Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

Vol 2 Chapter 857: Is he taking us for fools?

Borrowing a knife to kill people, darkened Chen Cang, and brought disaster to the east.

This is the clever trick that Lin Mo came up with.

Lin Mo didn't know the names of these spirit bodies.

Therefore, the spirit body that trapped the glutton is called a, and the spirit body that wants to get Xiwenjun is called b.

Now b is on the Silent, obviously angry, in a rage, and about to do it right away.

Before Lin Mo went to drag the Gluttonous Eater, A also warned that if he came again, he would kill him likewise.

So when Lin Mo found out that he couldn't do B alone, why didn't he bring B to find A, and then pretended to bring someone to smash the scene?

In this way, a and b will definitely fight.

In this way, no matter who wins or loses, it's a big good thing for Lin Mo.

Lin Mo couldn't help but silently gave himself a compliment for the brilliant idea he had come up with.


Such a dangerous situation was easily resolved by himself, and going out in the future is also a matter of discussion.

In short, Lin Mo is in a good mood now.

The next moment, he was dragged into the spiritual realm.

This was also what he expected.

The sea of ​​fear is entangled with various spiritual bodies. It seems that the sea of ​​fear itself has some kind of power, and the spiritual bodies here can use this power to pull each other into the spiritual realm.

Lin Mo was standing at the door of the cozy hut and looking out.

Outside my house, there are two more large houses.

From these two rooms, two figures came out at this moment.

are a and b.

Looks like it's ready for battle.

Hurry up and fight so that you can catch the fisherman yourself.

But a and b looked at each other, not only did not do anything, but actually started to chat.

When Lin Mo saw this, his heart skipped a beat.

"Bad, I forgot that there is a possibility that these two may know each other, and the relationship is still very good!"

The situation was urgent just now, and there was indeed a huge loophole in Lin Mo's strategy of using a knife to kill Chen Cang's misfortune.

Not only is it abolished, but it will also lead to a more terrible consequence.

a and b may join forces to get themselves.

It was impossible to beat one of them in the first place, but this time they are united again, which is even less likely to win.

"It's over!"

Lin Mo's heart sank at this moment.

The little bit of smugness that had been there before was now shattered to the ground.

The problem is that things are now headed for the most troublesome situation.

The two top spirits in the Sea of ​​Fear share the same hatred and want to kill themselves. How can this be played?

Gotta figure it out quickly.

At this moment outside the cozy cabin, a and b are talking. Lin Mo did a good job. The two did know each other, and they did know each other very well.

If it is replaced with another spiritual body, maybe Lin Mo's plan will be successful.

But this time he missed a move.

"I understand. That guy brought you here because he wanted to kill you with my hand. In his eyes, it's better for both of us to lose both."

"Then this guy is so sinister, is he treating us as fools?"

"It looks like this."

"He's dead."

"That's what I mean, but the paper bag head family is not weak. It was true that there were some means to force the Wesson family to shake hands and make peace. You should be careful."

"Then call the Wesson family too. Let's join forces. No matter how powerful the paper bag head is, can we turn the sky over?"

"You have a good idea, then, go and inform the Wesson family."

Lin Mo couldn't hear the conversation between the two spirits in the room, but he was not stupid, no matter what the other party planned to do, the situation could only get worse.

"Are they still looking for help?"

Lin Mo has a lot of experience, and he guessed half of it right at this time.

But the current situation is that no matter which side is outside, he is not an opponent.

What's wrong!

Lin Mo turned his head and looked at 418 on the ground.

The latter also seemed to find that the situation was not right, so he dared to ask what was going on.

Lin Mo was too lazy to talk to the tower, but 418 said that he had something to say, maybe he could come up with ideas and solutions.

Think about it carefully.

One is short and two are long, and the three cobblers are Zhuge Liang.

So Lin Mo briefly explained the situation.

"Help me think of a way..."

Before he could finish speaking, 418 started to cry, howling as he cried.

"Ah, ah, let me go, I want to go, I want to go home. Don't kill me, I have nothing to do with him, help, help..."

Lin Mo went up and slapped a few times before 418 stopped.

This stuff is clearly unreliable.

"You howl again? I'll kill you first."

With an angry curse, 418 didn't dare to say a word, and now he was sitting on the ground and sobbing silently.

I guess I was thinking about how its life was so bitter.

Those passengers also noticed that the situation was wrong at this time and came over, but they were much more reliable than 418.

Knowing that there is a strong enemy coming, they all silently prepare weapons one by one.

After being tortured and killed countless times by the godfather, these passengers are no longer what they used to be, and now they are also a powerful spiritual body, full of resentment.

Only Lin Mo is full of gratitude.

So if someone is going to go against Lin Mo, they will help.

Even if their own strength is very weak, they cannot really control the outcome.

"It's really a fight, you find the opportunity to escape."

Lin Mo didn't want to drag these passengers down.

In fact, they are already very pitiful. If the ending must be a loss, then they really shouldn't be a drag on others.

Lin Mo is frantically thinking about tactics.

Facts have proved that if you let the opponent in and play in the cozy cabin, then you will have the home field advantage.

418 came into the house because of unknown circumstances, but was suppressed by himself and caught the other party by surprise.

But of course 418 can't be compared with the a and b outside, so the suppression of these two guys by the cozy cabin is limited.

Again, if Mom and the others were here, there would be some fights in this battle, and there might be a chance of winning. But now, at least for now, Lin Mo has no chance of winning at all.

Can't escape.

As long as it is within the range of the sea of ​​fear, it will be pulled into the spiritual realm.

"I don't know if the demon soup has any effect?"

Lin Mo began to think about all the means at his disposal.

Demon Demon Soup can greatly improve Lin Mo's combat power in the nightmare world, but it is unclear whether his spiritual power can be improved.

Of course, at the critical moment, you can try it.

This is an alternative.

Effect unknown.

Is there any other way?

Give Xiaoyu and the others a demon soup?

The same effect is unknown.

There is a high probability that it will not have any effect. If you die, you will be drunk and crazy in the nightmare What about Lao Bai?

Lao Bai can follow him into the spiritual realm, so if he drinks the demon soup, will it be effective?

Lin Mo took a deep breath.

He thought about it carefully, and the option of Lao Bai was relatively reliable.

Because the fact that Lao Bai can directly enter the spiritual realm is a huge advantage, which means that it can fully exert the power of the demon soup.

You can try this.

and higher priority.

Is there any other way?

Lin Mo couldn't think of it.

You can do it first to give Lao Bai the Xianmo soup. The only problem is that he is afraid that Lao Bai will go crazy and kill himself.

But it would be a death to do so.

So, if you have to die, it's definitely not a loss to pull a few backs.

Concentrating, Lin Mo tried to temporarily escape from the spiritual realm.

But this is a bit difficult.

But it has to be done.

Otherwise, there is no chance at all.

Finally, after trying hard for a few times, Lin Mo successfully escaped from the spiritual realm, but he knew very well that he only had more than ten seconds at most, or even shorter.

So the moment he left the spiritual realm, he took out the demon soup and poured it into Lao Bai.

And he took a sip himself.

Almost at the same time, a powerful suction came from behind him. Lin Mo only felt that he was being yanked, and he was dragged into the spiritual realm again.

At this time, the door of the room had been opened, and three terrifying figures stood outside the door.

One is a, one is b, and one is Mrs. Wesson.

------off topic-----

Chapter 1 in the morning, ask for monthly ticket support!


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