Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 578: Unlock Dawangshan Hunting Ground

The genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After a long time on the left, the surrounding land suddenly became open, and the trees began to decrease.

There are many disciples in Dawangshan, but no one has actually explored this place. They are always keen on practicing and earning contributions, and they have awe for Dawangshan. Without approval, they will not walk around Dawangshan at will.

At this time, they looked at each other with curiosity.

Compared to the center of Dawang Mountain, the space here is obviously empty and can be described as desolate.

At this moment, Su Yu's footsteps stopped and stopped. In front of him was a giant step. The step was huge, as if it was built on the base of the entire Dawang Mountain. Although the step was only nine levels, it seemed to be able to. All day.

The pace of the people slowed down, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. They knew that the king wanted to show them something amazing.

"On this stage, it is the Dawangshan Hunting Field!" Su Yu's words made everyone feel shocked, and then said: "The Dawangshan Hunting Field is divided according to the level of Warcraft, and each type of Warcraft is divided into ordinary Warcraft and Elite Warcraft. , Leader Warcraft and boss."

Su Yu's words made everyone confused, and could understand slightly, "Killing these World of Warcraft will get the corresponding rewards. You may find it difficult to understand. Come with me."

After talking, Su Yu took the lead on the steps, "Use, King Wangshan Hunting Field Card!"

"This...this is..."

The people who followed Su Yu all shook their pupils suddenly, the whole person was trembling, their mouths slightly opened, and their hearts thumped, as if they were about to jump out of the body.

In front of them, there is an incomparably huge forest, green, endless, surrounded by countless white clouds, can not see the end at a glance, as if reaching the heaven and earth.

I don't know where the forest came from, so it connects Dawang Mountain so abruptly!

From afar, this forest is not the same as Dawang Mountain. The trees in it are different, there are different kinds of plants, and even butterflies and flying birds are completely another world.

"King, where is this?" Even after passing the fifth floor of the trial tower, Xiao Yihan's heart was a little overwhelmed and he was shocked and asked.

They knew that Dawang Mountain was unusual, but they never thought it would be so powerful, completely subverting their cognition.

"Come in with me." Su Yu took the lead in walking into the Dawangshan hunting ground, and said while buying Warcraft: "Here in the future is the trial site of the Dawangshan disciples. If you want to enter, you need to pay a little contribution in one hour."

A little contribution!

Everyone was beating heartily with a bitter smile.

The Dawangshan exercise room only made a little contribution in one hour. I don’t know what is special about this hunting ground, but it should be so expensive.


As they proceeded, everyone gradually heard the roar of the beast.

But I saw a blue wolf squatting or standing in an area in front of it, constantly moving people.

The strange thing is that they seem to be invisible to everyone, just in place.

"Breeze Wolf, Level III Warcraft!" A disciple said with a trace of disdain in his voice.

There are many people who have the same idea as him. If the hunting ground only hunts Warcraft, it will be meaningless.

"You try it in the past." Su Yu smiled and said.

"Okay!" He deliberately tried to show off in front of Su Yu, and then he rushed into the field of Qingfeng Wolf.

However, just after entering the territory of the breeze wolf, his face changed greatly, and Xiu Wei actually fell directly from the peak of the martial artist to the realm of the martial artist, which was the same as the breeze wolf!


The breeze wolf apparently also found this uninvited guest and rushed directly.

The disciple was also in danger at the moment, his face was solidified, his body jumped a little, his spiritual power was a punch against the breeze wolf, and one person and one wolf were fighting together.

However, the strange thing is that the other wolves are still still.

"Beast, let's die!" At this time, the disciple prevailed, his body jumped, and the attack was more intense.

Under a large attack, he entered the territory of another wolf, and was instantly besieged by two wolves at the same time, and went out into the wind.

When he dodges, it is even worse, attracting more breeze wolves, which directly becomes a situation under siege. If he is still a great martial artist, he is naturally not afraid, but at this time it is only a martial artist, so it is tragic, and the situation is precarious.

At this moment, the sword flashed, and the two wolves died instantly under the sword, and then under the cover of Xiao Yihan, the disciple was able to escape, out of the attack range, and these breeze wolves stopped.

"King, here can restrict people's cultivation behavior." Xiao Yihan said, the moment he stepped in, cultivation behavior also became the realm of martial arts.

"Yes, once you enter it, your cultivation will be flush with Warcraft, and the Warcraft inside it will sometimes attack actively, sometimes passively, and you have to explore everything yourself."

"Look at the corpse!" At this moment, someone exclaimed but saw that the bodies of the two wolves gradually disappeared, replaced by a magic core and a secret book, but this At that time, the two things were in the wolf pack, and no one dared to pick it up.

"These Warcraft will randomly explode all kinds of things, or magic nuclei, cheats, or refining materials, or Warcraft meat, or they may be weapons, which can be used to complete the corresponding tasks, thereby redeeming contribution points." Su Yu's words made everyone feel hot. This is a treasure trove.

The magic core is sent to the Alchemy Pavilion, it is the Alchemy Quest, the Warcraft meat is given to the kitchen, the chef quest, the smelter is sent to the smelter Pavilion, it is the smelter quest, although there is not yet a smelter pavilion, it is definitely a matter of time. You will get rewards for contribution points!

In addition to these, there is also a chance to explode weapons and cheats. Excited if you think about it!

And here is definitely the best place to practice martial arts. It can make people quickly become stronger. Just one contribution point per hour, it is simply too cheap.

"Under the same realm, humans are generally no better than Warcraft, not to mention that Warcraft will also be in groups, so you must learn to cooperate with each other and team up with each other!" Su Yu said, this is also one of his purposes, training Teamwork.

"The king is assured, we know, is the more powerful Warcraft, the better the things you get?" Han Dapeng asked with a smile.

"Good! But you must remember that people with high strength will be sealed up for cultivation, but will not increase cultivation. If you are a martial artist, then don't want to deal with the fourth level of Warcraft, so if you want to deal with the advanced Warcraft, Work hard!" Su Yu's words made everyone nod secretly, which is a pity.

"And!" Su Yu paused, glanced at it, and then said, "If someone dies here, although it will not really die, five points of contribution will be deducted as a punishment!"

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