Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 871: who are you?

Putting down the phone, Lin Mo's expression was a little serious.

At the beginning, the director said that the work arranged this time was relatively easy, and he could travel abroad for free.

But Lin Mo doesn't think so.

In normal work, the director would not make this phone call in person. After careful inquiries, he realized that it was indeed the case. The director was obviously trying to trick him.

To put it simply, the above asked him to go to a neighboring country to pick up a few people back.

own people.

Lin Mo asked who he was, and the director said that there are several important scientists here, as well as an acquaintance of you.

It's called Wang Zixin.

Lin Mo recalled it for a while before he remembered that Wang Zixin was just a cat.

At the moment, he carefully asked the director what was going on.

The director said that the specific situation would be explained in detail by someone sent by the General Administration. He wanted to hold a meeting and then hung up the phone.

Lin Mo thought for a while, and felt that he thought too much.

The director just asked himself to pick up people, and he didn't say what danger was encountered there. It should just be a simple pick up.

Otherwise, the director's tone could not be so relaxed.

But not right.

If it's just picking up people, why let yourself go?

It's not that Lin Mo is boasting.

He has almost been recognized as the fourth special expert of the General Administration.

Special experts represent the highest combat power of the General Administration.

If it's just a simple task, how can you use yourself to go?

So, there must be something going on here.

It may be that Lin Mo's mental strength has also improved a lot when he went to the Sea of ​​Fear this time, which has improved his ability to analyze things a lot more than before.

He analyzed the director's previous words, combined with the director's character, and quickly deduced a conclusion.

First of all, this matter was called by the boss of the general bureau, which means that this matter is very important. Of course, because of his improved status in the general bureau, now only the director can arrange work for Lin Mo.

Again, if you simply pick up people, you cannot use yourself.

Murder with a bull's knife?

This principle is universal.

Inferring from this matter, we can know that picking up people is not ordinary, at least ordinary people can't do it.

But cats and cats are not in any danger now.

If there is danger, the director's tone will not be so relaxed.

That is to say, Mao Mao and several scientists from the General Administration were trapped in a neighboring country for some reason and could not come back.


Now that he understood this, Lin Mo immediately began to prepare for the mission.

The director did not say which neighboring country was, and Lin Mo was not in a hurry to know.

He took the 416 out of the training class.

Since this matter is a task that needs to be used by the director in the eyes of the director, it must be right to bring a few more capable helpers.

Besides, 416 cannot be left in Jade Bird City.

Then she has to turn against the sky?

Right now, I don't have time to go back to Migratory Bird City or the Green Garden Community, so Lin Mo has no other choice but to take her with him.

In addition to 416, Lao Bai has been following Lin Mo.

Of course, because of the fact that Lao Bai has the white paper code, now Lin Mo is very concerned about it, and he is very relieved.

Xi Wenjun is also there.

She is in the mirror world, and Lin Mo carries a mirror that can be contacted with her at any time.

After such a calculation, Lin Mo found that his current strength was terrifying.

Not only has it not weakened, but it has increased a lot.

After all, there are Xiaoyu and Sister Yue.

This is an absolutely luxurious lineup. It is estimated that no matter where he goes, he can enter and exit sideways, and no one dares to provoke him.

With such a calculation, Lin Mo is bound to win this mission.

No matter where it is, Lin Mo feels that he can bring people out smoothly.

This is his confidence.

The director has always acted resolutely. Within half a day, the people sent by the general bureau had already knocked on Lin Mo's door.

Three people in total.

The two belonged to the special forces. Although they were wearing casual clothes, they could still be seen from their special style.

And should belong to the elite of the General Administration.

There is also a member of the General Administration's expert group.

A man in his thirties, wearing glasses, looks very polite, a bit like a secretary.

The other party was carrying a suitcase, and the two special forces team members, one on the left and the other on the right, each carried a bag. Looking at their clothes, there should be guys hidden in them.

"Expert Lin!"

The man with glasses said hello and introduced himself.

The opponent is the strategic and tactical team of the expert group of the General Administration.

Lin Mo heard of it.

The people in this team are not good at fighting, but strategic analysis, tactical arrangement, and have strong thinking ability. To put it bluntly, they are the kind of people who use their brains to eat.

Lin Mo had a lot of criticism in his heart when the General Administration sent such a person.

Heart said this is worried that I can't think of any tactics out?

Look down on people.

Of course, this fire can't be sent to this person called 'Liu Gao'.

People are innocent.

Liu Gao entered the room, opened the suitcase, and began to explain to Lin Mo in detail.

It turns out that the General Administration has always been concerned about neighboring countries, and even the nightmare invasion situation of the entire Blue Star, and also concerned about the strategies and results of other countries.

Obviously, the situation is not optimistic.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of thing.

Paying attention to your surroundings is also a way of protecting yourself.

You can't just focus on the things at home stupidly. You don't know if there is a fire outside. Nine times out of ten, it will spread to your home.

The General Administration has a special group of people working in this area.

Something happened in a neighboring country, and I asked for help here. This matter was arranged from above, and it was decided to help the leader, so the General Administration sent someone over.

What to do specifically is to help the other party to do something that the other party lacks, or is not capable of doing at all.

This cooperation lasted for several months.

But in recent times, the situation in neighboring countries has changed dramatically.

The situation suddenly became dangerous.

Liu Gao did not elaborate on how serious it was, but the other party made an analogy.

"That's it, it's ten times, twenty times more serious than we are here."

Lin Mo nodded.

That was indeed quite serious.

"Later, the General Administration wanted to arrange for the people over there to come back, and also sent people to pick them up, but at this time something strange happened. All the people who were sent to pick them up lost contact after they entered the neighboring country, as if the world had evaporated. Same."

When Liu Gao mentioned this matter, his tone was still a little suspicious.

Guess he doesn't understand either.

"But the people stationed there can get in touch with the General Administration through satellite phones. They are in good condition. I just hope that the rescuers will go as soon as possible and bring them back."

Hearing this, Lin Mo was puzzled and asked if they had no legs and couldn't come back by themselves?

"This matter is more difficult. The neighboring countries have basically lost all official mechanisms and are currently in a state of complete paralysis. Moreover, where they are, there is no means of transportation to leave, and many of them are elderly. scientists, so they do not have the prerequisites for an autonomous return."

Lin Mo asked Mao Mao, that is, Wang Zixin's situation.

"She was sent by the General Administration for a rotating defense mission more than two months ago. As a result, not long after she left, an accident happened in a neighboring country, so she never came back."

Hearing Liu Gao's words, Lin Mo was also a little ashamed.

In the past few days, he really did not pay attention to cats and cats.

"Can you talk about the situation over there?" Lin Mo asked.

Liu Gao said this, you can listen to the information he brought.

There is a recording of the call between Maomao and the General Administration.

After turning on the playback, Lin Mo's familiar voice came from the instrument.

Obviously, from Mao Mao's tone and words, it can be known that the situation over there is still within the controllable range, and there is no hesitation or panic in her voice.

Very normal.

Also very calm.

Lin Mo listened for a while, and frowned, as if he had found something wrong.

"Expert Lin, what's the matter with you?" Liu Gao found out about Lin Mo's abnormality and hurriedly asked.

They were all explained before they came, and everything was obeyed by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo thought for a while, and asked if he could still contact Mao Mao now?

After getting a positive answer Lin Mo asked the other party to contact Mao Mao by satellite phone, and then he heard a familiar voice from the receiver.

Liu Gao pretended to ask about the situation over there.

All normal calls and conversations.

At first, Lin Mo didn't say a word. After listening for a while, he suddenly slapped the table, got up, and came over to grab the satellite phone.

Then asked a question.

"Who are you?"

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for a monthly ticket!


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