Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 858: Spiritual pen, drunk old white

This scene is a little embarrassing.

Lin Mo could see that not only was a and b teaming up, but they also called Mrs. Wesson over, obviously planning not to give themselves a way out.

To say that Lin Mo's reaction was also very fast, the effect of the drug was high, and he immediately laughed wildly.

Can't stop.

Just laugh and laugh, it's not bad, let's start with the inexplicable laugh of the three on the other side.

Not to mention, the three people on the opposite side immediately murmured, wondering if this guy is sick, why are you smiling?

He was almost done laughing, Lin Mo held back, because the medicinal effects of Xianmo Tang came up like a tide, he was gnashing his teeth at the moment, and said in a very strange tone: "A friend has come from afar, today our family is considered a prosperous life. Hui. Yo, isn't this Aunt Wesson, why are you here, are you here to find my mother?"

Mrs Wiesen was silent.

Maybe you don't know how to answer.

It may also feel that Lin Mo is sick.

Of course, she did come here to seek bad luck. With two top spiritual bodies, a and b, plus her, it should be no problem to kill the paper bag head family.

But at this time, when she heard the word 'mother' in Lin Mo's mouth, a trace of fear flashed in her heart.

As someone who has really dealt with the paper bag head, Mrs. Wesson knows too much that this family is too terrifying.

Finally, she still coughed lightly and said, "I'm here to chat with your mother, is she there?"

"Unfortunately, my mother is not here, not only she is not there, but other family members are not there, I am the only one." Lin Mo said truthfully.

There's no need to lie about this.

Because this lie is very easy to expose.

Instead of lying, tell the truth.

Moreover, if he said that, the other party might be afraid.

Very simple reason, if they choose to do it at this time, it is impossible to kill all the paper bag head family, then naturally other family members will definitely take revenge.

Of course, it is unlikely that this situation will make the other party give up, because for a and b, they originally wanted to kill all the paper bag head family.

Wouldn't it be better to be able to kill them separately now?

Lin Mo swayed at this time.

The medicinal effect of Xianmo Soup keeps rising, but because it is in the spiritual realm, this effect is not overwhelming, but like a rising waterline, which seems to be slow, but it is continuous and doubling.

Lin Mo began to rely on breathing heavily to barely stabilize his mind.

But just as he thought, the mental power did not seem to improve much after using the demon soup, which was much worse than the effect of taking nzt-47.

However, there are still some effects.

For example, at this moment, Lin Mo especially wanted to go over with a knife and chop off a few people on the opposite side.

That impulsive and defiant confidence and arrogance filled his brain.

A simple sentence, do it if you don't agree, those who obey me will live and those who go against me will die!

By the way, what about the old white?

Lin Mo looked back in a daze at this time.

Because of confusion, he forgot the taboo of Lao Bai.

It stands to reason that Lao Bai would react when he saw Lin Mo turning back, but at this moment, Lao Bai who was standing behind Lin Mo was motionless, just like he didn't notice Lin Mo turning back.

There has been a big change in Lao Bai, quite obvious.

Before, Lao Bai was pale, but now, it has turned red, not the usual dark red, but a bright red, the same color as the crab that Te Mo just brought out of the steamer.

Lin Mo couldn't hold back his laughter just by looking at it.

Not only has it turned red, but Old Bai is still breathing heavily.

Like a dog in a certain period, the tongue sticks out.

Originally, Lao Bai lowered his head and gasped for himself, but Lin Mo's smile shocked him.

The next moment, Lao Bai raised his head and glanced at Lin Mo.

Under normal circumstances, Lao Bai's face is distorted, blurred, and hard to see, just like a mosaic, but at this moment, Lao Bai's face can be seen clearly, especially the pair of eyes, full of bloodshots. , with a touch of fury and beastly.

At this moment, Lin Mo was also on the edge of his medicine, and he laughed even louder.

While laughing and patting his thighs, he seemed to think the red-skinned old white was particularly funny.

"Old Bai, you look like this, hahaha, you don't have eyebrows, just like a vulture!"

The three spirits standing at the door were stunned.

The heart said that the mental illness of this paper bag head is really serious, and when he is about to die, he can still laugh, and he still laughs so unscrupulously.

As if they didn't exist.

"Don't waste time, let's do it."

B said, it was played by Lin Mo before, and it was the most angry. After saying this, he immediately walked into the cozy cabin.

"Get out."

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo seemed to sense something at this time, so he turned his head and cursed.

"If you want to fight outside and damage my house, you can't afford it."

Lin Mo's mind is not very clear at this moment. It is reflected in his mental power, that is, white gas starts to rise from all over his body, like a person who has just come out of a hot spring in winter.

At this time, all the tactics that he had thought of before were left behind by Lin Mo, his mental strength did not improve much, but his arrogance was at least ten times greater.

The next moment Lin Mo reached out and grabbed Lao Bai.

"Go, old white, come out and fight!"

Old Bai was still a little unhappy.

But it seems that some kind of order has been placed in the depths of its consciousness, and it can't resist Lin Mo's request.

So Lin Mo took Lao Bai, who was like a steamed crab, and walked out to meet the three spirit bodies on the opposite side.

b and a look at each other.

also back.

They naturally know that in the cozy cabin, they will be suppressed by some kind of spirit, which is not a good thing for them.

But the paper bag head hides in the house, they can only go in.

Now the other party actually gave up the advantage of geographical location and chose to do it.

It's not a problem with the brain, what is it?

This guy is really sick.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the other party has other plans, and maybe some traps have been set up, waiting for them to drill into it.

When he got outside, Lin Mo closed the door.

Then I patted Lao Bai.

"Go and kill them."

Old Bai disappeared in an instant, and when he looked again, he was already behind B.

No one can see this speed clearly, as if it moved in an instant.

B was startled and looked back subconsciously.

This directly triggered Lao Bai's taboo.

Lao Bai stretched out the hot, red-hot sturdy arm grabbing the other's head and making a circle.


B's neck was broken, but the other party didn't fall down, he just showed a very surprised expression. I guess he didn't expect the other party to attack so quickly.

The opponent's attack also hit Lao Bai.

Not only b, but a also started to do it.

Most of the time, Lao Bai just followed these two spiritual bodies with a strange speed, and he would not make a move easily. Only when the other party violated the taboo, he would make a move.

And this kind of shot is irresistible.

No matter how hard a or b dodges and resists, they can't stand it.

"Fuck him, this guy seems to be playing tricks on us!" B finally came back to his senses, he thought of a possibility, and scolded him angrily.

"It looks like this, this guy is really playing with us." A also gritted his teeth.

As the top spiritual body in the sea of ​​fear, the two of them are also very face-saving. They are always on the air, but now they are played by a red-skinned naked man.

It is urgent now.

But they can also find that this red-skinned naked man is very strong.

After fighting for a short time, they found that the other party seemed to have almost invincible defense.

The various mental power attacks of the two of them were ineffective.

Mind control, mind shock, mind whip, mind burn.

These abilities that they can use easily on weekdays are unexpectedly useless at this time.

"Who is this guy? How can there be no response to mental power?"

"Only an existence with a particularly strong mental power can have this kind of defense that is almost reinforced with iron bones. This naked man should be such an existence."

"Then what?"

"Continue to attack, I don't believe it is really not afraid of our spiritual attack."

At this time, a and b are also full of combat power. All kinds of mental attacks are thrown out without money, but they are still being twisted by Lao Bai.

This move is not very lethal to their mental bodies of this level, but it is extremely insulting.

"Mrs. Wesson, what are you doing, do it."

b was furious at this time, and found that Mrs. Weisen was unmoved, and this one shouted.

Mrs Wesson ignored it.

Since just now, Mrs. Wesson has been observing Lin Mo.

She discovered something that terrified her.

The expression on the head of the paper bag on the other person's head is actually changing constantly. At first it was a smiling face, then it became a crying face, and then it was a grimace.

Change your face quickly.

This is not to mention, the other party is holding something in his hand.

Mrs. Weisen is not an ordinary spiritual body, she has a special spiritual ability.

Spiritual eyes.

You can open a hundred eyes on your body and detect things in the deep spiritual realm.

She activated her powers at this time.

The next moment, Mrs. Weisen opened her strange eyes with a kind of strangeness. At this moment, Qi Qi looked at Lin Mo.

She saw something.

This paper bag head has a lot of filamentous spiritual power in his hand, and the other party seems to be working hard to squeeze these spiritual powers into a pen. In fact, the pen composed of this spiritual power has already taken shape.

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There is also silk thread attached to the pen.


She looked in the other direction along the silk thread, and found that more than a dozen silk threads were connected to the naked red-skinned man who was 'playing' with two top spiritual bodies.

Vaguely, she seemed to see a piece of white paper hidden in the naked man with red skin.

In an instant, Mrs. Wesson shuddered.

She seemed to see something incredible and made an unexpected discovery.

And this discovery was absolutely seismic for her.

Even she could no longer manage any expressions at all, the surprise, shock and fear were unmistakable.

"That, that is..."

Mrs Wiesen clenched her fists tightly.

She looked at the top of the paper bag again, and the other party's pen was almost ready.

As for why the mental power was squeezed into a pen, Mrs. Wesson also guessed at this time. What is the pen used for? Of course writing.

The head of the paper bag wanted to grab a pen and write on the paper inside the naked red man's body.

"You can't hesitate any longer, you have to do it right away!"

Mrs. Wesson's eyes were hideous, as if she had made a decision in an instant.

Her height began to increase, like stepping on a retractable stilt, and her skirt also began to grow. The next moment, many spiritual monsters emerged from under the skirt.

Like a ghoul who only knows how to kill.

The ghouls composed of these spirits rushed forward frantically and began to attack a and b.

"Damn it, Mrs. Wesson, you got the wrong target!" B cursed angrily at this time. It found that after twisting its neck more than a dozen times, its mental power had suffered a huge loss.

If it goes on like this, it will lose too much.

In the end, I never thought that at this time, Mrs. Wesson started, but she started with it.

A few spirit ghouls hugged it and gnawed on it.

It's just that Mrs. Wiesen got it wrong.

But a clear mind is much clearer than it is.

"Mrs. Wesson, why?" a asked sharply at this moment.

Mrs. Wiesen didn't seem to want to answer at all.

a Seeing this posture, his heart sank.

Apparently, Mrs. Wiesen was determined to help the paper bag head against them.

Could it be that the other party was pretending to cooperate from the beginning, but in fact, he had already planned to cooperate with the paper bag head to deal with them?

a always feels that something is not right.

Mrs. Wesson's transformation was too abrupt.

She didn't seem to have planned it long ago, more like some kind of impromptu idea.

This shows that for some reason, she temporarily changed her mind and chose to be their enemy.

But at this time, A didn't have time to think about it carefully. If the red-skinned naked man was playing with them before, then this time Mrs. Wesson's attack was a serious attack.

If they don't want to be devoured by thousands of spirit ghouls, they can only fight back.

"Don't worry about this naked man for now, I will block Mrs. Wesson, you go and kill that paper bag head, remember, do it ruthlessly!" At this time, Mrs. Weisen's strength is not weak, if you unite with the people of the paper bag head family, The two of them could really capsize in the gutter.

At this moment, there was a light of fear in A's eyes.

This is the ability it steals from the captain.

The ability to steal is itself a characteristic of a.

This made it from a weak spiritual body at the beginning to the top existence in the sea of ​​fear.

B also knew that the current situation was urgent, it nodded, immediately turned the muzzle, and walked towards Lin Mo.

It didn't keep its hands this time, and it was a killer move.

"Spiritual shock!"

b raised his hand and punched it out from the air.


As if the air was shattered, a crack shock instantly impacted and engulfed Lin Mo.

This is a special use of mental power. Under normal circumstances, even a relatively powerful mental body cannot withstand this kind of attack, and it will shatter the mental power in an instant.

Once the mental power is broken, that person is finished.

"If he didn't hide, then he was dead."

b has pre-booked victory.

But it soon found that the other party had suffered the 'mental shock' from his front, but he continued to hold something like a normal The facial features on the paper bag, the focus in his eyes, The madness of the facial features makes the scalp numb.

"Did I miss?" b muttered to himself.

It feels that there is only one possibility of missing, otherwise it really cannot explain what is going on.

Of course there is another possibility.

This paper bag head, like the red-skinned naked man, has a strong mental defense ability, and uses mental power as a shield to block its mental shock from the front.

"Come again, this time I use all my strength, you will surely die!"

b used all his mental power this time, and took a few steps forward, and punched out with a bang at a distance of less than two meters.

The mental shock at this distance is almost impossible to miss.

The huge mental crack envelops the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters. All the spiritual bodies within this range will be shattered. It feels like using a chopstick to insert a chopstick into a person's brain and stir a hundred times. Same.

There can be no more surprises.

But when the mental crack dissipated, and seeing the paper bag head that was still concentrating on pinching things, B's expression management was completely out of control.


It begins to doubt life!

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