Canglong struggled to get up, his eyes full of endless emptiness and confusion.


Dumbo, stiff, emotionless.

Chen Xiao asked: “Why do you call me Master?”

Canglong said: “Because you are my Master, so you are my Master.”

Chen Xiao was speechless.

From this answer, it can be seen that.

Intelligence is still not enough.

Chen Xiao continued to ask: “Have you seen me before?”

Canglong shook his head: “We have never met, my Master.”

Chen Xiao touched his chin.

Canglong would not lie, he should have been brainwashed, or puppeted.

To be more precise.

He is no longer Canglong…

Neither a human nor a new human.

But a brand new puppet.

“Do you know what your ability is?”

Chen Xiao said lightly.

Canglong nodded: “I… I can skillfully use my ability, Hanbing.”

Chen Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had not forgotten his fighting instinct, otherwise Chen Xiao would have to teach him how to use his supernatural powers, which would be too troublesome.

“Very good, now you can only use your physical body to attack with all your strength, let me see your strength.”

This was the first time that Chen Xiao had the opportunity to get close to a new human, and it was a new human of a very high level, so he would naturally not give up exploring.

Canglong was dumb: “Attack with all your strength…”

Chen Xiao nodded: “No need to hide.”


In an instant, Canglong punched out!

A mighty force burst out!

The fist wind swept, carrying the power of destroying the world, and the air burst under this blow, heading straight for Chen Xiao’s head!

It was merciless!

It was as if the previous Canglong had returned!

But Chen Xiao knew that it was his will that made him attack with all his strength, and he dared not disobey.


Nine-foot seal!

Although Chen Xiao activated the rule talent, due to the high level of Canglong’s life, the energy of the seal flowed less than half.

A powerful punch hit Chen Xiao’s body without reservation, full of wild violence!


With the deafening explosion, the air seemed to be shaken!

Chen Xiao flew backwards, the [cave] in the air exploded, and he returned directly to the original place.


Chen Xiao waved his hand, indicating that Canglong could stop.

After the test just now, Canglong’s strength can be said to be extremely strong. His physical strength alone reached more than ten times that of Su Jian.

Counting the ice ability.

He will be a good fighter.

“From now on.”

“You will be called Canglong.”

“Boom boom boom——”

This is the seventh wave of attack.

Caiyun Ancient Town is at stake.

“How long will it take to kill? I have killed five fourth-level ones!”

The hatchet god shouted angrily.

The hunting spear in Baifa’s hand flashed, and another fourth-level new human head.


Not just these two.

On the battlefield, countless people had the same question. These new humans seemed endless. When would the war end?

Pei Tianyuan spoke slowly: “Why do I feel that these new humans… are more ferocious than before? The rules this time will not be…”

Jiang Ling nodded: “I don’t know if it’s because of the blood moon or because they organized the attack, but now the comprehensive energy of the new humans is nearly twice as strong.”

“Is it really so…”

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, An Xinning couldn’t help feeling a little sad.

In the end of the world.

Humanity has faced too much unfairness.

And far outside the border battlefield of Caiyun Ancient Town, on the top of a mountain.

Three people stood.

They looked down at the battlefield from a high place, far away from Pei Tianyuan and others, and no one could find them.

The most conspicuous of the three was a three-meter-tall giant. He was extremely bloated, and what rolled under his skin was not muscle…

but layers of loose and sagging fat, showing an unhealthy dark purple color with a faint oily sheen.


“I feel it…”


Beside him was a middle-aged man in sloppy clothes, with a fierce look in his eyes.

“Giant, when will you make a move?”

He asked.

The giant with a huge body seemed not to hear, but just repeated in his mouth: “I feel it…I feel it…”

“Sure enough, he is a retard.”

On the other side, a young man sneered: “Barry, why are you talking to a retard? After we use his appeal, I must take his head off with my own hands. Let this guy dawdle.”

Barry shook his head: “Eddie, don’t be so impulsive, CalvinThey are already dead, and the pirate birds have already joined the battlefield. ”

“Our only task now is to destroy Caiyun Ancient Town and get back the dignity that belongs to our Kangaroo Kingdom…”

The young man named Eddie has an outstanding temperament and extraordinary energy.

He didn’t know why this guy Barry was so cautious.

He has clearly awakened the lyrebird with weird abilities, and possesses the SSS-level talent [Master of Imitation] and the SS-level talent [Reduced Alertness]!

With these two talents, even the fifth-level new humans were bewitched by his aura and were willing to take the lead in attacking the city.

But until now, he didn’t dare to force the giant spirit to attack China… He was really cowardly!

“Get your dignity back? You can’t just rely on your words.”

“If you rely on the retarded person in front of you, then just wait slowly.”

Eddie complained and looked at the war situation on the field with his arms folded.

Barry was furious.

“Alas, I can only imitate high-level new humans, but I’m not really a high-level new human being!”

“There is an idiom in China, which is called being patient and persuasive… Even if you don’t understand it, aren’t you afraid? Then you should take the lead!”

Hearing this, Eddie snorted coldly. It was impossible to take the lead. After all, the opponents were all Chinese elites and even national players.

Although he is very confident in his own strength, he will not be so conceited as to rush in and face countless top awakened beings alone.

The only plan for now is to wait for that idiot to take action and follow behind him to kill him!

After all, although this retard has low intelligence, he is a genuine fifth-level new human being, and he is even among the top batch among the fifth-level humans!

All powers are awakened.

Can Level 6 be far away?

If it weren’t for Barry’s talent, he would never want to stand so close to this guy in his life.

It was an extremely dangerous smell.

Just when Eddie and Barry were having a heated discussion, each one said “retarded”.

In the eyes of the giant spirit at the front, the chaos suddenly became bright, as if the haze was dispelled and the clouds were pushed away.

But no one noticed.

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