for a while, and had to find a way for the old Taoist priest to remove the talismans from Doudou and the bronze mirror, so he didn't chase after him, but smiled embarrassingly.

"I can't completely blame you. I have a little problem, you know, young man, impulsive."

"Don't do this with me!" The old Taoist sneered, then pointed to the thousands of ghosts around him and said, "Are you happy now? As long as this attic is breached by them, the entire feng shui formation will be annihilated. Do you know the consequences? Everything here, including you and your ghost slaves, will be finished, and no one will be able to escape."

Lin Mo's heart skipped a beat.

He didn't feel like the old Taoist was talking nonsense.


"At this time, do I still need to lie to you? I suggest you choose a place for yourself while you are now, and then wait to die."

After the old Taoist finished speaking, he turned around and went back.

"Wait a moment."

Lin Mo stopped the other party.

"Do you still have something to do?" The old Taoist seemed to look away, but he didn't have a gun and a stick in his speech this time, and the original murderous aura was also dissipated a lot.

"I'm going to die anyway, these two talismans, please help to uncover them."

Lin Mo was holding Doudou and the bronze mirror in the other hand.

The old Taoist said why it was necessary, they were going to die, and let them be annihilated in the seal. If they were not happier, why should they suffer this time.

"You don't understand, so you can't reveal it, right?"

"Come up."

The old Taoist beckoned, and the guard below actually made way for Lin Mo.

Lin Mo greeted Sister Yue next to him and walked forward. Several ghosts blocking the way were sucked into the dark realm and never came out again.

In the attic, there are also imperial guards.

At least 20 people are holding strong crossbows, which shows that the old Taoist has a lot of trump cards.

But no more.

There are more ghosts out there.

And these ghosts are actually not weak.

The guard did not attack Lin Mo, but also made way for a passage leading to the stairs.

Going up to the second floor, Lin Mo found a group of beautifully dressed women. They were definitely not palace maids, but the emperor's concubines.

There must be a dozen or so.

These concubines were all frightened and pale, and obviously did not know what was going on outside.

There are also several guards here.

Going up, to the third floor of the attic, Lin Mo saw the old Taoist again.

In addition to the old Taoist priest, there is also his daughter.

At this moment, he is also shivering in one place, and the other party is an ordinary palace maid.

Lin Mo and the old Taoist were enemies, but now there is no hostility to each other.

Lin Mo has no hostility, because the old Taoist has no hostility. Originally, Lin Mo didn't plan to fight the other side to death. It was the old Taoist who wanted to kill people.

That's why Lin Mo said that he blamed the old Taoist before. That's nothing wrong.

It was really the old Taoist priest who forced Lin Mo to do this step by step.

But now that the boat is done, the old Taoist guesses that he is relieved. Anyway, he has to die, so why fight again and spend this last time slowly?

"Who are you, this little brat of Zibulaji?" The old Taoist asked at this time, "How could I hear you say that you are its father?"

Lin Mo nodded and said that I was its father.

"My little friend is called Doudou. Speaking of which, it is still a relatively memorable past. It was in a..."

"Stop, stop, stop, I don't want to listen, and I don't have time to listen."

Saying that, the old Taoist came over and stretched out his hand to remove the talisman on Doudou's head.

Almost immediately, Doudou woke up.

Seeing that the old Taoist still wanted to grin, he was persuaded by Lin Mo.

"Doudou, you can't be rude. Now that Dad has made peace with him, come and say hello to this grandpa."

Doudou was stunned for a long time before saying hello helplessly.

"Oh, it's quite polite." The old Taoist didn't know whether it was emotion or sarcasm.

Next is the bronze mirror.

The old Taoist also took off the talisman that sealed Jun Xiwen on the bronze mirror without much effort.

Immediately, blood flashed in the bronze mirror, and it was estimated that attacking Wenjun would be uncomfortable.

want revenge.

I want to peel the skin to make a lantern.

Lin Mo tried to persuade him to go back.

"We can be considered even." Lin Mo said.

The old Taoist said that it's even a fart. Your kid is sinful. Originally, this place was very balanced. There was an overflowing yin and evil spirit before. That was also what he did on purpose, so that Taoist Zhu Yun and the five feng shui masters would not suspect him. made.

Who would have thought that Lin Mo finally flipped the table.

Before, whether it was Daoist Zhu Yun or the five Feng Shui masters, they never dared to violate this taboo, which is to tell the people here that they were dead.

But Lin Mo was so stunned that he dared.

And it really did.

Who's to make sense of this?

There is no way, this is the end of the matter, and there is no way to return. The old Taoist knows that even killing Lin Mo will not help, so it is better to be calm.

"Actually, we should have died a long time ago. Being able to spend more than a few hundred years with my daughter here has already made a lot of money." The old Taoist looked very open and optimistic.

Obviously, the matter of life and death has been taken lightly.

Two people who used to be on the same page, fought for life and death, and even cursed each other, but now they have a long talk like an old friend. It is estimated that no one will believe this kind of thing.

"Who knows that ghost changes can still be contagious, it really doesn't depend on me, by the way, is there really no solution?" Lin Mo asked.

The old Taoist shook his head: "No, unless you can make a ghost that has already changed into a ghost, and then change it back." m..

"Can you change back?" Lin Mo was curious.

"Theoretically speaking, of course, it is possible. It is like a road. If you can walk through it, you can definitely walk back, but it is more difficult."

"For example?"

"For example? For example, you have to convince them that they are not dead, and that the ghost change is just a nightmare for them."

"Oh, I see, I feel like I can try."

"How to try?" The old Taoist looked at Lin Mo up and down. He felt that Lin Mo didn't seem to be talking nonsense. The other party was obviously very smart. The old Taoist met countless people in his life.

But this thing feels too incredible.

Or rather, don't believe it at all.

Lin Mo did not answer the old Taoist immediately, but called 416 over.

Before, 416 was also entangled with the royal guards. When Xiaoyu and the others left, they brought 416 with them by the way.

"Little 6, you are a master of hypnosis. It is your ability to hypnotize the target with your mental power. Let me ask you, can these ghosts be hypnotized?" Lin Mo asked a difficult question when he came up.

Xiao 6 thought about it for a while and said that it should be possible.

She said it should be possible, that's it.

What Lin Mo thought was that after hypnotizing Li Gui, he would combine his own bewitching and curse to see if he could convince Li Gui, who had turned into a ghost, to become a normal person again.

The old Taoist did not say that this matter is theoretically feasible.

"Sister Yue, Xiaoyu, please help me catch a Specter here."

Xiaoyu and Yuejie joined forces together, so it goes without saying that they are strong.

After a while, I caught one and sent it up through the dark realm.

Lin Mo asked Xiao 6 to hypnotize this Specter first.

As we all know, hinting and bewitching after casually, the effect is a hundred times stronger than hinting and bewitching under normal circumstances.

Lin Mo planned to do this.

After that Specter was hypnotized, Lin Mo walked to his ear and began to use bewitching curses to infuse the other party with some ideas and ways of thinking.

This is the time to test your lip-smacking skills.

The general meaning is to put some well-designed hints for the other party.

That means that you are not dead, everything you have experienced before is just a nightmare, and when you hear the countdown of '3, 2, 1', you will wake up from this nightmare and return to your normal life before.


But the process is very difficult. UU reading

It may also be the first time that Lin Mo has done this kind of work, and it is normal to be a little rusty.

It took a lot of effort for Lin Mo to finish the work.

Then he said 321.

He is looking forward to this woman finally getting out of the lie woven by fear and deceit, but if it fails, he has nothing else to do.

As soon as '1' was spoken, this Specter began to tremble, and his originally ferocious facial features slowly returned to normal.

The ghost energy on his body miraculously disappeared.

Anyway, the old Taoist was stunned.

Do you think you can still do this?

Reverse ghost change? _&

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