Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 577: Trial Tower

The genius remembers the address of this site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! At this time, many disciples have already waited in the front yard of Dawang Mountain and greeted Su Yu with respect.

When the disciples gathered, Su Yu realized that the number of disciples of the king was already very large. Looking up, the crowd of people and the young face was full of excitement. At least there were already thousands of people!

They are all handsome men and beautiful women.

Su Yu sighed in his heart that these disciples were dressed in Dawangshan costumes, full of spirit, plus the good looks, they would definitely be good to go out.

Yes, Yan value is also very important, Su Yu nodded secretly.

"I know that you are all disciples outside Dawang Mountain." Su Yu's words made the disciples stunned for a moment, and then they seemed to realize something, and their faces were full of excitement and anticipation.

"Next, Dawang Mountain will open the inner disciple channel!" Su Yu's words made all the disciples startled, all with a look on their faces.

"Use trial cards!"

In the awe of everyone's eyes, a phantom of a tower was slowly condensing, and finally appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This tower is not far from the right side of the disciple's practice room, and it is almost as high as the Yingbin Tower, but it is extremely slender, like a needle, directly facing the sky.

"This is the Dawangshan trial tower." Su Yu said, paused, and then said: "Wu Yidao, first look at talent, secondly look at the nature of mind, and again for chance."

"You can join Dawang Mountain, both talent and opportunity are in place, but the mentality needs to be tempered. This trial tower is divided into seven layers. Each higher layer will further improve the mentality. If you can pass the first three layers, the mentality is considered to be Tough, but can become a disciple of the inner door." Su Yu's voice was calm, but listening to the disciples' ears caused a turbulent wave, one after another, his face was full of war.

"Similarly, each higher level means that your future path of martial arts will be farther! If you pass the highest level, it means that your mind is no longer shaken by foreign objects and is indestructible." Su Yu smiled and stood on the spot, "You... who wants to try first?"

Hearing this question from Su Yu, all the disciples fell silent, and the enthusiasm faded.

They are all arrogant and proud people. Although they want to give it a try, they are a little worried, and no one wants to be the first.

"King, let me come."

Two different voices sounded at the same time, Xiao Yihan and Yun Bufan came forward at the same time.

The two of them smiled at each other, and then they both looked at Su Yu. They were disciples of the inner gate of Dawang Mountain, and they were the leaders. In doing so, they first proved their strength, and secondly to serve the public.

"Okay, you go in together." Su Yu smiled, naturally understood what they meant, and said casually.


He looked calmly and walked straight towards the tower.

As soon as they entered the trial tower, they were all in a meal, and then both of them disappeared and each appeared in a room.

From the outside, the light in their room suddenly turned on.

In the room, they immediately felt a coercion of pressure on themselves, which was not strong at first, but as the two slowly moved forward, they continued to increase.

When they stepped on the stairs in front of them, the scenery changed again and they were already on the second floor!

"Look, the second floor is bright!" From the outside, you can also see that the second floor where they are suddenly brightened.

The coercion of the second floor is already higher than theirs, but they still cannot stop their pace. Soon, they are the third floor!

At the third floor, there is a fantasy, wealth and beauty. The two did not stay. They continued to appear on the fourth floor. The fourth floor is a battle and pain environment. The constant fighting makes the body and mind exhausted, and the torture torture makes the pain Unbearable, this time, the two of them stayed for half an hour before they came out. The fifth floor was the illusion of life and death. The two stopped for a full hour, and then they continued to enter the sixth floor!

"Sixth floor!"

The disciples outside looked admired and said, according to the king, that they can reach the sixth floor, and they already have the ability to break the mountain without changing their faces.

On the sixth floor, the illusion of lovers, brothers and brothers' homes appears, and love and hatred constantly alternate in front of their eyes, making them addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

The footsteps of the two finally stopped.


The light on the sixth floor suddenly extinguished, and then two figures were blasted out, and the two of them were still confused, apparently not coming out of the illusion.

Su Yu did not disturb them and tried the tower. Since it is a trial, it will naturally gain something, make people feel a sense, and continue to grow.

"Stop at the sixth floor, good!" Su Yu smiled, then looked at the disciples of Dawang Mountain, "Who is next?"

"I come!"

"And I!"


This time everyone's enthusiasm has risen a lot, and they are eager to follow.

"This trial tower can accommodate two hundred people at a time, you two hundred people in a group, go in." Su Yu said, and then quietly watched these disciples pouring into it.

A large part of them stay on the second floor. After all, not everyone can continue to move forward under the pressure of the let alone walk in front of the strong, and once pass the second The third layer can also pass, but the fourth layer is very few.

Pain and fatigue test the willpower of a person. In the face of extreme pain and fatigue, how many people can really hold back?

Of the thousands of disciples, only three reached the fifth floor, but they were still defeated in the illusion of life and death. Less than six hundred people reached the fourth floor and became inner disciples. The rest were still outside disciples, only in Progress can only be achieved through continuous practice in the test tower.

"Very well, next I need to talk about the difference between inner disciples and outer disciples." Su Yu nodded with satisfaction and said.

Everyone listened quietly.

"First of all, outside disciples can only take on tasks inside Dawangshan, such as planting, arable land, cooking, brewing and other tasks. Inside disciples can take outside tasks on Dawangshan, such as escorting caravans, going out for hunting, etc." Disciple, it shows that the nature of the mind is not yet mature. If you go out, it is easy to have an accident or be fooled.

Everyone is stunned. The contribution points of Dawangshan's internal tasks and Dawangshan's external tasks are quite different. In this way, internal disciples can earn contribution points faster than external disciples.

"Secondly, disciples outside can only learn the basic skills of Dawangshan, while disciples inside can only enter the Dawangshan Bookstore for reading, and can even choose the teacher of Dawangshan according to their own interests." Su Yu The words made the disciple's fighting spirit even more soaring. One by one, he looked forward to the trial tower and wanted to break into it again immediately.

"In the end, you don’t have to have too much pressure, I will add a Dawangshan hunting ground to temper your martial arts." Su Yu said, facing the curious eyes of everyone, Su Yu quickly walked to the left of Dawang Mountain Go, "Come with me..."

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