Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 498: Practice

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Looking at the simple cheats, Su Yu's heart jumped.

The strength of the beast **** is undoubtedly, in Su Yu's estimation, at least the median god, or even the upper god, how could his things be poor.


This is the name of this cheat book.


"Congratulations to the host for collecting divine refining skills and divine-level martial arts skills."

"Congratulations to the host for collecting a divine-level middle-level martial arts skill and rewarding a constitution of +3."

Sure enough, it is a god-level martial art!

On the Wuzhou Continent, the martial arts were originally divided into four levels: Fan, Spirit, Heaven, and Saint. Above all, there is a Divine Order.

"I'm here to thank Su Xiaoyou on behalf of the whole village." The high priest got the seasoning, a smile appeared on his face, and left with satisfaction.

And Su Yu couldn't wait to go back to the stone house and began to study this so-called magic art.

God-level martial arts, which has been detached from the laws of heaven and earth, can be called martial arts against the sky.

It is actually a way to cultivate the power of faith, so that your own spiritual power and the power of faith can be combined, so that you can control the power of faith as if you are controlling the spiritual power, and they will all share the same path, but the power will increase countless. Grade.

Moreover, it is not just a method of applying the power of faith. Once cultivated to practice divine art, the power of faith will be like the spirit of heaven and earth, and it will continue to flow.

No wonder that the guards of this village can use the power of faith, which originally relied on the practice method of refining magic. However, their strength is not strong after all, and they cannot exert the true power of refining magic.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Su Yu's eyes closed slightly, his mind sinking into his meridians.

The golden power of faith exists in the eyebrows, while the spiritual power is in the Dantian, flowing through the limbs and corpses.

It is recorded in the refining technique that only a bridge can be established between Mei Xin and Dan Tian to connect the power of faith with the spiritual power. In this way, the power of faith will continue to flow through the path of spiritual power among the limbs, not only It can make the body more inclined to heaven, and the application and absorption of the power of faith will also be greatly improved.


Su Yu's brow furrowed slightly, but this kind of exercise is not a systematic gift, he can only learn by himself, otherwise it will save a lot of trouble.

Dantian goes up, passing through the internal organs, it can be said that it is the most critical part of the human body, and the eyebrow is the human brain, which is the most vulnerable part of the person. The two places want to be connected. It is easy to talk about and there is a slight mistake. , Or die before death!

My own perception and talents are considered to be abnormal, and there is no reason why others can't do it.

Su Yu took a deep breath and began to control the upward flow of spiritual power in the Dantian. At the same time, he used one heart for two purposes, and manipulated a force of faith from the eyebrow to flow downward.

There is a record of the fusion method in the magic refining technique. At this time, the spiritual power of Su Yu's whole body returned from the four hundred limbs and gathered in the Dantian.

In Shuanger's eyes, Su Yu's eyebrows were suddenly bright, as if he had grown a golden eye, which was extremely dazzling, reflecting the entire stone house with golden light.

It is not difficult for Su Yu to manipulate the spiritual power and the power of faith. Soon, these two forces meet at his chest.

However, as soon as the two forces met, it was as if water had met fire, and an endless hostility broke out.


As if playing drums, Su Yu's chest suddenly made a dull noise, and thin sweat beads also appeared on his forehead.

Strong repulsion, how can this be merged?

Su Yu suffered in his heart. Fortunately, what he practiced was King Shan's mind method. If it is a general exercise method, it is likely to be directly suppressed by the power of faith and hurt the foundation.

Rao is so, Su Yu is also uncomfortable. The chest is closest to the heart. The two forces are in conflict, and the heart beats like a half-beat.

Empty your mind and minimize the defensiveness of the spiritual power and the power of faith, water and milk blend, water and milk blend...


There was another muffled sound, and Su Yu almost spit out old blood, and the green muscles on his forehead were exposed.

Water and milk blend your sister!

Su Yu almost scolded his mother directly. If it wasn't for the system's affirmation, he would have doubted that this magic practice was fake.

There is no slight chance about the process of fusion, there is only a very simple sentence, water and milk blend your sister!

This matter is in a hurry. Try again later.

Although he only rejected it twice, Su Yu already felt that his chest was uncomfortable. This is because of his good physique. If he is a general warrior, he may be directly shocked to death.

"Brother Yu, are you okay?" Shuanger looked at Su Yu with anxiety.

Su Yu shook his head slightly, just preparing to close his hand, but his face changed abruptly. The spiritual power and the power of faith that had been slowly withdrawn had become violent, completely out of his control.

"Lying trough!" Su Yu couldn't help but exclaimed, quickly crossed his knees and calmed down, ready to control them.

The two forces of repulsion are like crazy at this time, one is going up and the other is down, they want to hit Look at this trend, if it really hits, then Su Yu can save this life It's hard to say.

What happened to the moth, Mars hit the earth?

Looking at the two forces that have come close to each other, Su Yu was anxious in his heart. No matter how he controlled, these two forces ignored it, just like the dead rivals that have not been seen for many years, and one pair should die together.

But at this time, the Fengshenbang, which had been floating quietly in the Dantian, was a violent shock, and then rushed directly into Su Yu's chest, standing between the spiritual power and the power of faith, at this time. , The two forces collided together!

However, the imaginary explosion did not happen. The two forces merged into the Fengshen List when they collided, and then the Fengshen List was used as a medium, which actually blended together!

At this time, there is an extremely spectacular scene in Su Yu's body, the golden power of faith in the upper half, the spiritual force in the next class, and the suspended gods in the middle, which is really like a bridge.

Su Yu's body suddenly lightened, these two forces instantly turned from enemies to friends, madly blending along the bridge, not only that, but also began to flow in his veins, Su Yu only I felt my body became very light, and the cells in my body seemed to have been washed.

He has a feeling that he has a deeper understanding of the heavens and the earth. He can even perceive when it will rain and when the sun will be hot!

Su Yu's spirit is completely relaxed and immersed in this wonderful feeling.


When the spiritual power merged with the power of faith at the heart of the eyebrow, Su Yu's mind whispered and suddenly became blank, and his consciousness seemed to be separated from himself and traversed countless distances.

At this moment, the scene in his mind changed suddenly, watching the giant mountain suddenly appear in front of him.

This is Dawang Mountain...

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