
old Town.


At this time, a faint white light flashed in the courtyard.

Around the light, more than a dozen people have gathered.

They all participated in the national sports games.

Outside the courtyard, it has been heavily surrounded by troops from the military region.

There are countless investigative talents.

Not even a mouse can get in.

At this time, there were several impressive people standing in the center of the team.

The leader was a young man with sword-shaped eyebrows, bright starry eyes, and a wolf tail.

Wearing a black windbreaker, it fluttered in the wind.

But the most eye-catching thing is that his exposed palm is equipped with a delicate silver mechanical glove.

The gloves fit tightly against his skin, shining with a cold metallic sheen.

Beside him, a person was sorting out information reports.

This life has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and its eyes are always narrowed.

“Captain, according to the list sent by Chief Pei yesterday, there is only one person left.”

“Who’s left?”


“Oh? Why is it him…”

“Everyone who has just entered the courtyard has also been tested to confirm their identity.”

The man with the pointed mouth and monkey cheeks said, then suddenly changed his voice and whispered:

“Captain, is it possible that the rumor is true? Crazy Ghost Rentu broke up with the military region and refused to cooperate in the game?”

“There’s no need to rush to a conclusion now. We’ll know when the Zhou Xun arrives.”

The one who spoke was the young man called Captain.

And the captain is the one who participated in the national games…the captain of China!

When it comes to national destiny, his presence is crucial!

But he felt no pressure at all.

Because his identity is not ordinary either.

The fourth divine general of the Chinese Military Region!

Thunder God General!

Huaxia Military Region, the grandson of Cao Baiqing!

Owner of the SSS level magic talent [Thunder Surge]!

Owner of the SS-level skill talent [Five Thunder Strikes]!

Owner of the S-level skill talent [Thunder Run]!

Three great talents!

Cao Linxuan!

As Chen Xiao and others passed through many checkpoints, they entered the courtyard.

Everyone’s eyes began to focus on Chen Xiao.

Pei Tianyuan laughed and said: “Zhen Qi, hello everyone, let me introduce to you, this is Zhou…”


Before Pei Tianyuan finished speaking, a terrifying force struck!

It’s a fist as big as a sandbag!

The strength was astonishing, and he pounced straight at Chen Xiao!

Chen Xiao sneered and took half a step back calmly.

Place a bright lamp in front of you.

The moment the light dispersed, all the strength of the fist also dissipated, entering another time and space.

This is the absolute defense of Ming Lamp!

“Hey, it’s indeed that Zhou Xun who carries a broken lantern every day.”

“His bright light can block nine out of ten attacks. He is first-class in every opportunity.”

“I don’t know what kind of bad luck he had…”

“He doesn’t deserve the light at all!”

“I don’t know why Chief An is so proud of him. As long as you give me a bright light, I will do ten times better than him!”

Listening to the discussions around him, Cao Linxuan said coldly: “It’s not enough to just show your light… Duan Hailong, go and add more fire!”

After receiving Cao Linxuan’s instructions, a strong black figure suddenly emerged from the crowd.

He has dark skin but is wearing a white vest!


A cow’s cry resounded throughout the courtyard, and a terrifying air current rushed straight towards Chen Xiao!

Sonic attack? !

In fact, for Chen Xiao, there is no need to pay attention to this kind of attack.

But to hold it on directly is a bit eye-catching.

The strength of these people should be greater than Zhou Xun’s own.

[Eight Directions Killing] activates!

“Space recast!”

Chen Xiao deliberately amplified his voice and called out Zhou Xun’s skills.

The next moment, the sound wave trajectory seemed to be impacted by an invisible force, and began to tremble violently like ripples on the surface of a lake caused by stones.

The originally stable and orderly dimension seems to have received some kind of guidance!


The next moment, the fluctuating space was like a disrupted mirror.


“It is indeed him, but I didn’t expect… just to please Chief An, would he be qualified to participate in the national games?”

“It seems that his skills and talents are quite strong…”

“Zhou Xunqiang? Zhao Yu, are you mistaken…With his strength, without a bright light, it’s bullshit!”

“If you complete a task as high as the National Games Game, you will be the Wolf King. If you don’t complete it…you won’t even know how you will die!”

“Does this Zhou Xun think that by climbing on the lap of Thunder God General, he can live unharmed? Haha.”

“When he enters the game, he won’t even know how he died!”

Solved the sonic attackAfter the attack, Chen Xiao stood there with stern eyes.

Pei Tianyuan was a little angry: “Cao Linxuan, what do you mean?”

Cao Linxuan smiled slightly: “Uncle Pei, I was just joking to see the strength of the team members.”

Pei Tianyuan had a bad expression: “Did you see it this time?”

Cao Linxuan nodded: “I am very satisfied with the team members assigned to me by the military region! It’s just…”

Pei Tianyuan: “Just what?”

Cao Linxuan said with a smile: “It’s just that there is no crazy ghost and human slaughter, which makes me very disappointed.”

He then continued: “After hearing all this, why should I start with Chief An?”

An Ning’s face was cold: “The people sent this time are much stronger than the previous two times. Whether or not that person is there… doesn’t mean much to China.”

Cao Linxuan raised his head: “In other words, he really broke up with the military region? Hahahaha, interesting!”

No one took his word for it.

Only Pei Tianyuan took a step forward and said righteously: “Thunder God General!”

Cao Linxuan raised his eyebrows, knowing that something serious was going on, so he turned around and said, “Here we come!”

Pei Tianyuan continued: “As the captain this time, you must lead the interests of all China and try your best to protect everyone!”

“So the military region has decided to support you two opportunities! Keep it with you for safekeeping. If something happens to the team members, be sure to protect them!”

“Do you understand?”

Cao Linxuan’s eyes lit up: “Yes!”

Immediately afterwards, Pei Tianyuan took the two wooden boxes from the entourage and handed them to Cao Linxuan.

“Use it well and don’t be ashamed of Mr. Cao.”

“That’s natural, Uncle Pei.”

Everyone present felt sour after seeing this scene.

This is a background!

Even opportunities are given in pairs!

I and others worked hard, but didn’t even see the shadow of an opportunity!

As for the conversation between the two…

Isn’t that just fart?

How could Cao Linxuan use opportunities for unrelated people?

Chen Xiao was no exception. He looked at the two wooden boxes with a trace of greed in his eyes.

Others may only dare to think about their greed in dark corners.

But Chen Xiao’s greed… it’s hard to say.

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