Among the people in front of the scientific research area, the leader was a middle-aged man with a tall and straight posture, exuding a kind of confidence unique to a scholar.

He was wearing a white scientific research uniform, dotted with a golden badge representing a brain pattern, reflecting a faint light.

He is Zhao Tianming.

Homo sapiens No. 000.

The scientific research leader of the military region.

I saw him shaking his head lightly: “I didn’t expect this day to come so quickly…”

“On the 20th, it’s time for you to play.”

As Zhao Tianming finished speaking, a blue figure behind him suddenly rose into the sky, and the ground could not help but tremble slightly.

“If we take action on the 20th, we will inevitably…”

Just behind Zhao Tianming, someone was about to brag.


But the next moment!

A roar suddenly exploded from the side!

Extremely abrupt!

The blue figure that was flying away in the sky just now is as heavy as a stone!

Smash it hard into the ground!

It stirred up smoke and dust in the sky!

In the flash of lightning, the sky seemed to be torn apart, and the exposed wires trembled in the sparks.

It’s fleeting!

No. 20, died.




Everyone looked at each other, their hearts trembling beyond words. What is going on?

“What… happened! Didn’t the 20th just take off? Why was it scrapped!”

“It’s impossible. I participated in the program control and he didn’t have any problems! Why did he suddenly get a serious illness? I took it!”

“This is not his own problem…it looks like he suffered a physical blow! Look at his chest, does it look like a footprint running through the front and back?”

“I’m afraid the enemy this time is not a good one… Fortunately, our No. 21 is still running. Commander Zhao is definitely safe, and there is no need for Leader Zhao to worry too much.”

Everyone is still frightened, they know the strength of No. 20, there is no reason to be killed in an instant!

If No. 21 hadn’t been getting closer and closer to everyone, they would have suspected that some top new human was coming.

But what they didn’t expect was that Zhao Tianming was neither sad nor happy, and showed no signs of anxiety.

Looking at the sky with cold eyes.

This is Zhao Tianming.

A terrifyingly calm presence.

Immediately afterwards.

There was another roar from the sky, and a stream of red light rushed across.

Seeing this, everyone around Zhao Tianming couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

“Number 21 is back! It is indeed the proud work of Leader Zhao, the strongest android that can even touch the sixth level!”

“Even if No. 20 is defeated, No. 21 can definitely do it! The biggest difference between the two is that we deliberately added a large amount of nuclear energy to the backup energy of No. 21!”

“This is really a wise move. No one can hope to gain anything from the battle with No. 21! This is the power of technology!”




Accompanied by a deafening loud noise.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the red stream of light suddenly fell to the ground, creating a deep pit!

I thought it was No. 21 who returned in glory and made a great contribution to saving Commander Zhao.

As a result, the appearance inside the pit…

Some are beyond everyone’s expectations.

Half of the steel body of No. 21 was cut off abruptly, and the precise structure and wires inside were instantly exposed.

Like a living organism’s blood vessels that have been cut open, naked and fragile.

The high-tech components hidden under the casing were scattered all over the place, and the internal chips, circuit boards, and core technology energy were seriously damaged.

The 21st…

On the brink of destruction!

“Wait, this is… an unstable nuclear energy state?! How is this activated! Isn’t this a state that only exists in theory!”

“What level of enemy is it that can detonate nuclear energy instantly?! Even No. 20 and Hatchet God can’t do it during the experimental period!”

“Hurry! There is no time. The unstable nuclear energy will explode soon! Run with Leader Zhao! Evacuate the people in the scientific research area!”

Everyone was shocked.

Because nuclear energy was used for the first time on the 21st, there were certain disadvantages:

When No. 21 is on the verge of outage, it will switch from stable nuclear energy to unstable nuclear energy.

When unstable nuclear energy encounters an instant devastating blow, it will expand countless times in an instant, and then explode!

Theoretically, the probability of such an “instant devastating blow” is extremely slim!

It can even be said that if they had not seen today’s situation, everyone in the scientific research area could pat their chests and guarantee:

Absolutely not going to happen!

But the reality is…


Who is it?

If there is an explosion on the 21st, the entire scientific research area will cease to exist!

Here are the top talents in China! Once the whole army is wiped out…

Not only did the artificial man project fall short, it was also started from scratch.Got it!




The terrifying buzzing sound continued to echo in the scientific research area, like a terrifying death knell, counting down to death.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

“Emergency evacuation!”

“Emergency evacuation!”

In the scientific research building, countless awakened people rushed towards the underground safety passage.

This is the last resort.

Since the death of Zhao Tianming.

A figure picked him up and started running wildly, much faster than the others.

His face was as calm as water, and his eyes were so deep that he seemed to be able to see into the essence of everything in the world. A few strands of hair fluttered gently in front of her forehead, adding a bit of unruliness to this indifference.

He is one of the Chinese Sequences as famous as Baifa, the Capital Sequence, and also an extremely dazzling existence in the ancient Chinese martial arts, the direct descendant of Tai Chi!

His speed is unparalleled. Although it is not as fast as Baifa, it is close to A Yao’s level. He can carry Zhao Tianming and escape from the nuclear explosion area in a short time.

In the midst of chaos!

A black flash came!

Wrapped in silvery white light!


Under one knife!

Number 21’s neck was cut off again, and then the entire huge body suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

The crisis was resolved instantly.

Everything was so sudden.

The harsh buzzing sound disappeared.

It was replaced by silence.

Everyone in the scientific research area looked at each other. As scientific researchers, they rarely participated in battles.

The intensity of the battle this time has far exceeded their understanding.

Everyone looked at the sky again, where there was a tremor in the space, and a foot stepped out.

next moment.

A dark shadow appeared.

With unspeakable pressure.

Gusts of divine wind towered in the sky.

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