With the appearance of the Thunder God General.

On the screen, the most critical moment has also entered, and a black figure jumps up!

Thunder and fire intertwined.

A deafening roar came from the sound system, and that sword, carrying unparalleled power, struck down boldly!

Cut the powerful new human being as strong as a mountain into two alive!

“This…is this really a video? But this is too scary. I thought the war that broke out in Caiyun Ancient Town was on the same level as the one in Xijing last time!”

“This is not the level of Xijing… I have never seen a new human being of this level! It must at least reach the fifth level… It is said that Caiyun Ancient Town gathered three divine generals at that time, two local sequences, and two Chinese Sequence, what kind of battle is this!”

“In other words, the person who just killed the monster with one knife is the crazy ghost sequence? That’s right, today is his conferment ceremony!”

“If everyone had no idea about his achievements before, after watching the video this time, all fools will know the capabilities of the Crazy Ghost Sequence!”

Everyone in the military area looked at the battle with thunder and fire on the screen, feeling horrified in their hearts.

And in the commander’s seat.

Cao Baiqing’s eyelids trembled: “Crazy ghost man…why is the sequence so much stronger?”

He has never seen this video.

It has always been well hidden by Pei Tianyuan, just to broadcast it today to give Chen Xiao authority.

But, this is too perverted!

My grandson…will he ever have the chance to return to Beijing in this life?

After all, Lin Xuan is also the second animal awakener, and his strength is becoming stronger and stronger.

But why do we have such an enemy!

Li Taisheng looked at Cao Baiqing’s shocked look and chuckled: “Mr. Cao, after this battle, Lin Xuan is now in the Caiyun sequence, and his future is limitless!”

He changed the topic: “And the two of them have met at the border a long time ago. It seems there is no conflict, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

Cao Baiqing slandered in his heart: What future? What a far-fetched future! Lin Xuan would not dare to return to Beijing as long as the crazy ghost Ren Tu was around. He would have to guard the border for the rest of his life!

But on the surface, Cao Baiqing had no choice but to show no concern: “Mr. Li is right, Lin Xuan and Mad Ghost Sequence are both Caiyun heroes, and they must have had a good time over wine, hahaha.”

Their side.

It’s Zhao Tianlang.

He showed displeasure on his face: “Caiyun hero? How hard is it for us to sit in the army and dispatch all the awakened people in China?!”

“It’s just that I happened to catch up with the war, and I happened to make a small contribution. In my opinion… just picking any god general to go there will have an effect!”

Zhao Tianlang sneered. He really couldn’t understand why Pei Tianyuan was so stubborn.

A mad ghost has committed serious crimes, behaves arrogantly, is inhumane, and has mental problems. How can he be qualified for the position of sequence?

Zhao Tianlang snorted coldly: “Xin Ning, I think you are also obsessed. That guy is not a good person. Why are you still standing in a small boat with Chief Pei!”

An Ning’s face was cold: “Commander Zhao, please call me by my professional title in the military region.”

She said coldly: “This video alone cannot show the life and death crisis in Caiyun Ancient Town that day. You have to know that Bai Fa, Chai Dao, Chuan Shan and others joined forces…”

Zhao Tianlang interrupted disdainfully: “Hey, Xin Ning! You are still too young! I am doing this for your own good!”

“Listen to my advice and don’t get too involved with that lunatic, Crazy Ghost Ren Tu. It’s okay for you to seduce him in private, but you actually want to grant the Chinese rank?”

“I really don’t know what you and Chief Pei are thinking. Isn’t this pushing the military region into a pit of fire? What if there is news outside… that the military region cooperates with the devil and is complicit!”

“If the awakened people from the outside world are unwilling to surrender to the military region, can you bear the responsibility?”

An Ning hates being labeled when someone comes up, but she hasn’t explained yet.

Behind them, several voices sounded, pointing their fingers at An Ning.

“Yes, I support Commander Zhao’s point of view. If the military region is a school, then Crazy Ghost Rentu is a gangster! His existence will only discredit us!”

“Yes, everyone in China doesn’t know that Mad Ghost Rentu is simply a demon! In the past, there was the first massacre of the last three families, and then there was the destruction of the core of Dachang City and the robbery of supplies, and then there was the destruction of Cangzhou, The Demon City’s destiny is destroyed, which one has nothing to do with him?”

“In my opinion, if the military region really recognizes his identity, it will be tantamount to destroying its own brand! We are all in danger, for fear that if he is unhappy, he and the military region will perish together!”

They are all the second commanders of the Huaxia Military Region. In terms of status, they can be regarded as pro-Zhao faction.

An Ning was really tired of hearing this.


“At the joint meeting, Chief Pei has finalized the award, so what if you are not satisfied now?Do you still want to disobey military orders?”

She shouted angrily, interrupting everyone’s dissatisfied words.

Zhao Tianlang also pretended to be angry: “Okay, okay, can you say a few words less!”

Then he smiled slightly: “Peace of mind, please calm down. They only represent what people want. Before the end of the world, we were all advocating freedom of speech. What’s more, it’s the end of the world now.”

When An Ning heard these words, she felt sick. Zhao Tianlang was becoming more and more hypocritical.

With the victory of Caiyun’s border war on the screen, the roar suddenly stopped, and the entire square fell into silence at this moment.

Pei Tianyuan walked onto the stage at this time.

He glanced at the people in the audience.

“Executive officers, commanders, sequences, generals, and the pillars of the entire military region!”

“I am the first executive officer of the Beijing Military Region, Pei Tianyuan!”

With Pei Tianyuan’s announcement.

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

“China has been the cradle of civilization since ancient times, and we bear the glory and responsibility of thousands of years!”

“Today after the end of the world, we are still one of the most powerful civilizations in the world!”

Pei Tianyuan’s voice echoed in the square like a bell.

“And today is an important day! You are gathered here to witness the conferment of the third Chinese serial number!”

“He is the pride of our military region and a role model for the Chinese people!”

“In the Cangzhou incident, he showed extraordinary courage and wisdom, saving countless awakened people! In the border defense war in Caiyun Ancient Town, he showed strong strength and made great achievements for the country and the people.”

Pei Tianyuan spoke in a high and deep voice, and then spoke!

“Now, I announce!”

“About Comrade Chen Xiao’s Chinese serial conferment ceremony, now…”


Just when Pei Tianyuan was about to announce the start of the ceremony, a discordant voice sounded from the audience, and everyone’s eyes focused on it.

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