
There was another explosion.

The blue thunder was invincible and blasted directly towards the only fourth-level new humans left on the battlefield!


Not surprisingly.

The new fourth-level humans were burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, completely losing their vitality.

“This wave… can withstand it!”

“Great! The fourth-level new humans have been wiped out. This is the power of China!”

“Thanks to the support from Jiangbei and other local forces, we in Caiyun Ancient Town are grateful!”

“The fourth level has been wiped out. Doesn’t that mean… it’s our turn!”

“Are we going to blow the horn of counterattack! Counterattack those monsters!”

Caiyun Ancient Town is a place of border defense.

Thousands of people witnessed this brutal war and expressed emotion.

Since the return of the White-haired God General, Hatchet God General and others, they have almost wiped out many fourth-level new humans in a sweeping manner.

The powerful force conquered everyone.

“Chief Pei, do we want to counterattack?”

An Ning stood aside and asked.

Pei Tianyuan thoughtfully said: “I always feel that something is wrong…”

An Ning knew what he meant.

“There are many fourth-order new humans, and it is impossible to organize such a large number of new humans to launch a war.”

“Then the answer is obvious…”

Pei Tianyuan nodded: “Behind them, there must be higher-level existences hidden.”


In full view.

A staggering figure with a swollen outline appeared.

He seemed to be wrapped in invisible air currents, his shape was distorted, and his steps seemed unnatural, making everyone present feel an indescribable uneasiness.

He was slowly marching towards the battlefield, followed by a dense crowd of new humans, who seemed to follow his lead.

Pei Tianyuan and An Ning looked at each other. It seemed that their guess was right.

It was also right not to counterattack rashly.

Because there are experts on the other side!

“Hey Hey.”


“I…I am a djinn!”

“I…I want to kill you all…”

“Humble animal!”

The giant spirit grinned, and the weight of each step was comparable to the landing of Mount Tai, causing the earth to shake.

“Hey, this guy…”

Cao Linxuan’s eyelids trembled, and he felt a strong pressure from this fat man.

The hatchet god raised his eyebrows: “The aura is much stronger than that of the fourth level, I will kill him…”

Baifa said helplessly: “Fifth level.”

The Hatchet God General stopped and was shocked: “What did you say? Level 5! I’ll leave it to you then…”

With the words of gray hair.

Everyone on the battlefield also focused their attention.

“This is the fifth-level new human being? It seems that the sense of oppression is indeed much stronger than that of the fourth-level!”

“This is the first time I have been so close to a fifth-level new human being! This life energy and blood are too strong.”

“Do you focus on the strength of the aura? Am I the only one who thinks he looks too disgusting? It makes me sick to my stomach!”

“Everyone, be careful. Even if big guys like the white-haired god general are here, they can’t take care of us. Try to stay away from that big guy.”

Baifa looked at the giant spirit that was slowly approaching, and he couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.

The last time I faced Level 5, I had a narrow escape and almost ended up in Australia.

Bai Nier turned her head: “White-haired general, what should we do now?”

A hunting spear slowly appeared in Baifa’s hand: “I’ll try it first before talking.”


The words just fell.

A white stream of light burst out of the sky!

Kill the giant spirit!

SSSS level speed talent [Warship lv2]! This is the confidence of the fastest existing bird, and the confidence of being promoted once!

The speed of gray hair!

A shocking explosion!


Caused a roar

Like a meteorite in the sky, the white stream of light hit the giant spirit hard!

“The white-haired general has taken action! This is the first time I’ve seen this kind of speed… It’s too exaggerated!”

“This is the top speed in China and even in the world…”

“Although that fat man doesn’t look like a simple character, no one can stop him with gray hair at this speed!”

“That’s natural. White Hair is not only fast, his strength is also amazing. He killed the fifth-level new humans and shocked Australia!”

Inside Caiyun Ancient Town.

Everyone who was paying attention to the battlefield looked at the white stream of light with admiration.

Everyone believes that Baifa can definitely turn the tide in this situation!

Even though they didn’t know anything about the fat man with a huge size and a hideous appearance, they were still willing to believe it.


They have to believe it!


A crackling sound exploded from the giant spirit’s body, deafening.

It was beyond everyone’s expectations.

DjinnThe huge body of the man was only slightly shaken, and the abdomen moved rapidly twice, wrapping the hunting spear tightly with fat.

He only took three steps back.

There was no damage on his body!


He was still grinning and laughing.

“What’s going on! He was not hurt by Baifa’s terrifying blow?”

“Do you have to be so exaggerated! His belly was shrinking, I thought it was all fat, how could he withstand the blow so well?”

“The defense is too amazing, Baifa just now obviously killed a fourth-level with one blow… Unless, that new human is a fifth-level!”

“Fifth-level?! Damn, don’t scare me!”

The people in the city finally realized that things were not going well, and they were worried.

But it’s not over yet!

Someone took the initiative to provoke him, how could he let him go!

He just raised his right hand!

A majestic force, like a punishment from heaven, slashed at Baifa!


Baifa didn’t dare to hesitate at all.

Speed ​​talent exploded.

Instantly flew to the air dozens of meters away, cold sweat on the forehead.

If he had taken the blow just now, he might have lost another opportunity…

This big guy is not an ordinary fifth-level, it is much more outrageous than the fifth-level in Australia!

“Come again!”




After several more confrontations, Baifa pulled with his flexible body.

Although each attack of the giant spirit carried the momentum of shaking the mountains, it could only sigh in despair, and could not even touch Baifa, looking a little angry.

But Baifa’s face gradually became ugly.

His attack seemed to be ineffective on this big guy…

This guy has the most abnormal defense among the new humans he has seen!

If only his strength could remain the same as a few days ago.

SSSS-level strength talent, so cool!

But it’s a pity that what is not yours is not yours after all…

It’s fierce.

Baifa thought of something.

Glancing at the blood moon hanging in the dark sky…

“No way…”

The white-haired man twitched his mouth and turned his head: “I feel something is wrong, his energy is still increasing.”




Behind the white-haired man, two people suddenly appeared.

Cao Linxuan, the God of Chopping Knife.

The white-haired man spread his hands: “Chopping Knife, I can only borrow your talent.”

The God of Chopping Knife looked at this guy and was a little dissatisfied: “Why do you feel dissatisfied?”

The white-haired man shrugged: “After all, I just touched that crazy guy. It’s easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it’s hard to go from luxury to frugality.”

The God of Chopping Knife: “…”

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