Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 896: god 2 my boss

Lin Mo had drank the Demon Demon Soup more than once.

It feels amazing every time.

Especially the feeling above, as if there are hundreds of cows behind you.

There are some things you would never dare to do, you can do now.

Because there are cows behind you.

If there is anything you dare not say, you can blurt it out.

Because there are cows behind you.

In a word, the second one, my boss, I can do whatever I want.

At this moment, Lin Mo's strange laughter rang through the scene.

That voice, listening to infiltration.

Ye Di, who had just suppressed Grandma Meng's body with a cross, looked at Lin Mo now.

Brows furrowed.

full of disgust.

Mainly because the other party's laughter is too annoying.

"shut up!"

The Yedi uttered a reprimand, and like the previous holy words, his words had a powerful force.

At least in the surrounding area, it can achieve an effect similar to saying the law.

Lin Mo's laughter stopped.

It is quite now.

The corner of this 'Ye Di''s mouth rose.

Obviously he is very satisfied with this supreme majesty and power.

This community is a small world created by him. In the future, he will create a big world that he is satisfied with. After completing this feat, he will become the real Yedi as the legend says.

But at this moment, the previous demonic laughter came out again.

Accompanied by a loud scream.

"How old are you, if you tell me to shut up, I'll shut up? I don't, I don't, quack quack!"

This time the laughter was more arrogant.

‘Yedi’ was stunned.

Looking at Lin Mo, who was completely crazy over there, he realized that his holy words were invalid for this guy.

Now Yedi was even more angry.

Meng Tianshen can resist his divine power, that is because Meng Tianshen is extremely powerful, and the source of his myth is the devil in hell, so it is logical to have such strength.

But what is this 'mortal'?

Does he fit too?

"You should go to **** too."

Ye Di stretched out his hand to Lin Mo.

But halfway through, an iron chain wrapped around his arm, and then a huge force pulled him to the ground.

It was Xiao Yu who drank the demon soup.

At this moment, she showed a charming smile that was very different from her original appearance. She first glanced at Lin Mo, and then the black dress on her body began to spread rapidly around her.

Not only did he swallow the 'Ye Di' who fell to the ground in an instant, but he also dragged the seriously injured Sister Yue to Lin Mo.


Lin Mo laughed twice, and went up to a bear hug.

In fact, Sister Yue had been attacked the most before.

This caused her original doll's body to fall apart.

At this moment, her lower body is missing, and her upper body is also missing an arm. Being hugged by Lin Mo like this, his chin was a little dislocated. Looking at him with a pair of resentful eyes, he seemed to blame Lin Mo for being too light.

Lin Mo doesn't care about this.

He had long forgotten most things.

The only two things I still remembered in my mind, one was killing the pretending criminal (Ye Di), and the second was giving Sister Yue a drink of what she had in her hand.

So he squeezed Sister Yue's mouth very roughly and stuffed the demon soup into it.

After doing all this, he closed Sister Yue's mouth and touched the latter's head, as if he was touching a cat.

Then look around for the figure.

did not find.

The next moment he flashed in front of Xiaoyu.

"Where did you hide him?"

Xiaoyu waved his hand, indicating that he did not know.

Then Lin Mo walked to the big meat worm pressed under the cross, which was Grandma Meng's body.

"Where did you hide him?"

Still this problem.

The big bug didn't know what to say for a while.

Just keep shaking.

But no matter what, the cross on his back cannot be removed.

The cross was really like a mountain, and it suppressed it to death.

Maybe this action made Lin Mo misunderstood.

"Is it hiding under your stomach?"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to remove the cross.

But it didn't move.

Lin Mo was stunned for a while, then he began to swear, and then started to pull the cross with both hands.

The next moment, the cross moved a bit.

It was really shaken.

Grandma Meng below saw that she had a door, and she did her best to cooperate at the moment.

Under the huge force, the cross that was originally motionless was actually moved bit by bit.

Grandma Meng wanted to cry with excitement at the moment.

"Great, this son of a **** didn't recognize him for nothing."

But just after speaking, Lin Mo, who had already lifted the cross by about twenty centimeters, suddenly let go.


Grandma Meng below almost spit out the overnight meal.

"Damn it, what are you doing when you let go?"

The figure of Grandma Meng in the distance couldn't help but ask.

Lin Mo geigei smiled.

"Can't move!"

At this time, a place covered by a black dress not far away suddenly exploded, and strands of white light were like sharp blades, piercing the black dress, and a glowing figure emerged from it.

It's the 'Jade Emperor'.

He looked a little embarrassed.

As soon as he came out, he didn't have time to speak ruthlessly, and Lin Mo rushed up and beat him.

It's like a mental illness without any rules.

But at this time, the white light around Ye Di's body seemed to be able to resist all attacks. Lin Mo's fist hit it, and he couldn't get in after more than ten centimeters.

On the other hand, those white lights are extremely corrosive, and when touched, they will be burned into white smoke, and Lin Mo screamed in pain.

At this time, Xiaoyu also rushed up to participate in the siege.

Lin Mo couldn't attack for a long time, and he was still in severe pain.

In anger, he swung the knife.

"Idiot, this is holy light, nothing can destroy it, you and I are not in the same realm at all, in my eyes, you are just ants on the ground."

Ye Di, shrouded in white light, cursed.

Lin Mo, who is in the state of Yao Jin, does not take this set.

"I'm going to hack you to death, you wait, I'll hack you to death."

While cutting, Lin Mo kept babbling.

The sickle slashed frantically, and the white light clicked and cracked.

Ye Di's face changed wildly.

It was as if he had seen an impossible thing happen, but it just happened.

At this time, Sister Yue who took the medicine also came over with a hopeless darkness.

The power of the demon soup repaired her body.

The darkness that she can mobilize at this moment is simply obscuring the sky and the sun. After walking over, she directly blocks the entire area in front of it in the black fog.

People outside can't see what's going on inside.

Only from the loud noises and various terrifying roars from time to time, we can know that the battle situation inside is escalating.

Grandma Meng's figure floated over to look at its body at this moment, sighed, and looked at the dark curtain that covered the sky in front of her, also worried.

Now that its body is being pressed by the cross, there is no way to help it.

It can be said that this battle decides the future life and death.

Win anything.

If you lose, it will be completely over.

Only now did Grandma Meng know that the Redemption Society had actually created 'Ye Di'.

Although this Yedi has not reached the level of horror in the legend, he already has the prototype of the real Yedi.

If it takes more time, this one Yedi can suppress all the gods in the eleventh district.

Neither the new **** nor the old **** can be rivals.

When the time comes, the biblical story may actually happen.

That is, Yedi recreated the world and established the order of the world. The other party said that whoever goes to heaven will go to heaven, and whoever goes to **** will go to hell.

Grandma Meng can only wait now.

Waiting for the final result.

At this time, it found Doudou over there, and now it floated over and grabbed Doudou's hand.

"Doudou, aren't you going to help?" Grandma Meng asked, with a little doubt in her tone.

It stands to reason that Doudou is not the kind of temperament to watch and ignore.

Beans are great.

Grandma Meng once measured the g-value for Doudou, and this little guy's g-value reached 7900.

It's definitely a big help if you really get your hands on it.

Grandma Meng thinks now is the decisive battle.

A battle of fate.

At this time, Doudou should go to help, not stand by and watch the play.

In the end, Doudou said that both the father and the two godmothers had taken the medicine, and they could do it without any help. There was no problem at all.

He also said that if he went in, he might harm Chiyu.

"What medicine? So fierce?" Grandma Meng was curious.

"My dad made it and drank the medicine that is invincible." Doudou didn't understand, he could only describe it based on what he had seen and heard in the past.

"There is no medicine in this world that is invincible when you drink it." Grandma Meng smiled, obviously not believing it.

"Really!" Doudou said with his eyes wide open, with a serious look on his face.

Then he gave several examples. In the past, when he encountered extremely powerful enemies, he used drugs to kill them.

After Grandma Meng heard it, Doudou didn't feel like she was talking nonsense.

And strictly speaking, Lin Mo, who just drank the medicine, was indeed outrageously strong.

The judgment cross itself cannot be shaken by pressing down on its own body.

No one could pick up this cross except Yedi himself.

But Lin Mo, who had taken the medicine just now, had obviously picked up the cross by twenty centimeters.

Almost there.

Although it didn't work out in the end, it was pretty incredible.

Grandma Meng's g-value of 20,000 couldn't move the cross one centimeter away. What was Lin Mo's g-value at that time?

Some things can't be thought about.

Grandma Meng only reacted at this time.

Lin Mo, who has taken the medicine, is not only strong, but a perverted level of strength.

What's more, Lin Mo is not the only one who has taken the medicine now.

"Maybe, they can really kill that Yedi!" Grandma Meng grumbled.

"Maybe what it is, it is definitely possible." Doudou said with great certainty.

The darkness over there is getting more and more intense.

The loud noises continued.

Others are laughing.

It sounded like Lin Mo laughed.

Grandma Meng felt a little intimidating when she heard the laughter.

It couldn't help but ask Doudou, why is your dad's laughter so scary?

Doudou said that my dad doesn't laugh so much on weekdays, only after taking the medicine, and also said that you will get used to it when you listen to it, and when you get used to it, you will feel that this laughter is very kind and safe. sense.

Grandma Meng asked curiously, you are a nightmare, your father is a living person, do you find security in a living person?

Doudou nodded.

"You are a nightmare. There should only be resentment and malice in your body. Where do those messy emotions come from?" Grandma Meng decided to let Doudou recognize the reality.

A nightmare is a nightmare.

After all, it is different from living people.

In the end, Doudou said that I didn't understand what grandma you said, but I knew that it was my father.

"Dad will protect Doudou and give Doudou candy to eat. He can't live without Doudou, and Doudou can't live without him."

While speaking, something changed in the shady scene over there.

With bursts of angry voices sounded.

This is Yedi's roar.

He seemed to be summoning something.


A thick white light fell from the sky. Looking closely, something with wings seemed to fly down in the dazzling white light.

Grandma Meng felt the smell of disgust from it.

"It's an angel!"

A being that exists in religious and mythological stories.

They are servants created by Yedi.

Obviously, the Yedi inside suffered a loss and could only start shaking people.

Another mess.

Grandma Meng and Doudou were watching outside when something flew out of the shady scene.

Dangdang landed on the ground and rolled for more than ten meters.

Doudou ran over and hugged it.

"Grandma, it's a head."

"What head?"

Doudou ran over holding the head.

It is a blond man with perfect facial features, but his expression is frightened, his eyes are open unwillingly, and the holy light in his eyes is rapidly dimming.

Obviously this is an angel created by Yedi just now.

Then more and more corpses were beaten out.

From the current point of view, Yedi's side should be at a disadvantage.

This is a good thing.

At this time, Doudou said that the enemy this time was very powerful. The reason was that the enemy he encountered before, as long as his father took the medicine, he could basically solve the battle very quickly.

This time, it has been so long without a winner.

"But it should be soon."

Doudou's speculation is similar to the actual situation now.

In the dark, the calm and arrogant expression on Ye Di's face was replaced by fear and panic at this moment.

It's not his fault.

When you find that all the means of attack have not worked, there will be ghosts if you don't panic.

"What did you guys drink just now?"

Yedi couldn't hold back any longer.

He wants to run.

But it didn't run.

The other three cooperated very tacitly. They joined forces to attack each other. They each learned from each other's strengths and complemented their weaknesses. If Yedi hadn't still had some Holy Light bodyguards left on his body, he would have been killed by these three guys long ago.

In turn, his Word, his judgment, his repression did not work.

Even if one of them is sealed, the other two will save people as soon as possible.

If this goes on, he will lose.

This time he made a decision.

"In that case, let's fall into **** together, only I can pull you all down. Hell is created by me, I can easily come out, and no matter how powerful you are, you can only be trapped in it, never come out ."

After Ye Di finished speaking, he raised his foot and stomped on the ground.

Rumbling loudly.

The floor cracked immediately, spreading to the surroundings one after another, the fire surging under the crack, and there was a piercing howl of ghosts.

Then Yedi stepped on it again.

This time the surrounding ground collapsed instantly.

Everyone present, as well as the broken buildings, all fell down together.

The strange thing is that just after falling into this bottomless pit full of flames, the ground strangely returned to its original appearance.

As if it never cracked.

The place was silent.

Time also passed in minutes and seconds.

Nothing happened again, and the shady curtain dissipated.

Doudou and Grandma Meng rushed in to check, but found nothing.

And the latter found that the cross pressing on its body clicked and shattered into countless pieces, apparently without its original divine power.

Not just this cross.

So did this weird community, which started to crumble at a very rapid rate.

But the community didn't disappear.

And it seems to quickly fade away a layer of the original filter.

restored to its original appearance.

In addition to the remaining buildings in the community that have not been burned, there are people.

residents here.

Originally hiding in the distance.

But this fading divine power also spread to them.

This restored them to their original appearance, including the sealed memories.

For a while, the scene was in chaos.

A man becomes a woman, a woman becomes a man, a kitten becomes a big man, and a hanger becomes a naked man. That's a lot of fun.

The screams, the doubts, the sudden realization, the laughter, went on and on.

In addition, the strange fog barrier around this strange community also shattered and dissipated at this moment, and was connected to the nightmare world outside.

You must know that this place is the key area of ​​the Redemption Society.

With such a big thing happening, how could redemption not know?

In fact, when Lin Mo brought people into the weird community, the people of the Redemption Society knew it.

If it wasn't for Lin Mo and the others being very decisive, they might have been stopped by the people of the Redemption Society on the way.

But even if it didn't stop it, the Redemption Society didn't feel that the situation was irreversible.

Although now they are at a loss.

Lost four powerful gods, two of whom are still members of the high-level committee.

But their fundamentals are still there.

The real masters are still there.

So they surrounded the weird community, and at the same time, let members in the real world take action.

The result is that real-world action fails.

The losses were heavy, and the target was lost.

This is not good news.

Fortunately, in the nightmare world, they blocked the enemy in the weird community.

Some middle-level members of the Redemption Society proposed to attack directly and kill the opponent.

But the real senior leaders of the Redemption Society did not agree.

Only the real high-level people know what this weird community represents and what is hidden in it.

The senior management of the Redemption Society ordered that they were not allowed to enter the community, and they just had to wait outside.

Members below the top are unknown.

But several high-level executives know why.

In a small dark room, the high-level committee of the Redemption Society is holding an urgent meeting to discuss.

Originally there were seven seats, but at this moment, two were vacated.

"The God of Blood Ancestor and the Holy Word have been killed. These two wastes have long told them not to underestimate the enemy." On the side of the round table, a certain high-level **** couldn't help but scolded.

"Okay, this is the end, what's the use of saying this? Now that the enemy has insight into that community, what should we do now?"

"You don't have to do anything, they are looking for a dead Although the Yedi in the community has not yet formed, but according to the g value, it has reached more than 50,000, not to mention them, even if we go in, it is also One dead."

"It makes sense, but how to deal with the aftermath of this matter is troublesome. At that time, the matter of Emperor Ye will not be able to hide it. I am afraid that the old gods below will join forces to make things happen."

"They dare not. The Yedi we created by gathering all the resources this time is enough to suppress everything. I have said this before, there is no need to be so careful. exposed."

"Don't hide it, those old gods know, how can they let us do this with peace of mind? Okay, now is not the time to discuss this, let's figure out a plan and see what to do next. "

"Do you still need to think about it? At present, there is only one possibility, that they will be killed by the unformed Yedi. What we have to do is how to control those old gods who may cause trouble."

At this time, the heated discussion was disrupted by waves of roaring fluctuations.

The people from the high-level committee went out to take a look and found that the fog barrier around the strange community over there was rapidly dissipating. 16321/10936917

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