Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 872: quarreled

Lin Mo's question was very abrupt.

Not to mention the person on the other end of the phone was stunned, even Liu Gao next to him was puzzled.

The heart said, what is expert Lin doing?

Isn't it said that Expert Lin and Expert Wang know each other, old acquaintances, why can't they even hear the voices of old friends?

Fortunately, Liu Gao was not stupid enough to ask directly.

Expert Lin asked how he wanted to ask, and he knew he had better not intervene.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Lin Mo asked another question very thoughtfully.

"Say, who are you?"

At this time, the opposite may have recovered.

"I'm Wang Zixin, a member of the expert group of the General Administration, who are you?"

Sounds fine.

But Lin Mo didn't answer, and repeated the sentence just now: "Who are you?"

This time the other party may be a little angry.

"I don't care who you are, please don't joke with me, where is Liu Gao? Are you still there?" the cat on the other end of the phone asked angrily.

Liu Gao wanted to speak, but was stopped by Lin Mo.

"Who are you?"

He asked again.

The voice of Mao Mao on the opposite side was obviously on fire: "I have already said that I am a member of the expert team of the General Administration, Wang Zixin, my number is 10789xxxx..."

After the other party finished speaking this time, he added: "I don't care who you are, it is a very special situation, and this is not a place to joke, Liu Gao, please call."

Liu Gao looked at Lin Mo pitifully, while Lin Mo smiled, saying he was calm and okay.

Lin Mo didn't ask that maddening question again this time.

Finally changed a word.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I'll give you a name. You can call it Xiao A. Xiao A, where are you?"

This time, the 'cat cat' on the opposite side couldn't bear it any longer.

"Are you sick? Who are you? Where is Liu Gao, let him talk to me."

"Xiao Liu is busy and has no time to talk to you. Besides, we are talking now. You keep telling people what to do with Xiao Liu. What's the matter, you have a crush on them?"

"You're a lunatic."

"I can't refute this, because you're right!"


"Although you're right, I'm still not very happy. You don't have the right to say me, because you're a piece of trash."


The other party scolded directly, and it was estimated that he was angry.

The problem is that Lin Mo is not the one who doesn't retaliate, and directly scolds him.

It's called a hot one.

Liu Gao frowned when listening to this foul language, thinking in his heart that with Expert Lin's skill, the aunties on the street might not even be able to beat him in a group.

Too bullshit.

Cursing words are sentence after sentence without repetition. This is real kung fu, and you can't learn it.

At the beginning, the other party can also scold a few words.

Later, it was directly sprayed with misfire.

The scene became Lin Mo's unilateral output of firepower, that is called a king over the world, that is called an unrivaled one.

When the spray was almost done, Lin Mo saw that the other party had already lost his armor and armor, and he was defeated, so he didn't continue to beat the underdog, but after a pause, he continued to ask: "Tell me, who are you?"

This time the other party did not answer immediately.

All of a sudden, the scene suddenly became very quiet.

Quiet is a little weird.

Even Liu Gao sensed something was wrong.

He also came back to his senses at this time, why did Expert Lin keep asking who the other party was?

Possibly, it can be understood literally.

That is, Expert Lin really doesn't know who the other party is.

In other words, the other party claimed to be Wang Zixin, but Lin expert did not think so.

So I will ask without hesitation.

But for this kind of thing, wouldn't it be enough to directly pierce the other party's disguise? Why do you need to do this, do you just want to deliberately find fault and scold each other?

Liu Gao couldn't understand.

Obviously, Lin Mo did not intend to explain to the other party.

After waiting for a long time, the voice sounded again.

"What do you mean?"

"That's what you think it means!"


"I'll find you right away."

"Okay, I'm afraid you won't come."

"Give me a specific address."

The other party really reported an address, which was very detailed.

"Come quickly, I'll wait for you."

"Don't worry, I won't make you wait long."

After speaking, Lin Mo hung up the phone first.

When he sprayed people just now, he was full of high spirits, and he was full of passion.

But at this moment, Lin Mo's face was full of worry.

As if the fierce man just now was not him.

Liu Gao asked fearfully, "Expert Lin, is something wrong? The person on the phone isn't Wang Zixin?"

Lin Mo nodded.

"It's fine if it's her. From the call recordings you kept before, I knew it wasn't her. This guy, Mao Mao, speaks very distinctively. You don't understand this when I told you. She. It was even more so after the call. If it was a cat, she should know who I am when I ask the second sentence."

This is a tacit understanding between two friends.

Of course outsiders don't understand.

"Then, if she wasn't Wang Zixin, who would she be?" Liu Gao was sweating on his forehead at this time. He and the other party had been on the phone many times and dispatched two rescue teams, but they were all meat buns beating dogs. never return.

Just like evaporating.

It stands to reason that they should have suspected each other long ago.

But what the other party said was too natural, and he even matched the password of the General Administration, and there was no problem.

"By the way, in addition to Wang Zixin, we also talked to several other people and found no problems."

Lin Mo smiled: "They can imitate Wang Zixin, but they won't imitate others? For some weird things, this is the basic skill. Sometimes, they imitate more like the deity than the deity."

"Could it be a dummy? But we've used special instruments to analyze the sound, and we haven't found anything unusual."

"It may not be a dummy, it may be other unknown weirdness. For such a top imitator, it is easy to have the same voice, and even some strange detection instruments can't detect the problem. Well, let's set off immediately, and hope to return. can make it.”

Liu Gao said that this matter must be reported to the General Administration first.

"I'm here to tell the director about this, let's start now, and we can't delay for a minute."

Lin Mo is lazy sometimes, but when it comes to critical matters, he will definitely act resolutely and will not delay at all.

So in less than half an hour, the plane they took had plunged into the blue sky and white clouds.

For the specific situation, Lin Mo personally called the director.

After all, the director is a big man, so he can hold his breath and ask Lin Mo how sure he is of this judgment.

Lin Mo told him that it was absolutely 100%.

"Then don't go. If it's as you said, the people who went there before have already died in nine out of ten cases. You are more important to the General Administration, and there is absolutely no room for loss."

Not to mention, the director's heartfelt words, Lin Mo's ears are very comfortable.

"Director, I think I have to go to this matter. I can't be sure that they are dead. No, I am sure they are not dead."

"How are you sure?" The director was curious.

"Personal confidentiality." Lin Mo didn't tell the other party.

In fact, it is the art of paper cranes.

Write the name of the cat, if the paper crane can be released, it means that the person is still there; if the paper crane does not fly, it is gone.

Fortunately, the paper crane flew.

So this time, the King of Heaven came to persuade him, and he had to go too.

Must go.

"Okay, keep in touch, let me know if you need anything."

After that, I hung up the phone.

This is a commercial small airliner.

It seems that it is a few years old, and now at this juncture, it is not bad that the General Administration can get such a plane, and Lin Mo is not picky.

After all, neighboring countries are not far away.

Two hours at most.

In addition to the aircraft framers, there are two crew members, plus Liu Gao and two action team members, namely Lin Mo and 416.

Liu Gao was very curious, where did the long legs like the Victoria's Secret model come from?

But seeing Lin Mo's extremely serious expression along the way, he didn't dare to ask.

Can only guess.

Later, I couldn't help being curious, and secretly called my colleagues at the Jade Bird Branch, and only then did I get some clues.

Because I have participated in the training of the students of the Blue Bird Branch, I kept some materials there.

So, he knew that this beautiful girl was called 416.

It's even a code name.

Liu Gao felt that as long as there was a code name, it was a big shot.

Of course, that wasn't the only thing that surprised him.

In the age column, it says two years old.

"Isn't this nonsense? That face, that chest, that waist, that butt, that thigh, two years old? Isn't that obvious nonsense."

Liu Gao thought again.

Perhaps, this is to protect the real situation.

Maybe this little angel of Victoria's Secret is Lin's secret weapon.

On the way, Liu Gao told Lin Mo that there were two groups of people who had been sent to rescue.

One group went by plane, but disappeared from the radar when they reached the other side's air; the other group passed by on land, and they could maintain communication at first, but after going deep into neighboring countries, there was no news.

It feels like this place is like an abyss that can devour others. As long as you go, you will never return.

It may also be because of this reason that the people on the plane, except for Lin Mo and 416, are all pale. Remain calm throughout.

Lin Mo didn't think about it that much.

What he thought was to hurry up and find someone, kill the enemy, and bring them back while the cats and cats are still alive.

In the same sentence, Lin Mo doesn't think there is anything that can stop him in the 'super luxurious configuration' at this stage. Even if it is an S-level nightmare, even if it is more than one S-level nightmare, Lin Mo is sure to let it go. The other knelt down and sang conquest.

Powerful, so confident.

At this time, the captain announced that he was about to enter the airspace of a neighboring country.

At this time, Lin Mo asked Liu Gao, saying that this small neighboring country has a small population and a small area. It stands to reason that even if a nightmare strikes, it should be able to prevent and control it.

Not quite developed?

Liu Gao said that he is developed, all old cucumbers are painted with green paint to pretend to be tender.

"There are still people at the official level, but it is said that there is only one place in the country that has set up a safety zone. If you think about it, there are more than 30 large and medium-sized safety zones in our side. If you count some small ones, go up. There are more than 100 safe zones, and this comparison comes out.”

Lin Mo thought about it and said that this neighboring country is small and has few people, so it would be nice to have one.

"That's true, but the problem is, this one is not that good. Last time we contacted their official Special Administration Bureau, which is similar to our General Security Bureau, and wanted them to help search for our missing people, and you guessed it. what's going on?"

"Can't guess, they refused?"

"That's not true. They agreed, but just agreeing will fail. I guess they promised it verbally and didn't plan to help us find it at all."

This Lin Mo is familiar with tricks.

At this moment, a huge explosion sounded.


The body immediately vibrated.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Including Lin Mo.

He turned his head and looked out the window. It seemed that an engine on the left wing of the plane had been hit by something and exploded. At this moment, flames were burning and thick black smoke was coming out.

Just as Lin Mo was about to speak, the fuselage lost its balance and began to descend rapidly, a terrifying sense of weightlessness struck.

It was as if all the blood in the body rushed into the brain in an instant.


Lin Mo only had time to shout such a sentence, and if he wanted to say something later, he couldn't say it.

Under weightlessness, the oxygen mask above the seat fell directly.

Everything happened so suddenly.

I believe that everyone's heads are blank at this This is a hundred times more exciting than a roller coaster.

There was a loud bang and a metallic twisting sound.

About ten seconds later, a hole was torn on the side of the fuselage, and two people were directly sucked out.

This time, like thunder, nothing could be heard.

All Lin Mo could do was to bend forward, grab the seat in front of him with both arms, hide his head inside, and curl up. The next moment, there was a loud noise, followed by a violent shock.

In an instant, Lin Mo fell into a nightmare world.


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