An Ning was aware of Chen Xiao’s remarks.

After a while, she changed the topic: “The national sports game you are going to participate in is more complicated than you think. When the time comes… you’d better stay vigilant at all times.”

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows and noticed that there was something in An Ning’s words.

“Why, do you have anything to remind me?”

An Ning smiled slightly: “It’s nothing special, it’s just that the captain of the Chinese team this time is very unusual.”

Chen Xiao smiled: “Very unusual? You have this kind of evaluation of him?”

An Ning nodded: “You only need to know that his surname is Cao. He is the most promising of Cao Baiqing’s descendants, and he is favored by Mr. Cao.”


“So no matter what, he can’t die.”

When Chen Xiao heard this, he chuckled: “It’s the end of the world, but there are still people who can’t die? It’s really interesting.”

An Ning shook his head: “It’s not that he can’t die…it’s that he can’t die, not to mention that he is very strong.”

“As long as the support of the military region is concerned, we will use every opportunity to protect him to the death.”

She stared at Chen Xiao: “I have said both what should be said and what should not be said, so… make sure not to conflict with him.”

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “Sir An, do you care about me?”

An Ning sighed: “Anyway, I’m very grateful that you agreed to help me today, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.”

Chen Xiao raised his lips and said, “Don’t thank me. This is a deal anyway. Don’t forget to find someone quickly. I’m coming back from the game and I want to see my maid.”

When An Ning heard this, her little face felt a little hot for no reason.

She thought about the outfit.

What a shame.

“Why are you blushing?”

“Who’s blushing!”

“Your ears are red.”

“I’m warning you, don’t talk nonsense! And… that transaction is a private transaction between us, not between you and the military region. You must abide by the confidentiality agreement!”

“What’s the secret? I, Chen Xiao, find the maid to be fair and aboveboard!”

“You…if you don’t keep it secret, don’t expect me to find a maid for you!”

“If you don’t find it, I will spread the news about your deal with me! Let all male colleagues like Lao Pei know!”

“Chen Xiao! Don’t be so shameless!”

“Ha ha ha ha.”

After having a meal with An Ning, I felt much better.

He found that teasing an icy beauty like An Ning was more interesting than teasing Tang Shirou and Jiang Chuxue.

After all, these two women have long been their own.

If you tease her, it will only lead to a more intense double cultivation.

And An Ning is the kind of woman who makes people dare not have any thoughts.

But the more this happens, the more Chen Xiao has the desire to conquer.

I wonder if she will wear bunny girl clothes to please herself after the National Games.

A night of silence.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Chen Xiao was woken up by the landline phone in the room.

You don’t have to think twice to know who is calling.

“Sir An, what’s going on? I went to bed at four o’clock last night, and you woke me up at eight o’clock in the morning.”

“Chen Xiao, the courtyard houses in the old city are shining brightly!”

An Ning did not answer Chen Xiao’s words, but went straight to the topic.

Chen Xiao pretended to be shocked: “Really or not, you dodged so early.”

An Ning: “Of course it’s true. Please pack up and come to my office. Chief Pei wants to see you.”

The day finally came.

A chance for the second animal to awaken.

Right before your eyes.

Chen Xiao briefly washed himself and carried the mountain and river map on his back.

He left the scientific research area in a few seconds.

As soon as he entered An Ning’s office, Chen Xiao saw Pei Tianyuan pacing back and forth.

Looks rather anxious.

An Ning, on the other hand, was sitting on a revolving chair, trimming her nails and humming a tune.

Chen Xiao sat down on the sofa: “Lao Pei, what’s the matter? Doesn’t the blood moon happen at night?”

Pei Tianyuan saw that it was Chen Xiao and said quickly: “Although you can only enter the game at night, for the sake of safety, the Federation has decided to let the participating awakeners gather in the old city half a day in advance.”

“Half a day ahead of schedule? A whole day ahead of schedule!”

“Of course, I asked Xin Ning to call you here so early to give you something.”


Chen Xiao looked at Pei Tianyuan suspiciously, but nothing could be seen on the old fox’s face.

After Pei Tianyuan finished speaking, he took out a “facial mask” from a black box on the table.

It is as thin as a cicada’s wing and the whole body is flesh-colored.

Chen Xiao took the mask.

In an instant, a line of text appeared.

Is this actually an opportunity? !

[Cicada Skin-Male]

Description: The skin derived from talent is like the shedding of a cicada’s shell, and the old skin is like the old person.

Effect: Obtain the appearance of this skin

Chen Xiao smiled lightly: “What do you mean, you completely turn me into a dark chess player?”

PeiTianyuan also smiled: “Isn’t this exactly what you want?”

Chen Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

The military region’s methods far exceeded his imagination.

After reading the description, he was sure.

This human skin is not an opportunity.

Rather, it is a prop that has been transformed by a certain creative talent.

Chen Xiao applied the human skin to his face, and a cold feeling appeared on his cheeks.

It was as if the paper was submerged in water.

Chen Xiao suddenly felt a little tight on his cheeks.

Through the glass of the door leaf.

Chen Xiao’s eyebrows trembled: “Zhou Xun?”

He actually turned into Zhou Xun!

That Zhou Xun who had been killed by him a long time ago!

His bright light is still in the Mountains and Rivers Picture.

An Ning came over and said, “From now on, you will be Zhou Xun.”

“But remember, this piece of human skin can only last for about a week. Whether you can complete the national game during this period depends on you.”

Pei Tianyuan continued: “The reason why I chose Zhou Xun is because of the similarities between you and him.”

“You are about the same height, with a difference of about three centimeters. Most of the people participating in the game have never seen Zhou Xun. They can’t detect your level of disguise.”

“The news of Zhou Xun’s death has not spread. Only the three of us in the military area know about it. And you have his bright light. As long as you take this out, his identity is almost certain.”

“What’s more, the talent of the animal spider he awakened is [Space Recasting], which is very similar to one of your space talents. As long as you want to hide it, almost no one can find it.”

indeed so.

Chen Xiao at this time.

Except for the pictures of mountains and rivers behind him which are more eye-catching.

In other aspects, it is exactly the same as Zhou Xun.

The only difference is…

“This is Zhou Xun’s clothes. Of course, it is a one-to-one replica. It is not ripped from a dead person. Don’t think too much about it.”

An Ning took out a brand new national costume and a feather braided crown from the cabinet on the side.

Chen Xiao took the clothes and said calmly: “You went through all the trouble just to prevent me from taking action?”

Obviously, everything today is weird.

If they don’t want them to take action, why should they ask themselves to participate?

But if you want to take action, why bother… transforming yourself into Zhou Xun?

Pei Tianyuan guessed that Chen Xiao would ask and said seriously: “Chen Xiao, according to reliable information, the Euro Alliance has dispatched the inheritance of Zeus.”

Chen Xiao frowned: “So?”

Pei Tianyuan: “So if we encounter one, we need you to sneak attack! One hit will kill! Otherwise you will all be in danger!”

Chen Xiao chuckled: “Old Pei, do you think I am a child? I can kill such a ruthless character with a sneak attack?”

Pei Tianyuan shook his head.

“I don’t know, but you are the strongest in Dark Chess, and I can only rely on you for this matter.”

“But believe me, that person has always been arrogant and extremely confident in his own strength. He doesn’t care about Zhou Xun’s existence.”

Chen Xiao looked questioning: “You can obtain his existence, but he can’t obtain my existence?”

Pei Tianyuan patted Chen Xiao on the shoulder: “You have cicada skin as a cover. Even if they have intelligence, they can’t accurately locate it. This national game is more difficult than we originally thought.”

Chen Xiao squinted his eyes and thought.

The legacy of Zeus.

Famous in previous lives.

Global combat power list, eleventh!

A level higher than the little monk in his heyday!

The reason is that people are not afraid of the Tao of the animal world and the Tao of inheritance.

Perhaps in the later stages of development, the young monk can surpass these people with his specialized martial arts.

But at this time, practicing both ways is the strongest option!

I also chatted with Pei Tianyuan about the details of the National Games game.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t know much.

And most of them will never happen again.

So Chen Xiao didn’t bother to worry.

After leaving the military area, Chen Xiao sat in the back seat of the car.

The co-pilot is Pei Tianyuan, and An Ning is on the left.

Let Chen Xiao freely admire the slender thighs.

This kind of treatment is not something Zhou Xun can enjoy.

“Chen Xiao, have you seen enough?”

“Not yet, don’t worry.”


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