Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 918: tell you a secret

Still in that small courtyard.

After coming back, I found that Lin Mo and the two were gone, and also found that the house had been attacked by arrows, and Daoist Zhu Yun's left eyelid was jumping.

"It feels like something is going to happen!"

The more Taoist Zhu Yun thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He checked the arrows on the ground, and they belonged to those five Feng Shui masters.

In other words, those few Feng Shui masters have been here.

These guys are greedy and cunning, and they are more ruthless and ruthless than others. Just looking at the situation in the yard, the other party is obviously here to kill.

But they know very well that they cannot kill themselves.

So, it must have come to kill those two outsiders.

These two outsiders are very important to Daoist Zhu Yun, because they are the only helpers he can use to achieve his personal goals.

As a result, the other party came to kill while he was not there.

Obviously to sabotage his own plans.

As for the purpose of the five feng shui masters, it is easy to guess.

"They must have thought that by killing these two outsiders, I would have no help, so I could only find them to cooperate. Hmph... It seems that this is the case."

When Taoist Zhu Yun thought about it, he gritted his teeth angrily.

The heart said that the five **** ruined his good deeds, so in the future, if you want to break into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, kill the emperor, and capture the dragon robe and jade seal, can't you only cooperate with those five bastards?

That's not to let the other lion open his mouth.

The most important thing is that even if it succeeds at that time, the dragon robe and the jade seal may not fall into his hands.

The other five are all masters who eat meat without spitting up bones, so there is no need to doubt, 100%, there will be a black and a black.

"Do you really think I'm a soft persimmon?"

At this time, Daoist Zhu Yun showed a trace of ferocity on his face.

Keeping five feng shui masters is a hidden danger after all.

If it wasn't for thinking about the other party's usefulness, if it wasn't because the senior brother said not to let him mess around, he would have killed those five people long ago.

"But this time, they have gone too far and can't stay any longer!"

Daoist Zhu Yun thought that he didn't see a body in this place, and the two outsiders had some skills, so they might not have been killed. If they look for them now, they might be able to find them again.

Immediately, Taoist Zhu Yun took his money sword and the talisman, and opened the door to prepare to go out.

It's just that as soon as he reached the entrance of the alley, a person rushed over in front of him.

Look, a little familiar.

"Hey, this isn't Brother Lin..."

Just as Taoist Zhu Yun wanted to say hello, he was also excited, but in the next second, he saw the old Taoist who was chasing after him.

That is his brother.

It's just that at this moment, the senior brother is wearing a yellow dragon robe, and he exudes some kind of strange divine power.

As a junior brother of the same ancestry, Daoist Zhu Yun can naturally see that the senior brother has asked God to go up.

What's the situation?

Aren't the five feng shui masters doing things?

No no no!

What does the dragon robe on the brother's body mean?

How is he wearing this thing?

Where did you get it, brother?

Daoist Zhu Yun was overwhelmed by what was in front of him and was speechless. His mind tried to analyze these pictures and come to a reliable conclusion.

But obviously, Daoist Zhu Yun had too high demands on his brain. In short, it was blank now.

I don't understand.

And Lin Mo, who rushed over, didn't give Daoist Zhu Yun time to think about it.

"Master, help."

Lin Mo shouted wildly, his voice was shrill, sharp, and full.

At the same time, the old Taoist behind him reached out and grabbed Lin Mo.

Daoist Zhu Yun raised his hand and cast a spell almost subconsciously.

The talisman was used to control the fire, and it went straight to the old Taoist priest's hand.


The fire was surging, the old Taoist was blocked by the fire talisman, and Lin Mo also took the opportunity to run to Taoist Zhu Yun's side.

"Daoist, this guy is the emperor, don't you want to kill the emperor? Hurry up and kill him quickly."

Lin Mo shouted from the side.

Daoist Zhu Yun said nothing, he was still thinking.

But unknowingly, he had begun to ponder along Lin Mo's train of thought.

Obviously, he knew very well that it was not the emperor, but his senior brother.

But the question is, the senior brother is indeed wearing the dragon robe he has dreamed of, so what is going on?

Isn't your brother wanting nothing?

Or, my brother is lying to him.

Lin Mo kept fighting beside him: "This guy can order the palace guards, and his guards are temporarily blocked over there. When the guards come, we both have to die."

When Taoist Zhu Yun heard it, he wanted to ask clearly, but the old Taoist opposite was too lazy to say much.

Now is a slap in the face.

The palm wind whistled, and the momentum was pressing.

Lin Mo hid directly behind Daoist Zhu Yun, and Daoist Zhu Yun had no choice but to shoot with the same palm.

The palms face each other in an instant.

The old Taoist priest in the dragon robe remained motionless, but Taoist Zhu Yun took five or six steps back.


The two teachers went out of the same door, and the methods were basically the same, but the old Taoist realm was higher and the skill was deeper.

"Brother, you..."

"Shut up, let's just settle the matter together today, Zhu Yun, you and my teacher went out of the same family, we should respect each other, love each other, and support each other, but you colluded with outsiders and harmed my blood relatives, do you really think your senior brother is stupid? What? Do not know at all?"

As soon as these words came out, Daoist Zhu Yun's expression changed wildly, and his body trembled.

Lin Mo said from the side: "It's over, it's over, you see, you and the five feng shui masters murdered your brother's daughter, people already know it, and it's just for revenge that you haven't moved you for so long, do you understand? He said, it is easy to kill you, just like killing a chicken and killing a pig, it is not difficult, but he wants to kill people. Didn't you deliberately want to kill the emperor in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and get the dragon robe and jade seal? Your senior brother has long ago Having obtained these two things, and then watching you do the same useless work as monkey jugglers, I feel relieved, this is the highest state of revenge."

Zhu Yundao's hands began to tremble.

But this time it's not fear, it's anger.

He knew that what Lin Mo said was true.

After all, dragon robes don't lie.

At this moment, the dragon robe is worn on the senior brother's body. This has been confirmed. What Lin Mo said is true and true.

In other words, Daoist Zhu Yun is also a ruthless person.

With a gloomy face at the moment, he stared at the old Taoist priest across from him.

"Senior brother, it's so hard for you to lie to me."

Saying that, he drew out the money sword.

"You know my pursuit, can you give me the dragon robe and jade seal, you give it to me, you are still my good senior brother."

"But the old Taoist, but there is no shameless junior brother like you." The old Taoist scolded.

Daoist Zhu Yun listened to it, raised his sword and attacked.

He is also a tough man, decisive and ruthless.

When it's time to do something, the senior brother will kill him.

Lin Mo also planned to go up and help.

Although Daoist Zhu Yun is not a thing, but at this time, the old Taoist priest is too strong, it is a must to use Daoist Zhu Yun to deal with the old Taoist priest.

Anyway, their dog bites a dog, and they don't suffer.

Because they are from the same ancestry, the moves and methods used by the old Taoist priest and Taoist Zhu Yun are very similar, the difference is that Taoist Zhu Yun has a money sword in his hand.

However, it can be seen that Taoist Zhu Yun is not the opponent of the old Taoist priest.

To put it bluntly, the road is too far off.

Daoist Zhu Yun was stronger than the five Feng Shui masters, but he was actually not as good as Lin Mo. At this moment, he was knocked to the ground by the old Daoist after a few tricks.

The terrified Taoist Zhu Yun began to beg for mercy.

But the old Taoist had already been killed, and he had a deep-rooted hatred for Taoist Zhu Yun, so he slashed the head with a palm.

A click.

The ambitious Daoist Zhu Yun's head was smashed to the ground just like a broken watermelon.

It was a miserable death.

The old Taoist killed Taoist Zhu Yun, grabbed the money sword from the opponent's hand, and aimed at Lin Mo with a sword.

The golden light flickered, Lin Mo hurriedly avoided, and with a click, the place where he was standing just now was blasted open.

This method and power are ten times stronger than Daoist Zhu Yun.

Lin Mo didn't expect that Daoist Zhu Yun didn't endure for even a minute.

That old Taoist was too powerful.

The most important thing is that the other party invited the **** of the upper body, why didn't he leave?

Are you planning to live here?

The other party was chasing after him, and Lin Mo ran to the inner palace where Daoist Zhu Yun was before, and there lived an imperial concubine.

In this situation, Lin Mo knew that he had to find a way.

Or drink the demon soup and have a hard time with the other party?

This doesn't feel particularly safe at the moment. Just thinking about it, there was a **** passing by in front, and Lin Mo almost hit him.

The moment he saw the eunuch, Lin Mo suddenly thought of something.

The old Taoist priest is so powerful, can the evil ghost after the ghost change be able to withstand it?

Anyway, the situation is so critical now, and Lin Mo is not afraid to stir the pot of water a little more turbidly.

At the moment, he grabbed the other party and said something.

"Tell you a secret, you are a ghost!"

Run when you're done.

The old Taoist behind also saw and heard it, and his face changed wildly.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Where would Lin Mo wait for him, he ran faster.

Although it was a frontal attack, we suffered, and even the scythe was destroyed, but Lin Mo who ran away refused to accept anyone, so you can catch up with me.

At this moment, a strange scream sounded.

It was the **** who was told 'you are a ghost'.

The other party really changed.

It was the first time that Lin Mo saw this ghost transformation process. It was very fast. It was like a piece of fresh meat rotted in an instant. The process of a normal person becoming a ghost came directly without any foreshadowing.

The **** after the ghost change was extremely fierce, and it just so happened that the old Taoist passed by, and the **** after the ghost change rushed directly to him.

"Flick good!"

Lin Mo gave this **** a like.

"Wait a minute, we can discuss it, don't mess around."

The old Taoist seemed to see what Lin Mo was going to do and hurriedly stopped it.

But at this moment, how could Lin Mo listen to him.

At this moment, Lin Mo has passed through a pavilion.

No matter if you meet a palace maid or a **** on the road, you will say to each other very intimately, you are a ghost, yes, you are already dead.

The scene was completely lively.

The old priest is very strong.

Even the Specter after the ghost change couldn't stop him.

But obviously, the old Taoist was very anxious at this moment and wanted to stop Lin Mo.

"If you have something to say, just wait a moment."

Unfortunately, no matter what the old Taoist said, Lin Mo didn't believe him.

There is no way to believe.

Trust this thing, it is easy to build, it is easier to destroy, the hard part is that it is very difficult to build after destroying it, at least it is not possible in this situation.

Lin Mo could only rely on instinct to completely muddy the water and completely mess up the situation.

Because that's what's best for him.

At this time, Lin Mo had already rushed into the palace, and there was a dignified and elegant woman embroidering inside.

a certain queen.

There is a maid next to you.

After Lin Mo rushed in, he shouted, "Look here."

Everyone's eyes swept over.

"Tell you a secret, you are actually dead, ghosts!"

The ghost word came out.

The fan in the palace maid's hand fell, and the handkerchief embroidered halfway by the imperial concubine also fell to the ground.

Their beautiful faces withered by the way, revealing the appearance of ghosts.

Lin Mo stopped watching.

After he finished speaking, he ran out from behind.

It's better to watch less of such a terrifying thing as a ghost.

At first, the old Taoist was still cursing and chasing after him, but after a while, Lin Mo found that the old Taoist was gone.

Stop chasing?

He also stopped.

Now, with his own strength, Lin Mo has already stirred up the terrifying and extremely quiet Qianlong Palace, with screams and wailing everywhere.

Just like the end.

The Specter after the ghost change, except for the grievance-ridden kind, who sees who kills who, is extremely ferocious, just like the zombies in zombie movies.

And ten times stronger.

After all, zombies can't run so fast, and they can climb up walls and do anti-gravity walking.

It will not release the terrifying black qi, and use all kinds of ghostly abilities.

Of course, what Lin Mo cared about was the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist didn't continue chasing him, so where did he go?

Lin Mo felt that it was unlikely that he was killed by the ghost-turned Specter.

Although these ghosts are powerful ghosts, they can't kill the old Taoist priest whose G value is comparable to Yedi's terrifying existence.

The old Taoist priest did not continue to hunt down, and Lin Mo did not continue to tell the secret to the maids and eunuchs along the road.

Obviously, Lin Mo also knows that if the entire Qianlong Palace is truly transformed, no one knows what will happen, so let's take it easy.

But now the situation has gotten a little out of control.

Lin Mo found that the ghosts that turned into ghosts could be 'contagious'.

That is, ordinary palace maids and eunuchs killed by them will immediately change into ghosts.

Again, take the zombie virus as an example.

The situation at this moment is equivalent to the situation getting out of control.

At that time, one becomes ten, ten becomes one hundred...

Just thinking about it, someone was laughing over his head.

Lin Mo looked up and saw a palace maid with twisted features, stretching her 1.8-meter-long neck, looking at herself from the side wall.

I don't know what it's happy about, the laughing one is called an infiltration person.

Not only laughing, but also drooling in his mouth, and the person looking at the mouth full of fangs is dizzy.

The next moment, the other party suddenly rushed over and bit.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand, swept his head aside, and ran away.

There's no need to fight a kid.

Halfway through, Lin Mo found that the situation was more serious than he thought, and almost the entire Qianlong Palace was thrown into huge chaos.

Even those ghost fog banned troops, it is difficult to control the situation at this time.

They are strong, but the ghostly ghosts do not face the Imperial Army at all, they will run away when they meet them, and if they encounter panic-stricken palace maids and eunuchs, they will show their bloodthirsty side and pounce on them and attack.

Then, Specter's team was in a state again.

The speed of this spread is even more powerful than the most terrifying virus.

Seeing this, Lin Mo knew that the situation was completely out of control.

It's only a matter of time before everyone here changes.

And it won't be too long.

It might take a few hours, maybe just a dozen minutes.

At this time, Xiaoyu and Sister Yue came over.

Xiaoyu is carrying Doudou, and Sister Yue is holding a bronze mirror.

The talisman on Doudou's head is still there, and there is no way to do it. If you touch this thing, it will be attacked by the thunder and fire above, and it will be burned to fly ash in an instant.

It is estimated that the talisman attached to the bronze mirror is the same.

So Xiaoyu and Sister Yue didn't move, they brought it over and let Lin Mo deal with it.

Lin Mo reached out and tried to touch it.

A burst of purple thunder flames immediately erupted on the talisman. Lin Mo hurriedly retracted his hand, and his **** were no longer conscious. It is estimated that if it wasn't for the curse, his situation would have been even worse.

Really can't touch it.

The old Taoist is indeed a master.

Originally, if Daoist Zhu Yun was still there, you could ask the other party, but Daoist Zhu Yun was destroyed by the old Taoist priest. Could it be that if you want to take off this talisman, you can only go to the old Taoist priest?

Lin Mo suddenly became worried.

Ask the previous emperor guards again.

Sister Yue said that she and Xiaoyu had already killed half of the guards, but then these guards seemed to have received some kind of order to retreat immediately, so that they could get out of trouble.

The only one who can order the emperor to protect him can only be the emperor.

It seems that the old Taoist priest has a new move.

Lin Mo didn't know what the other party was going to do.

At first, Lin Mo felt that the other party wanted to accumulate all his strength to kill him, but after waiting for a while, no one came. Obviously, the old Taoist had other things to do.

"You have to find him about this."

Lin Mo looked at the motionless Doudou and the sealed bronze mirror. The talisman on it was too powerful. He tried it and couldn't get it off.

This is also normal, even Xiaoyu and Sister Yue can't take it off, and it's too normal that she can't take it off by herself.

The trouble should end it.

I have to find the old As for where the old Taoist is now, it is actually easy to guess.

Because at this time, most of the places in the Qianlong Palace have been captured by the ghostly ghosts.

These ghosts have a characteristic.

Will chase other normal maids and eunuchs.

At this moment, outside a pavilion in the imperial city, a large number of ghosts and ghosts gathered, trying to break into it.

But they were all blocked by the emperor's guards around the attic.

When Lin Mo found here all the way, he knew the old Taoist priest was inside.

The circle of imperial guards outside is evidence.

It turned out that the other party hid in this easy-to-defense and hard-to-attack place, and became a tortoise.

The current Qianlong Palace is like a ghost realm, all kinds of ghosts are densely packed, and there are more rushing here.

Lin Mo personally felt that this place could not be kept.

After thinking about it, Lin Mo shouted from below and asked the old Taoist priest to come out and talk.

At this moment, there are Xiaoyu's black dress and Yuejie's dark domain guarding around Lin Mo. Those Specter can't rush in. Even if they do, they will be killed by Xiaoyu and Yuejie.

After shouting a few times, a wooden window was opened above the attic. The old Taoist priest was wearing a dragon robe, with a sullen face, and looked at Lin Mo below.

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