The Qub Tower is hidden inside the bell.

He was really afraid of this man, he was simply a hexagonal warrior!

“Chinese people, I will stay within the big clock until the end of time!”

“You can only spend time with me!”

He looked at the horn in Chen Xiao’s hand, feeling uneasy in his heart.

He always felt that that thing was weird.

It exudes an aura that makes me feel uncomfortable.

Chen Xiao snorted coldly, the divine wind floated up in bursts, and he waved his hand.


A blue water light spurted out and hit the big clock, making a heavy and melodious knocking sound.

Seeing this scene, Gubuta breathed a sigh of relief.

That’s it?

It seems that I am safe for now…

But then, as Chen Xiao shook the horns, his speed became faster.

The horns have become a source of energy, constantly producing various extreme elemental powers!

Hot as the flames of the scorching sun!

As cold as the arctic air!

Air currents as violent as hurricanes!

As heavy as the gravity of a mountain!

The lightning is as bright as the stars!

These violent energies violently impacted the big clock, causing the entire space to tremble!




The big clock was buzzing with all kinds of energy, deafening!

Gubuta’s eardrums were shattered when he was in it!




Chen Xiao’s few seconds made Gubuta’s face even darker.

He watched Chen Xiao swinging the horns casually, but he could release so much energy that defied the heavens.

Some of the flames were even more outrageous than the ones he released!

Is what he holds in his hand more powerful than the opportunity? !



Seeing a crack appearing in the big clock, and the crack is expanding!

The bell is about to break!

This was the first time Gubuta encountered such a cruel situation!

Opportunities… can they all be broken? !

He couldn’t help but think too much, so he was forced to take out an hourglass again.

This was Pei Tianyuan’s chance to save Cao Linxuan’s life, but he was deceived by Duan Nanyang and now fell into the hands of Gubuta.

“Bloody Hourglass!”

“You forced me!”

Gubuta was very afraid of this hourglass and would not use it unless absolutely necessary.

Because of the cost of using this opportunity…

It’s your own potential!


Just when the big bell was completely scrapped, Gubuta also rushed out!

He was covered in blood, like a bloody man!

And blood is still oozing out of the pores!

Flames soared into the sky!

If he wants to kill Chen Xiao, he will burn his blood essence and use the hourglass in vain!


The terrifying flames burst into a sea of ​​fire, and Chen Xiao’s figure appeared in the air in a flash.

In his eyes, Gubuta at this time was very abnormal!

The terrifying energy almost doubled, and crazily overflowed!

The nine-foot seal could seal 99%, but now it only seals half at most!

This shows that Gubuta’s life level has evolved at this time!

Just like [Dragon Transformation]…

If the price of [Dragon Transformation] is animal transformation, then Gubuta’s opportunity will probably cost even more!


“Our ancient warriors from Tianzhu are so weak.”

“And China…”

“Not only have so many opportunities been born!”

“Even Gu Wu is so strong that he can compete with his talent…”

“This game isn’t fair!”

Gubuta frantically shuttled through the sea of ​​fire and rushed towards Chen Xiao.

He only held a fire dragon that reached the sky and the earth in his hand!

When Chen Xiao heard this, he was slightly startled: “Your mythological inheritance…isn’t it an ancient martial arts?”

Gubuta sneered and became even crazier: “It’s all false! Tianzhu just needs a belief!”

“Tianzhu’s ancient martial arts can’t compete with the talent!”

“And I fit their bill exactly!”

“Everything is unfair!”

“If I hadn’t eaten the dark squid! I don’t even know how I died!”

“All my abilities come from that cruel voice!”

“All from the guy who gave hell to the world!”

(Popular science: The dark bream is also called the “fire-breathing fish”, but it does not really breathe fire. Under certain circumstances, it will discharge a phosphorus-containing luminous liquid from its mouth, which reacts chemically with the oxygen in the water to produce blue Cold light effect, emitting blue light similar to flames.)

SSSS level magic talent [Vulcan Roar]!

SS level magic talent [Hot Fire]!

Hearing what Gubuta said, Chen Xiao sighed. This man was only half right.

Most of Tianzhu’s ancient martial arts are indeed unable to compete with talent, and are far from the ancient martial arts of China.

But there isAn ancient martial art that was famous in previous lives!

Tianzhu Kaquan!

Judging from Gubuta’s appearance, he has never heard of it at all. It seems that the successor of Kaquan has not shown up yet…

“Dark bream?”

“You still have this kind of creature in Tianzhu…”

“Do you know any woman who has eaten this?”

Chen Xiao spoke leisurely and thought about it.

Gubuta didn’t understand what Chen Xiao meant and took it all as an insult!

“I will use your Chinese opportunity to kill you!”

“Feel honored, Chinese!”

He shouted loudly, and the flames grew stronger. At this time, he looked more like a devil from hell!

Chen Xiao looked at it coldly, and the long sword of water slowly appeared in his hand.

Without the protection of the big clock, he wanted to rely on the hourglass to make a comeback.

It’s really ridiculous.


Absolute power, absolute rules!

Chen Xiao mobilized the [Dragon Bone] to the extreme, and flew out under the divine wind and stealth!


[Evolution value +799]

The long knives of water were scattered on the ground.

A cigarette appeared out of thin air in Chen Xiao’s hand, and he drew it across the corner of the sea of ​​fire.

“It’s timed out…”

Kneel down and pick up an hourglass from the ground.

A piece of information appeared in front of him instantly.

【Bloody Hourglass】

Description: Blood contains endless potential. By sacrificing your own blood, you can awaken this powerful power.

Effect: Squeeze potential and extract energy from blood

Note: The degree of strength enhancement will be proportional to the amount of blood sacrificed

It seems that the military region gave Cao Linxuan this talent as a final trump card.

Trading potential for a second animal?

What a whimsical operation.

Although this opportunity will be very strong in actual combat.

But Chen Xiao doesn’t know how to use it.

Because the side effects are too great.

Such illusory things as squeezing potential may seem inconsequential, but in fact it is the most important thing!

When he was promoted to [Reproduction], he considered the issue of potential.

Otherwise, I will be promoted to [Dragon Transformation] to save my life…

Especially after the battle with the sheep head, he had a clearer understanding of these “gods”.

Their abilities are not one, they are probably a collection of talents…

With such a terrifying existence, I must constantly increase the upper limit and strive to be able to compete when the horse comes out of the game!

Throwing the hourglass into the mountain and river map, a cold but familiar voice sounded.

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