The foggy night is very long.

Chen Xiao’s task is very heavy.

In the jungle, spring is overflowing with colors and colors.

What Chen Xiao didn’t expect was that it would start from the first blow.

The increase in strength and physique was almost the same as Jiang Chuxue’s increase.

This is a very high favorability rating!

And talent.

Not surprisingly, it exploded immediately after an hour!

[Yueyintuchi]’s high-level talent!

[Moon Shadow SSSS level speed talent]

Description: The moonlight brushes across the ground, coming and going without a trace, quietly erasing distance and time.

Effect: Grants the awakened person the blessing of the Moon God, making all actions as erratic and as swift as a shadow as the moonlight passes by.

Note: Passive talent

Another SSSS level talent!

And it’s a passive talent!

In other words, this talent has no negative effects!

If we talk about [Kamikaze]’s flying in the air, it focuses more on skills.

Then the [Moon Shadow] brushing across the ground is a pure speed increase!

This is exactly what Chen Xiao needs most!

At this moment, he felt his body became lighter!

If he meets Cao Linxuan again now, he will never be given a chance to escape!

Even though he has many opportunities, as long as his speed can keep up, everything will be easy!

The lightness of the body is not only reflected in daily fighting.

It also manifests itself in daily life. For example, now, Ayao feels something is wrong.

“Chen Xiao!”

“Why did you move so fast all of a sudden!”

Chen Xiao raised the corner of his mouth slightly: “Thank you for your gift.”

The next day.

Chen Xiao held Ayao’s hand and walked back to the agreed place like a stroll.

Zhang Longqi and Zhao Yuanhang breathed a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that the crazy boss would not want them, even though there was no requirement to kill in this final level.

But I still feel safe staying with the crazy boss.

“Hello, sister-in-law Ayao!”

The two said in unison and greeted each other with a smile.

Ayao was a little uncomfortable being called big, but she was still happy.

“Sister Jiang Ling! You are joining us too!”

Ayao turned her eyes and saw Jiang Ling beside her, and waved happily.

Jiang Ling smiled shyly at A Yao.

She looked at Chen Xiao with nervous eyes.

She never imagined that the famous crazy ghost Rentu had been hiding in the team, pretending to be Zhou Xun.

“I found the man, so what did you two find out during the investigation? Tell us.”

Chen Xiao ignored Jiang Ling and asked straight to the point.

Zhang Longqi hurriedly expressed: “Crazy boss, I met a total of three groups of people yesterday, namely the Free Country, the Fighting Country and the Samba Hot Land.”

“The first two forces deliberately kept a distance from me, and only the Samba Hotspots enthusiastically wanted to help me find teammates…”

Chen Xiao interrupted him: “Let’s get down to business, no need to talk nonsense.”

Zhang Longqi coughed dryly: “The people from Samba Hot Land have almost gathered together and have exchanged a lot of information with me.”

“The most important thing among them is naturally the location of the underground furnace!”

A Yao exclaimed: “You found the underground furnace so quickly?”

Zhang Longqi smiled awkwardly: “Sister-in-law Ayao, I’m not sure. What the people in the Samba Hotspot said may have deceived me. What if they want to catch us all…”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “They don’t have the courage.”

Zhao Yuanhang also stood up: “I met two groups of people fighting on the road.”

“The Euroleague and the Fighting Nations.”

“It’s all threesome.”

“These people are very capable, especially the one who uses lightning.”

“He is just like Captain Cao, but when it comes to thunder and lightning alone, I even feel that that person is more powerful…”

“I didn’t dare to look any further. After seeing the almost overwhelming combat power of the EuroLeague, I ran away.”

Chen Xiao said calmly: “The person you are talking about is little Zeus.”

Ayao turned her head: “Brother Chen Xiao, do you know him?”

Chen Xiao shook his head: “I only know his name. His specific abilities need to be verified.”

The inheritor of Agni Vulcan is just an awakened person with SSSS level talent.

So could this person who claims to be the inheritance of Zeus also be a cover?

“Let’s head towards the underground furnace first.”

Following what Zhang Longqi pointed out, Chen Xiao and others moved very quickly.

Never noticed it before.

This time he walked with a clear goal, and he felt the changes in his surrounding environment more and more clearly.

The forest that was originally blocking out the sun and air became sparse as it approached the center.

It’s as if an invisible force is swallowing up this vibrant greenery.

It can be seen that this is the secret of the third level…

It’s just that I never noticed it before.

Several people will come soonArrive at the center of the forest.

At this time, many people had gathered in the center.

In stark contrast to the surrounding dense and lush woods, only bare tree trunks stand like lonely stone monuments.

The entire land was filled with a fiery aura, and cracked veins continued to spread.

The source of the scorching heat is underground within the entrance of the cave!

It’s like a melting pot!

Obviously, this is the key to the third level!

Underground furnace!

As soon as Chen Xiao and others arrived, they attracted the attention of many people.

“There are people from China…”

“Why did they arrive so late? People from the Euro Alliance and the Fighting Nation have all gone down.”

“Then who knows, maybe they have some secret tricks, they are number one in fault lines.”

“Speaking of which, isn’t their boss the Thunder God General?”

“Yesterday I saw that guy acting alone in the southern part of the forest. Maybe he was their back-up man.”

People from other camps looked at Hua Xia in confusion.

Their main force has gone down to look for fire.

These people all went down for a period of time but could not endure the high temperature and were forced to turn back.

It seems that this underground furnace is more difficult than imagined.

“Why is it so hot here? It’s like the Flame Mountain!”

“Nonsense, the underground furnace can be cold even if it’s not hot!”

“Crazy boss… It seems we arrived a little late. Many of them have gone down.”

Zhao Yuanhang said softly and looked around.

Chen Xiao said calmly: “Arriving early does not mean you will win, unless you give up all rewards and just want to live.”

Zhang Longqi agreed: “The crazy boss is right. If you leave with only one fire, your points will not be high. It will not only affect the national destiny, but also affect your choice of second animal.”

Ayao interrupted: “I just want to take one and leave…”

Chen Xiao smiled and pinched A Yao’s little face: “It’s you who is responsible for your insignificant development, but this time we have to fight.”

A Yao was puzzled: “What are you fighting for?”

Chen Xiao slowly walked towards the entrance of the cave: “Fight for a breath and continue the energy of China’s opportunity.”

It is not just the second animal, but also involves the quantity and quality of opportunities for China in the future.

This directly affects subsequent improvements.

Chen Xiao had no reason to give up.

Zhang Longqi and others hurriedly followed, but looked at the hole of the underground furnace… somewhat frightened.

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