“What…what’s going on! The newest Android No. 21 escaped without a fight? And he even kidnapped Commander Zhao!”

“Which of your eyes saw that he was kidnapped? He was obviously rescued! Crazy ghosts and human butchers have already ruined the chance of the white-haired god general!”

“No wonder he dared to challenge Mad Ghost Man Tu. It turns out that he had already prepared a backup plan. It’s so cool to have a brother who is the head of scientific research!”

“This time, the crazy ghost has no choice. The biggest advantage of artificial people is speed. The speed of No. 19 is already comparable to that of White Hair, only a little slower. What’s more, the one who is escaping now is No. 21 !”

Everyone saw with their own eyes that No. 21 took Zhao Tianming away, and they couldn’t help but feel envious.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to escape from the hands of a crazy ghost killer!

Only Zhao Tianming has such means!

Chen Xiao suffered an explosion on the ground and ran away from the cave, just as he was about to pursue him.

But was intercepted by Baifa.

“Crazy Ghost Rentu, I have been exposed to the speed of No. 20, and it is already faster than mine.”

“As for the speed of No. 21, I’m afraid it has reached an appalling level.”

Baifa looked at Chen Xiao and put his hands in his pockets.

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “You want to stop me?”


The next moment, Chen Xiao appeared directly beside Bai Fa, not wanting to fight with him.

This is just a waste of time.

But Baifa was extremely fast and caught up with Chen Xiao almost instantly, wrapping up the storm with a punch!

Chen Xiao snorted coldly, raised the bone knife and was about to kill it, but unexpectedly saw Baifa holding a ball of thread in his hand with two needles stuck on it.

This needle shone with a faint light and looked a little strange.

Following the crazy look in the white hair’s eyes, Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes, retracted the bone knife, and punched each other, causing the two to fly out.

“Crazy ghost and human slaughter! Don’t run away!”

The white hair turned into flowing light again.

Chasing after Chen Xiao.

While running, he shouted:

“Commander Zhao, I must save him!”

“I will protect the younger brother of the head of scientific research!”

And Chen Xiao no longer hesitated.

Turn your body and tap your toes.

Turn around and escape into the air.

This time, his speed was faster than ever before, so fast that it was eye-popping!

Only a faint afterimage was left, like a phantom in the morning light.

And Chen Xiao himself was already hundreds of meters away, like a supersonic fighter plane!

Swift and without a trace!

Just after Chen Xiao left, Bai Fa tried his best but couldn’t catch up.

He had no choice but to return to Pei Tianyuan and sighed helplessly: “Let him run away. I just hope that Commander Zhao can escape death.”

Pei Tianyuan nodded: “You tried your best, we all see it.”

An Ning looked at the horizon and then at the white hair: “What you did is very good.”

Bai Fa naturally knew what An Ning meant. He had also lent a needle to An Ning back then, so she could guess why Chen Xiao was suddenly so fast that it was normal.

Under the tacit understanding, Baifa chuckled: “Then thank you, Chief An, for the compliment.”

Li Taisheng and Cao Baiqing looked at each other and felt relieved.

Fortunately, I wasn’t on the wrong team…

Chai Dao, Tang Huang and others were much calmer. Even if Chen Xiao was ten times faster, they would still feel normal.

Because Chen Xiao is not a normal person!

And everyone in the audience.

I was completely impressed.

“It’s so wild. Why does it feel like the crazy ghosts are killing people faster than No. 21?”

“In the blink of an eye, he went from the far left of my sight to the far right of my sight!”

“I thought Baifa’s speed was unrivaled in the world. Whose general is this?!”

“Incredible speed…Maybe, he can really catch up with No. 21? Oh my god, I was shocked by my guess…”

Human body.

Catch up with number twenty-one.

To everyone, it is equivalent to the athlete outperforming the Lamborghini before the end!

These two things are not of the same dimension, so how can there be a chase?

【William’s Speed ​​Needle】

Description: This needle is small, but it is engraved with complex ancient runes, and every turn contains lightning power. The user only needs to gently pierce this shimmering silver needle into the skin to gain the power of the wind god

Effect: The speed doubles in a short period of time. The time depends on the own speed. The faster the speed, the shorter the duration.

Note: Each needle can only be used once

This is a gray haired guy thing.

Two full needles.

Both are of the same model, a one-time, cost-free speed improvement opportunity.

The reason why there are two is probably because the white-haired guy has used them many times before.

That’s right, being able to fly back to China from Australia… being chased by a lot of national players, can be regarded as maximizing his ability to escape.

Just now, Chen Xiao hadDigging into your own skin without hesitation.

Kamikaze bursts!

Water agility doubled!

The speed needle doubles again!

This speed…

Even Chen Xiao has never experienced it!

But it is not enough to kill Zhao Tianlang, because once he escapes into the scientific research area, that will be Zhao Tianming’s territory.

If there is a group of No. 21 hidden inside, both humans and ghosts will be in trouble.

Or in other words.

The entire capital city, including the surrounding areas, will be razed to the ground!

Therefore, Chen Xiao’s time is very limited. After all, the distance between the scientific research area and the military area is not far, only more than ten miles!

You must be faster!

Transform into a dragon!


Doubled twice! This is equivalent to four times the bonus speed after transforming into a dragon!

At this speed, if Chen Xiao didn’t have the top perception talent [Deep Sea Glory lv2], there would probably be a big problem!


The next moment, Chen Xiao landed directly on the ground, stirring up dust and tiles.

Because we are very close to the scientific research area, there is a straight road next.

He’s going to fight…

It’s true land speed!

The last needle.

Plunge in!

SSSS level Moon Shadow!

start up!


Accompanied by a loud noise!

The place where Chen Xiao stood collapsed completely, and the asphalt road was like fragile paper, torn directly by the terrifying force.

Starting from the origin, it spreads in all directions, weaving into an intricate crack pattern that spans hundreds of meters!

Under the light of the deep sea, Chen Xiao could already feel that he was getting closer and closer to No. 21, and in front of No. 21…

Somewhat scary…

The main entrance of the scientific research area.

There were seven or eight people standing at this time.

“Boss Zhao, luckily we have fulfilled our mission on the 21st. We are returning at this time. Everything is in line with expectations and everything is within our calculations.”


“Behind No. 21 and Commander Zhao, there seems to be a wave of energy chasing each other. Do we want to stop it?”

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