
It was Zhao Tianlang.

The first commander of the Beijing Military Region!

Pei Tianyuan looked a little ugly and looked at Zhao Tianlang with cold eyes.

“Commander Zhao, do you have any advice?”

“If it’s a matter of identifying the Chinese sequence, then it’s better to avoid talking about it. This matter has already passed the joint meeting.”

Hearing Pei Tianyuan’s words.

Zhao Tianlang laughed loudly: “Hahaha, Chief Pei, there is no precedent in the history of the military region that does not require everyone’s approval. Isn’t this important ceremony just to confirm the people’s support?”

“I just want to see if the rumored sequence of saving the country and the people from disaster is so famous, and if it is really what I want…”

An Ning interrupted coldly: “You don’t need to have your heart’s desire. The joint meeting recognizes that he is the Chinese sequence. If Commander Zhao has problems, he can convene a joint meeting earlier instead of confirming the people’s hearts now.”

Zhao Tianlang sneered: “Xin Ning, I said… you are still young and cannot see the dangers of people’s hearts. It is normal for you to be deceived by others!”

“It’s just… the conferment ceremony has been a ceremony to confirm the people’s support since ancient times. You can check the military region seal to see if there is anything wrong with what I said!”

Pei Tianyuan stood on the stage.

I was extremely angry.

What worries him most…

Still happened.

He knew very well that the definition of the conferment ceremony mentioned by Zhao Tianlang was correct!

It’s just that the step of confirming the people’s support has been omitted in the past, because everyone tacitly accepted what was decided at the joint meeting.

This time, Zhao Tianlang actually mentioned it again. This was to show that he had done enough homework and wanted to prevent the smooth progress of the conferment ceremony!

An Ning wanted to continue speaking, but Pei Tianyuan waved his hand to persuade him to go back.

Zhao Tianlang chuckled and looked at Xin Ning with frivolity in his eyes: “Xin Ning, you will understand my good intentions.”


You will definitely understand.

in this world.

I love you the most.

In Zhao Tianlang’s heart, he was extremely jealous of Chen Xiao, and he could even call it hatred!


As the youngest first commander, he has a distinguished family background and excellent abilities, but he is not appreciated by An Ning at all?

Before the end, his military position was not as good as An Ning’s. She looked down upon him and accepted it.

But now, her military rank has surpassed hers, why is she still so arrogant!

It would be okay if he was really arrogant, but he had long heard that An Ning had a subtle relationship with Crazy Ghost Ren Tu. Even if it was a rumor, it would be enough to make him lose face!

Who doesn’t know that they like peace of mind? Who doesn’t know that they send flowers every day! Who doesn’t know that he was so eager to show his courtesy in the first place?

But he heard that this bitch actually dared to have sex with another man yesterday?!

That man…

Damn it!

Crazy ghosts slaughter…

You deserve to die!

Pei Tianyuan glanced backstage. Chen Xiao still looked like an old god, with no mood swings at all, which made him relieved.

“Commander Zhao, what do you mean?”

“In the conferment ceremonies of the Capital Sequence and the White-haired Sequence, there is never a link to confirm the people’s support. Do you want to be original?”

Zhao Tianlang chuckled: “What is the need for originality in this? The white-haired generals, before the two of the Capital Sequence became the Chinese Sequence, they were the pillars of the military region and the core awakeners.”

“But what about his crazy ghost, Rentu? He is not from the military region at all! He has always been a local boss from Jiangbei, even a madman who is arrogant and domineering and does things without regard for the consequences!”

“I just want to ask everyone here, you are all the core personnel of the military region, can you accept an outsider, a notorious executioner, to become the Chinese sequence!”

Zhao Tianlang’s words were full of indignation!

It is highly mobilizable. Although it is biased, most of it is an established fact.

No room for rebuttal!

“I support Commander Zhao! Crazy Ghost Rentu is not worthy of becoming the Chinese Sequence! If this conferment is established, it will be unfair to so many divine generals and sequences in the military region!”

“I also support Commander Zhao! Of course Mad Ghost Rentu is welcome to join the military region, but being promoted to the Chinese rank all of a sudden is simply an insult to other awakened members of the military region who have shed their lives and blood!”

The two speakers were the second commanders of the Beijing Military Region, and they were facing the rear.

He spoke indignantly, and the movements in his hands were also very provocative.

Just as Zhao Tianlang and others finished speaking.

Tai Chi Square is boiling.

“I also support Commander Zhao! Crazy Ghost Rentu, as the boss of the local forces, should not be included in the order!”

“Commander Zhao is right, I have made a lot of contributions, why can’t it be me in the Chinese sequence?”

“Chief Pei, if there is a right to choose during the ceremony, we refuse to go crazy.The massacre of ghosts and humans has become a sequence, we demand fairness! ”

Pei Tianyuan sighed.

The development of things gradually got out of control.

Zhao Tianlang made it clear that he was causing trouble.

The first commander’s troubles are not that easy to solve.

What’s more, there is another core factor why Zhao Tianlang can do so well after the apocalypse.

His brother.

He is the scientific research leader of the Beijing Military Region!

Creator of the Artificial Human Project!

Sequence Plan Creator!

Founder of the Chinese Prophet Team!

“Homo sapiens” No. 000!

Zhao Tianming!

With his brother’s relationship, almost no one in the military region is willing to forcefully attack Zhao Tianlang, because Zhao Tianming is too capable and powerful!

“Okay! Everyone, calm down!”

“I will do justice!”

A few drops of sweat dropped from Pei Tianyuan’s forehead.

Look down the stage.

“Among you, there are many who support Comrade Chen Xiao to become the Chinese Sequence. We cannot let the loud voice become the mainstream, but let the core opinions be taken seriously!”

“Mr. Li, what do you think?”

Pei Tianyuan coughed, looked at Li Taisheng in the first row, and gave him a look.

Li Taisheng stood up slowly and scanned the audience: “Comrades and pillars, what I want to say is very simple.”


“It’s the end of the horse!”


“You are still stuck on outsiders and insiders, are you out of your mind?”

“Have you ever heard me say bad words before the end?”

“Have you ever seen me so angry before the end?”

“You haven’t seen it before!”

“Because times have changed!”

“None of you are as enlightened as an old man like me! You care so much about the life and death of mankind. Do you really have to wait until the moment when the new humanity conquers China to understand the concept of human community?”

“Do we really have to wait until the Beijing Military Region is crushed by a big man like the Caiyun Ancient Town in the video, and then we can remember that we have rejected the protection of a top powerhouse in China!”

“In my opinion…”

“You people will all be labeled as feudalists and receive doomsday ideological education!”

On stage.

The corners of Pei Tianyuan’s mouth raised slightly.

He saw everyone pondering.

The opposition voices obviously became much smaller after Li Taisheng’s words.

On the one hand, Mr. Li’s words worked.

On the other hand, the awakened person who originally planned to please Zhao Tianlang has to face the problem of taking sides and will no longer be a fool.

Zhao Tianlang…

You will prepare in advance.

Wouldn’t we?


This book is really ill-fated

Everyone has also seen that the title on the cover is gone.

All I can say is that I will change it back as soon as possible.

emm, please give me some small gifts

Orz kneels down and thanks

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