Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 897: Redemption will frighten you to move overnight

, the end begins with a nightmare

"What's going on?" A senior member of the Redemption Society looked at the dissipating barrier and sighed inwardly.

This is not a good sign.

The barrier that surrounds the entire community is also created by the 'Yedi'.

Now that the barrier has disappeared, is there something wrong with Yedi inside?

"Send someone in immediately to take a look."

Another high-level Redeemer gave an order.

"Who to send, let's go in and see if we can."

In a hurry, An couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately rushed forward.

As a result, they saw the scene where the entire weird community collapsed.

The mentality of these high-level committee members is also a bit broken at this moment.

Seeing this scene, their reactions were surprisingly consistent.

Something happened to Yedi.

Otherwise this community cannot collapse.

"Check it out and see if you can find him!" You calmly said at this time.

Among the five high-level committee members are those who are good at probing.

Within a certain range, he can't hide any trouble from him. If he wants to find someone, as long as the other party is within this range, it is impossible to find him.

"I can't find it, there is no breath at all." The high-level man who was good at probing turned pale.

"Impossible, try again."

"It's the same thing if you try again, there is indeed no breath of Emperor Ye, he is not here, or he was killed!"

got killed?

At this moment, these four words are like a 10,000-pound boulder, directly pressing on the shoulders of these committee members, so that no one speaks for the next ten seconds.

The silence is terrifying.

Finally someone came back.

"Impossible, that's Emperor Ye. We used all the resources to create Emperor Ye, even if it's just a prototype, but it's also Emperor Ye, how could someone kill him? No one in this world can kill him."

Someone yelled.

The kind with a red face and a thick neck.

It's not an argument, it's purely a vent, a stress response due to fear.

After this one finished speaking, he kept silent, and looked at the other four, hoping that someone would come out and agree with him.

But no one said a word.

Another period of silence.

In less than a minute, from doubt and doubt, to shock and disbelief, to accepting reality.

Mentality is like being on a roller coaster, high for a while and low for a while.

Such rapid changes can be frustrating.

Fortunately, these five senior members of the Redemption Society are not ordinary people, and it is impossible for ordinary people to lead the current Redemption Society.

"Are there any other gods at the scene?" one person asked.

"Yes, Meng Tianshen!"

"Is it? It's not Ye Di's opponent, is there anyone else?"

"Yes, but I haven't seen the aura before. Besides, there are a few other auras in the air other than Yedi. It's unfamiliar but terrifying."

"How scary?"

"It feels as terrifying as Yedi."


"Come on!"


"Don't ask, hurry up, there is a great possibility that Emperor Ye will be killed. If he can kill Emperor Ye, he can kill us as well, so let's go, let's go now."

The five senior leaders of the Redemption Society seemed to have reached a consensus in an instant.

Turn around and leave.

Without the slightest hesitation.

They know very well that when Ye Di's aura disappears, in all likelihood it is over. Otherwise, the community created by divine power will not collapse, and those who have been changed will not be able to change back.

If the other party can kill Ye Di, it will be easy to kill them.

The change of mind is so fast.

From the beginning of his arrogant self-confidence, he felt that he could rule Blue Star in the next second. As a result, he suffered a blow and ran wildly on the road of shocking fear and accepting reality.

In the end, in order to save his life, he gave up everything and ran wild.

It is really impossible for the average person to complete this transformation in just a few minutes.

What do you call a superior man?

They do things that ordinary people can't do, so they are called "superior people".

The five high-level members of the Redemption Society are obviously the elite of the elite, decisive and straightforward.

Even though this Eleventh District, they spent years and countless efforts to build up, but in order to save their lives, it means that they will lose it, and they will not hesitate at all.

The high-level members of the Redemption Society ran away immediately, and those middle-level and lower-level leaders also quickly got the news.

How to do?


What else can be done.

The bosses have all run away, do you still expect the people below them to stick to their posts?

Isn't that bullshit.

"Move, move overnight!"

A middle tier gave the order.

Take what you can take away, and take away what you can't, just don't care.

Anyway, this place can't stay.

There are also sober middle-level members who want to stabilize the situation.

Because they know very well that in a situation like the Eleventh District Redemption Conference, once it collapses, it is absolutely impossible to proceed slowly bit by bit, but to collapse suddenly.

But obviously, the general trend has passed, and the situation cannot be stabilized by a few people.

Even in the back, the unidentified lower-level members did not know what happened. They just heard the wind, and then they were infected by an inexplicable panic. They also panicked together and became a member of the panic army.

Of course, there are some that can stabilize the situation, but they have no impact on the overall situation.

That's what happened that night.

Absurd, but very real.

It is like a huge and magnificent building, but when the foundation of this building is destroyed, no matter how great it is, it will collapse in an instant, and no one can stop it.

Like dominoes.

What's even more interesting is that the person who pushed this first domino has no idea at this point that the redemption of District Eleven has collapsed.

Surrounded by hot magma, pungent and suffocating sulfur-flavored smoke, and the gust of wind that suddenly blows from time to time, it seems that the body can be torn apart. Fall hard, as for where it will hit and what the **** it will look like, it varies from person to person.

Lin Mo looked at an evil ghost whose head was sunken in front of him, with only the bottom half of his face left, and said that you are ugly.

"Child, you shouldn't judge people by their appearance, maybe he is also a good person."

A woman stood behind Lin Mo.

Mature and steady, and can't see the appearance, because he wears a paper bag head.

She is the mother in the cozy cottage.

Not only my mother, but also a rusty and deformed street lamp that was corroded by sulfur and flames not far away, my sister was hanging upside down, looking at a corpse hanging from the street lamp. Every now and then, I would poke with my fingers and watch the corpse shake and shake again.

In the end, the corpse couldn't bear it anymore, and opened its mouth to kill the person who had been harassing it, but was dexterously avoided by the younger sister.

"I knew it was pretending to be dead, and you see, it really is."

The younger sister is showing the attitude of a winner at this The tone is full of pride.

Lin Mo really wanted to ask what does it have to do with you if someone pretends to be dead or not.

But held back.

Just don't provoke this little madman.

Not far behind, a tall paper bag head looked up at the dense billowing smoke and seemed to be thinking about a problem.

Lin Mo didn't know where this place was.

After his drug strength was over, he found himself in this place, with his parents in the cozy cottage and his younger sister beside him.

Xiaoyu is not here, Sister Yue is not here, and Doudou and Ganma are not here either.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for monthly ticket support!


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