On the other hand.

A Yao, who was far away at the edge of the forest, was fleeing at full speed with four Chinese survivors.

She was immersed in endless sorrow.

She thought of the steak that guy fried.

She thought of the rope that guy tied herself with.

She thought of the way that guy saved her with a bright lamp.

She thought of the warmth of his palm when he touched her hair.

She thought of that back…

Everything was like a broken mirror, difficult to put back together.

The “fake Zhou Xun” was dead.

“A Yao, please accept my condolences.”

“We owe Zhou Xun’s ability to do such a thing to you.”

“He is a righteous man, and China will remember him.”

Everyone came to A Yao and comforted her.

They could all see that A Yao was very sad now, and her little face had turned into a bitter gourd.

Tears rolled all the way, and she wiped them away without a trace.

“I don’t know how Captain Cao is doing now…”

“You’re still thinking about him? He betrayed us!”

“Then what do you say? Can we fight back? The only one we can count on is Cao Linxuan!”

“Alas, although he was the first to escape, it was also for the sake of China’s fire…”

“You are still speaking for him until now?”

“Then what do you say we can do? If we don’t expect Cao Linxuan to lead us to win the game, do you expect Zhou Xun to fight to the death and kill them all?”


[Second level]

[Hexagonal Sky]

[Clear the Chinese camp]

[Based on game performance]

[Points are being issued]

[Personal points have been included in the results]

[Unified settlement after the third level]

[Global ranking]

[First place]

[Huaxia camp: 55,500 points]

[Second place]

[Euro Union: 15,800 points]

[Third place]

[Battle Nation camp: 11,000 points]

[Fourth place]

[Free Nation camp: 10,500 points]

[Fifth place]

[Samba Hot Land camp: 9,500]

[Sixth place]

[Sakura camp: 6,800 points]


“What the hell is going on?!”

“Huaxia…more than 50,000 points?!”

“With this point difference…I can only think of one possibility!”

“That is the Huaxia camp, one against five!”

“Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense why the gap is so big at this level…”

Huaxia people were stunned, they cleared the level just like that? !

How could this be so inexplicable? !

Everyone was still discussing how to survive, but they were carried away?

But the person who took the lead…

Who could it be?

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you.

It should be Captain Cao, right?

Could it be that he turned back and burst out with amazing power, killing all those people?

This is not very scientific!

But it can’t be that Zhou Xun used the bright lantern to smash the people of the four camps to death?!

A Yao’s eyes trembled, and there was a glimmer of hope in her heart.

“It would be great if you could survive…”

Even if this glimmer of hope was slim, she was willing to believe it.

Unlike the surprise of these people.

At this time, Cao Linxuan, who was leaning in the corner of the forest, was frightened!

“Passed the level?”

“How is this possible!”

He stood up in fear, with a look of confusion in his eyes, shaking his head as if trying to find out the answer.

But even if he racked his brains, he really couldn’t think of it.

How could China win?

The conditions for China’s victory…

But to kill the other four camps!

Tongbi Di said that Zhiyuan was dead.

The hidden strongman Duan Nanyang betrayed.

He also ran away…

Huaxia’s only chance of survival should be on himself, right?

Why did Huaxia win directly while he was still shrinking?

The rest of the winners’ camp.

The Euro Alliance camp.

10 people left.

“Not good, why did Huaxia’s points soar so much?”

“Did the White-haired God General be dispatched?”

“That’s unlikely… Since the White-haired God General was sent to Australia by Huaxia, he has been robbing various forces openly every day. The world is paying attention to his movements. It’s impossible for him to return to Huaxia to participate in the game so soon.”

“Is that the second God General, the Chopping Knife God General?”

“It’s possible, otherwise it’s hard to explain why Huaxia’s points are so far ahead…”

“Fortunately, we have Captain Little Zeus. Even if we really meet him, Huaxia is not afraid. That opportunity… is not easy to come by.”

The young man called Little Zeus smiled faintly.

He was wearing a gray leather jacket and an open white T-shirt.

Under the slightly messy yellow curly hair, there is a pair of deep eyes, and a confident smile on the corner of the mouth.

“Since the European countries are fully helping me, I will naturally try my best to win the first place in the National Games this time…I will definitely win. ”

Fighting Nation camp.

There are 7 people left.

“Fuck! Fuck until you die!”

“Fuck me!”

“Our brown bear team crushed us all the way!”

“Hua Xia and Ou Luo, what amazing abilities do they have? I don’t believe…those people can withstand my iron fist!”

Free State camp.

5 people remain.

“China’s points are too high!”

“I just hope that the next level won’t be an arena battle or something like that.”

“Don’t panic yet, wait for the captain to speak.”

Under the gaze of everyone, the middle-aged man who had always been silent had a look in his eyes.

“As long as we are not required by the rules to face China, we will avoid…”

“It’s best to find alliances with other camps first…”

“The fundamental reason why they were defeated in this level must be that the other five-cornered camps did not join forces and were defeated one by one by them. We cannot make this mistake again.”

Samba hot soil camp.

6 people remain.

“Sure enough, just as the leader thought, this national game will be even more difficult!”

“China is actually so far ahead! Should our strategy change?”

“If we can coexist at the last level, maybe we have a chance to join forces?”

“If we go head-to-head… our survival rate is too low!”

Everyone was discussing it eagerly, but without exception, they did not want to touch the unstable factor of China.

Sakura camp.

5 people remain.

“Bagya Road! Our Sakura actually has the lowest points. Damn it!”

“Don’t get excited yet. Looking at the points situation, we can break into the third level thanks to the grouping just now! Thank you to the God of Sakura for his blessing!”

“But I really didn’t expect that the people in this national game are more fierce than the others… At first I thought our big cherry blossoms would sweep across China and Europe…”

“Don’t panic, we still have a chance. The points are redeemed because we lost too many soldiers. The death of the loser has no impact on us. The remaining five are all the elites among the elites and can create miracles…”

At this time, the remaining five people in Sakura included the top three in Sakura’s combat power list that Yamazaki had mentioned.

The inheritor of Bushido, Hokusai.

Dual SSS-level talents, Cangshu Xingye.

Sakura has unrivaled speed, Kawashima Aki.

Like everyone else in the camp, they were all surprised by China’s strong points tally.

Thinking about how to change your fate in the next game!

After all…only the winner at the last moment is the winner!

After the points were announced, bursts of dazzling white light flashed.

Everyone was plunged into light.

Everything around it seemed to have been temporarily stripped of color, leaving only endless brightness filling everyone’s visual and perceptual world.

After a brief silence, everyone gradually adapted to the strong light.

Open your eyes slowly.

As expected, they were moved again by the rules.

The third level of the National Games Game…

Final closing…


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