First night.

Chen Xiao chose to stay in Liu Ruyan’s room.

Liu Ruyan at this time.

Still that black slit dress.

The waist is tied very thin.

The figure is on full display.

“Chen Xiao, this is a chance to say hello to you. It’s been a long time.”

She leaned on the sofa and smiled.

A hint of snow-white is revealed on the side of the slit.

Chen Xiao sat next to her.

He took out two bottles of Coke from the void.

Open one of the bottles: “How have you been this month?”

Liu Ruyan took the coke and sighed: “I thought that with my strength, I would be able to survive in the apocalypse.”

“It was naive after all.”

“With the rapid expansion of the Jida base, more and more masters are joining.”

“Wang Qianming, Li Enqing, Zhou Ye…”

“The SSS-level talent awakener has unknowingly turned into a cabbage…”

Chen Xiao inadvertently put his hand on her leg: “Thank you for your hard work.”

Liu Ruyan turned her head and met her beautiful eyes.

“To be honest, I didn’t expect you to come. After all, you are already a crazy ghost.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: “What happened to the crazy ghost and Rentu? I only kill those who deserve to be killed.”

Liu Ruyan smiled with a cold face: “Of course I know you, you are a principled person.”

“I mean…”

“I thought you would forget me.”

Chen Xiao chuckled and turned his body on top of Liu Ruyan.

The aroma hits the nose.

Chen Xiao flipped her hair.

“Of course I won’t forget you.”

“You are a worthy partner.”


Suddenly, Liu Ruyan’s face turned red.

This guy…

Still mentioning transactions from a month ago.

Liu Ruyan felt extremely shy when she thought about the contents of the transaction.

“You still have the nerve to say that.”

“That head is of no use now, okay?”

Chen Xiao’s cheek came closer: “How about we continue trading?”

Liu Ruyan opened her mouth slightly: “What…what do you mean?”

Chen Xiao chuckled: “For example, I will take you back to Jiangbei to enjoy a happy life, and you will continue to fulfill the transaction.”

Liu Ruyan was a little angry: “You still want to be a free hand?!”

Chen Xiao’s subordinates became dishonest: “Under the current circumstances, it is definitely the best outcome to follow me back to Jiangbei. If I don’t say anything, I will take it as my acquiescence.”

“I want to enforce my rights!”

“You… we haven’t seen you for so long, you are even more shameless Chen Xiao!”

“Hahaha thanks for the compliment!”

In the thick fog, spring is everywhere.

There was a faint moving voice in the room.

And downstairs.

“Again? Which one is this already!”

“The strength of these monsters…”

“Have they become stronger? Or is it my imagination! Why are their powers getting stronger and stronger!”

Li Yanfeng frowned.

He backed Wang Qianming.

I always feel like something is wrong.

At the entrance of the warehouse, corpses lay everywhere.

They are all dwarfs with pig heads and human bodies.

He looks disgusting and smells bad.

Of course, it was impossible to take good care of them in such a thick fog, and three people had already died.

More and more people have their fingers, arms, and feet bitten off.

But those little pigs are not missing at all.

“Be careful! Another one is here!”


For a moment.

A little pig bursts out of the thick fog!

It penetrated the heart of an awakened person fiercely, and the speed was frightening.

The awakened person turned back helplessly.

All you could see was the little pig behind him raising his head.

Looking at myself.

Those are a pair of terrifying eyes.

One look at him would give him nightmares at night, but he had no chance of having nightmares.

The little pig took out his bloody hand and licked it with relish.

The scene looked extremely weird.


“That guy seems to be from Daping City.”

“Killed defenselessly.”

“When will it end?”


The Cangzhou sequence kicked the little pig out of the gate, causing blood to fly everywhere.

Another pig carcass.

I hope Mad Ghost Rentu’s guess is right and this dark fog won’t linger for too long.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for the gods to save you!

You know…this is only the first night!


“You have two choices now.”

Chen Xiao was lying on the bed, holding Liu Ruyan’s fair shoulders.

“Either come with me to investigate the source of darkness, or open your mind and I will teleport you to another space.”

Liu Ruyan thought for a while: “Is it like Wang Qianming?”

Chen Xiao nodded: “Yes, after entering that space, your memory will stay before entering. This is a drawback.”

Liu Ruyan sighed: “With my strength, even if I go to investigate with you, I’m afraid it will be too late.”leg…”

Chen Xiao nodded mercilessly.

“Indeed, because I can’t guarantee whether some scary guy will emerge from the darkness and kill everyone.”

“If I can’t beat him, I can only leave everyone and run away.

She blinked her beautiful eyes and stared at Chen Xiao tenderly: “I didn’t expect that after so long, you are still so heartless…”

“I’d better enter that space, I believe you will bring me out of the darkness.”

Liu Ruyan was also convinced.

There were obviously countless ways to explain this matter, but he chose to use the straightest one.

Chen Xiao nodded lightly: “Now, relax and don’t resist.”

As Liu Ruyan closed her eyes.

Chen Xiao took out the mountain and river map.


Just two breaths.

Liu Ruyan disappeared from the bed.


And the little maid.

Chen Xiao came to the side room and repeated his old tricks to stay overnight.

This little girl has a simple mind.

It didn’t even take much effort when the Mountains and Rivers Picture was included.

Sitting on the bed.

Chen Xiao did not go to Li Enqing.

Instead, Huang Yiyi was released.

Huang Yiyi just appeared.

He landed directly on the soft bed.

She was wearing that black dress, only revealing her white calves and small sandals.

Her clothes are much more conservative than those of the Yakuza Witch, and she has a quieter temperament.

“This is where?”

“Chen Xiao, is the Yida election over?”

“Wait a minute, why is there so much fighting energy flowing downstairs!”

“What happened!”

In just a few seconds, she asked countless questions, and Chen Xiao didn’t know which one to answer.

Huang Yiyi possesses the SSS-level reconnaissance talent [Low Light Illumination] and can analyze the situation of the entire warehouse almost instantly.

But the more this happened, the more panicked she became.

Chen Xiao took her little hand: “Don’t be nervous Yiyi, we are safe now.”

Huang Yiyi looked at Chen Xiao’s firm eyes, and the fear in her heart slowly subsided.

After all, Mad Ghost Rentu’s comfort was somewhat effective.

If you encounter something that Chen Xiao can’t solve, then you are really bad!

“I remember you said…transport us to a different space?”

Huang Yiyi was a little confused.

Why do you appear here?

Chen Xiao said without thinking:


“I’m addicted.” (serious face)

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