
“Did it again?”

“Chen Xiao, I’m convinced!”

“Can I accept it?”

“Just a few hours after the morning, you come again? I really can’t help it!”

all of a sudden.

Chen Xiao was stunned.

a couple of hours?

Oh yes.

The Yakuza election is at eight in the morning.

Before that day, I slept next to Huang Yiyi.

Isn’t it just a few hours…

“Uh… Yiyi, you understand my situation, but I can’t hold it in.”

Huang Yiyi quickly interrupted: “Chen Xiao, can I beg you?”

She blushed terribly: “I…I can’t hold it in anymore, too many times!”

Seeing that it is useless to say anything.

Chen Xiao had no choice but to press down.

“Yiyi, work harder, I promise to respect your ideas as much as possible in the future.”

“But today, you have to be obedient…”

Chen Xiao comforted Huang Yiyi with kind words.

The body is extremely honest.

Huang Yiyi’s face turned red.


Later in the night.

Chen Xiao frowned.

Under such high-intensity travel, Huangtian paid off!

Finally succeeded in exploding the talent!

And it happens to be the charm talent that I have longed for!

S-level skill talent [Charming Light]!

【Charming light】

Description: Anglerfish use lanterns to emit soft light. This kind of light sways in the deep sea like an alluring melody, exerting a strong attraction and confusion on the surrounding small fish.

Effect: When the animal is exposed to light for one minute, it will enter the [charm state]

Note 1: In [Charmed State], animals will become unsuspecting and will get answers to any questions they ask.

Note 2: In [Charm State], if it encounters certain external interference, it will be automatically released.

Although the level is not high, and the restrictions are extremely high.

But it doesn’t affect that this is an extremely powerful skill!

As a base leader, this skill is a must!

Speaking of which, Huang Yiyi’s talent is [Light Charm], which requires a large area of ​​light to cover her for five minutes before she can be charmed.

As for his advanced version, the restrictions have been weakened a lot.

Just say nothing for a minute.

It doesn’t even need to be completely covered, just being exposed to light will meet the conditions.

At the tip of his finger, a subtle light flickered, which was well hidden by Chen Xiao.

Now that he had obtained the talent he wanted most, Chen Xiao was about to leave.

But he was grabbed by the girl Huang Yiyi.

“Don’t go…”

She is a little shy.

Chen Xiao suddenly realized that he wanted to work harder to bring out his second talent?

I can’t feel sorry for Yiyi!

that’s all.

Huang Yiyi’s favorability keeps rising.

Chen Xiao’s second talent also naturally emerged.

SSSS level perception talent!

【Glory of the Deep Sea】

Description: The anglerfish’s lantern is a rare light source in the deep sea, illuminating the way forward for surrounding marine life, like a flowing deep-sea lighthouse.

Effect: You can sense the flow of energy around you at all times, and you can also detect the direction of attack flow, so you can predict the unexpected and predict in advance, and greatly enhance your knowledge.

【Animal number 230001】

[Acquire similar talents]

[Trigger fusion conditions]

[Main Talent: Deep Sea Glory]

【Integrating Dragon Breath】

[SSSS level perception talent Deep Sea Glory]


[Deep Sea Glory lv2]

This is an absolute surprise!

Chen Xiao didn’t expect that the advanced perception skill of [Low Light Illumination] would be so powerful!

In terms of practicality, it is almost impossible to play with [Dragon Breath]…

To know.

[Dragon Breath] is active perception!

And [Deep Sea Glory] is passive perception!

Although there is only one word difference, it is indeed a world of difference!

Previously, Chen Xiao would release [Dragon Breath] every once in a while, for fear of missing some key energy flow.

But this time.

He can let go completely.

Because [Deep Sea Glory] is like a lantern embedded in his forehead, emitting perception all the time.

What’s more important is that [Dragon’s Breath] has very limited blessings on itself, while [Deep Sea Glory] will greatly enhance knowledge.

Even predict where the opponent’s attack will land.

The talent has advanced and the strength has further improved.

+1 for the confidence to face the horse!

After so much hard work.

Chen Xiao asked Huang Yiyi to have a good rest in the room.

He walked to the balcony.

Swallowing clouds and puffing into the mist.


A familiar energy appeared.

[Deep Sea Glory] has a huge coverage area, almost covering the entire Yakus base.

That’s half of Cangzhou!

“Why is she here?”


The figure disappeared.

Balcony backReturn to silence.

Far away at the border of the Jidao base, An Ning was gritting his teeth and struggling with a monster.

The monster with a pig’s head and a human body is extremely powerful.

An Ning has no way to break the situation.

She has good physical skills.

But talent is purely tactical.

They can only retreat step by step.

She reset the talent cave to two locations: Cangzhou City and the Jidao Base.

When in danger, she can only teleport first to save her life.

If you encounter danger again, teleport back.

All I can say is that luckily those monsters don’t know how to use the cave.

Otherwise she would be even more embarrassed.

“The Pig Head Bell can actually block my talent connection…”

“A cave in the dark cannot find a cave in the outside world.”

“Doesn’t it mean that even I can’t get out of here?”

At this time, An Ning’s mentality collapsed.

Her proud talent seemed dead.

Completely defeated by the pig head bell.

This dark realm…

Is there really no solution?


Sighing, she dodged the piggy attack and planned to return to Cangzhou City.

Just raised his feet.



A blue spurt appeared from the sky, carrying a terrifying power.

Straight up that little pig!

“Chen Xiao?”

After the piglet died, silence returned.

But An Ning recognized the blue spurge.

It’s the same style as the one used to kill the goalkeeper.

Immediately afterwards.

A black figure appeared.

Chen Xiao approached step by step.

“Be at peace, Sir An.”

“Why can’t I see you after I leave the game? What are you running away from?”

The cold words hit my ears.

Although An Ning was wrong, she still held her head high: “What? It’s the end of the world and you won’t let me take a leave?”

Chen Xiao replied calmly: “That’s a coincidence. You will take time off when I play the game.”

After saying that, Chen Xiao turned and raised the corners of his mouth: “Have you found the person?”

An Ning pretended to be stupid: “Who is it?”

In her heart, An Ning was already ashamed.

She was supposed to find a maid for Chen Xiao, but she couldn’t find the one he asked for.

The only one who meets the requirements is yourself.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have taken advantage of Chen Xiao to enter the game and asked for leave to escape.

Chen Xiao said coldly: “Sir An…are you trying to default on your debt?”

An Ning was helpless: “Chen Xiao, just give me a while, and I will definitely find it for you.”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “No, I want it now.”

An Ning: “…”

“When did this happen? Why do you have so many things in your mind…”

Chen Xiao interrupted: “Don’t talk nonsense. You, a person who doesn’t keep your promise, don’t deserve to talk about me.”

An Ning said seriously: “Chen Xiao, when life and death in Cangzhou are at stake, what we should consider more is how to get out!”

Chen Xiao suddenly smiled: “Don’t worry, I was still thinking about how to get out before.”

“After seeing you, I figured it out.”

An Ning: “Have you figured it out? What have you figured out? You don’t think I can go out, do you?”

She said helplessly: “This dark realm is Su Jian’s biggest trump card. It comes from the power of God… My SSS-level talents have been blocked.”

Chen Xiao nodded.

It seems that it is indeed Su Jian’s method.


SSS level talents are blocked.

It doesn’t mean that SSSS level talents are still blocked!

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