【Pig Head Dagger】

Description: You are a lazy person, you just want to get something for nothing, but you long for power after all, don’t you?

Effect: Sacrifice the pain and gain the power in the dagger

Note: The amount of strength gained is directly proportional to one’s own pain.

Sacrificing pain?

Another costly opportunity.

Chen Xiao did not hesitate to throw this opportunity into the Mountain and River Map and seal it directly.

The description alone is already very weird.

Especially the word “pig head”, it is difficult not to think of horse face and sheep head.

When the National Games game is over, Chen Xiao plans to take action with the [Bloody Hourglass] and [Pig Head Dagger] in his hands.

Whether selling to the military or holding an auction in Jiangbei, it is a good choice.

So what if [Bloody Hourglass] comes from the military?

If you want to sell it, how dare they not give you money?

“Zhou Xun?”

A cautious voice came.

Chen Xiao turned around, tore off the [cicada skin] and threw it into the Mountain and River Picture.

He won’t use it anymore, because he realizes that… there is no point in hiding it.

In the end, only absolute strength can dominate the direction.

Chen Xiao smiled gently and looked at A Yao, who tilted her head curiously.

“Long time no see, Ayao.”

As soon as these words came out, Ayao froze on the spot.

The familiar voice and familiar figure made her burst into tears.

She was so fast that there was only an afterimage, and she suddenly pounced on Chen Xiao.

“Oooh, I thought you were dead!”


The huge power made Chen Xiao stagger.

A Yao quickly wiped her tears and got off Chen Xiao’s body.

“Are you OK?”

“Are you injured?”

“How did you survive in that situation?”

A series of three questions were asked, and Ayao raised her head and met a pair of deep eyes.

This is a delicate and unfamiliar face.

“I didn’t expect…you to be so handsome!”

Ayao knew that this was his true appearance, and her face turned red.

Chen Xiao coughed dryly, sighed, and looked at the sky at a sad 45° angle.

“It’s a long story…”

“I really don’t want to recall the scene at that time.”

“Facing dozens of people from the four major camps, I was also terrified.”

“But when I think about you behind me, I feel full of strength.”

“I have to protect you.”

Ayao felt warm in her heart and took Chen Xiao’s hand: “What next?”

“After you leave, I will use up all my cards.”

“I was seriously injured and dying, but as soon as I thought of you, I was able to stand up again.”

“I do not know why either…”

“But sometimes you have to admit that the power of loving someone is great.”

Chen Xiao spoke slowly, looking at A Yao with tender eyes.

A Yao was a little embarrassed to be stared at, biting her lower lip and lowering her head.

“Then I killed them all.”


Suddenly, Ayao was stunned.

This progress is too fast!

Why were they all killed suddenly!

The power of love is indeed great, but it is also too great!

Chen Xiao held his stomach and showed a trace of pain, but he concealed it well.

“Although I killed them all, I was also seriously injured…”

“Are you okay Zhou…”

A Yao suddenly thought of something: “So you are the crazy ghost killer…Chen Xiao?”

She originally thought it was Cao Linxuan who made a comeback, causing China to advance to the third level.

I didn’t expect it to be the case!

The result is also obvious, that crazy ghost Rentu who has been rumored to participate in the national games.

Really joined the game!

Chen Xiao was not surprised to be guessed and nodded: “Ayao, I didn’t mean to lie to you… I really like you.”

Ayao blushed to her ears and interrupted hastily: “I didn’t blame you. Stop thinking about it. How is your injury?”

In Ayao’s heart.

To be able to survive that kind of horrific scene, even a mad ghost must have paid a terrible price.

These are all because of myself…

Chen Xiao shook his head: “Not too optimistic, I used some opportunities for permanent trauma.”

Ayao’s eyes turned red again: “Why are you so nice to me…”

Chen Xiao flipped a strand of A Yao’s hair: “Do you want to hear it a few more times? I like you.”

Ayao smiled shyly: “You have such a sweet mouth… I will take good care of you. I will protect you in this case!”

Chen Xiao chuckled: “Okay, you protect me…”

Ayao hit Chen Xiao and said arrogantly: “Why are you laughing! I’m very powerful, okay!”

“Didn’t you see that Ouluo guy was being chased all over the place by me?”

Chen Xiao walked back leisurely while teasing:

“I just saw someone was about to use a big move, and your face turned green, hahaHa ha. ”

Ayao chased Chen Xiao: “Say it again!”


The forest was once again quietly shrouded in a layer of deep mist.

The moonlight is like silver, shining through the gaps, and the mottled light and shadows sway in the mist.

The air is filled with moisture and the fragrance of vegetation.

Chen Xiao had just had a feast with A Yao.

The two people leaned on the same tree, and their relationship became much closer.

“Ayao, what is your talent?”

“SSS level speed talent [Moon Hidden Rabbit Chi].”

“No wonder you’re so fast. The name sounds quite perverted.”

“You actually call me a pervert? Those abilities of yours are what you call a pervert, right?!”


Chen Xiao didn’t know what A Yao wanted to say, so he turned his head.

A Yao looked at Chen Xiao with admiration, her eyes turned into crescent moons: “You obviously have such a strong combat power, but you still have storage space! I never thought that I could eat hot pot in the National Games game. This kind of It feels so amazing.”

This is the first time Ayao has eaten hot pot since the end of the world.

Even though she has an extraordinary status in the Beijing Military Region, she is the deputy captain of the military region’s pioneer organization.

But she was never willing to exchange her military exploits for food because she felt that the food was too luxurious.

He always has a high level of military exploits.

But today, she was full and had a happy smile on her face.

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “I’ll take you to a barbecue tomorrow.”


Ayao raised her hands in agreement, held Chen Xiao’s head, and kissed her face hard.

Then he pretended that nothing happened and looked away shyly.

Chen Xiao didn’t expect that Ayao would suddenly take such initiative, which was an unexpected surprise.

After a while.

Ayao tilted her head carefully and slowly leaned on Chen Xiao’s shoulder.

“Chen Xiao…do you know Zhou Xun?”


“Is he dead?”


Chen Xiao seemed to be recalling some bad memories and sighed.

“Brother Zhou is a good man.”

“He was tricked by Li Xiang, the first executive officer of Dachang.”

“Li Xiang actually asked him to kill someone who was impossible to kill.”

Ayao was a little confused: “Is it impossible to kill someone?”

Chen Xiao nodded: “That person is very strong, very strong…”

A Yao was a little sad: “Why would he kill someone who couldn’t be killed at all?”

Chen Xiao squeezed her little hand: “In order to protect us, he thought that with a bright light he could resist powerful enemies, but the result was unfortunate.”

Ayao buried her head in Chen Xiao’s arms: “He died in the end.”

Chen Xiao was helpless: “Yes, he entrusted me with the light before he died, and then told me…”

Ayao raised her head with pure eyes: “What did you say?”

Chen Xiao pinched A Yao’s chin: “He asked me to make good use of the bright lamp and then take good care of you.”

As he spoke, Chen Xiao’s cheek slowly came closer.

Ayao was extremely embarrassed, but she never thought of refusing.

She closed her eyes tightly.


I have to work overtime again next week. . . But no matter what, I will keep updating, don’t worry!

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