Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 497: Delicious to cry, exchange

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Throwing the meat into the mouth of the Purple Eyed God Ape, Su Yu also took the opportunity to touch it.


"Congratulations to the host for collecting the next god-level beast, the Purple Eye God Ape, and unlock the Purple Eye God Ape!"

"Congratulations to the host for collecting a subordinate god-level beast, rewarding Constitution +7."

The next **** level?

Sure enough, it's a **** level, but is the **** level also classified? This matter becomes complicated at once.


The piece of meat has just been imported. Compared to the Purple Eyed Ape, it is like a sesame seed. However, this sesame seed actually emits an endless fragrance, covering its big mouth.

This scent has infinite power. It is no longer an invisible thing, but stares at the mouth of the **** ape, making its mouth very filling.


That piece of meat came down, and endless aura flowed down the throat into the limbs, making the whole body hot, and immediately produced a feeling of great happiness from the bottom of my heart.

The Purple Eyed Ape immediately stood still, as if stunned.

When everyone was puzzled, two lines of tears rolled down from its huge eyes.

This... this, crying? !

Everyone involuntarily rubbed their eyes, this is special, the food property is completely full!

"High priest, what's wrong with this **** ape? It's so delicious to cry?" Everyone was ashamed, and their hearts collapsed.

The high priest was also stunned, and then his face changed suddenly, his white eyebrows kept beating, and he shouted, "Go and get two big barrels!"

His voice was extremely urgent, and it also made everyone wake up like a dream, and they all started to act.

The **** ape is so big, its two lines of tears are like a waterfall, and it flows straight down. If you let it go, the village might be drowned.

Beyond the nickname, the guardian beast of a village family shed tears because it was okay, and the tears flooded the entire village. This is the biggest joke in the world.

Puff, puff.

The tears fell in the barrel, like the waves crashing in the ears.

The villagers were forced to do so, lined up in a row with wooden barrels in hand, and were responsible for waiting for the tears of the **** ape.


The **** ape roared upwards in the sky, and the tears stopped instantly, and then with a bang, his head fell again, his tongue stretched out, and woo whispered to Su Yu.

"Now, only one more piece is allowed." Su Yu said to it.


The **** apes head crazy, very obedient.

The villagers have seen the guardian beast look like this, they are covering their heads and cannot bear to look directly.

It was another piece of flesh, and the face of the **** ape was red, like drunk, standing up swaying, and then roared and rushed towards the forest.

In an instant, the entire forest became calmer, the trees collapsed, Warcraft ran wildly, and the heart collapsed. Who can tell me, what the **** is going crazy, and eating Viagra? !

"Brother Yu, can we eat?" As soon as the **** ape left, the eyes of the whole village fell on the snake flesh. The children's saliva had already flowed all over the place and asked Su Yu looking forward expectantly.

"This piece of meat is yours." Su Yu put a piece of meat in front of them, and then the knife flashed, and the flesh of meat was immediately cut into neat pieces.

"The aura contained in this flesh is really too much, a small piece has reached your physical limit." Su Yu reminded the child.

"Uh huh." The children nodded madly, with only so much meat left in their eyes.

"Cough cough, Su Xiaoyou is a culinary master who hides himself deeply. It really opens our eyes to the village. I wonder if this meat can give the old taste a taste?" The high priest couldn't help but cough. Said.

"Brother Su, and me, can you give me a taste?" Kun Qi couldn't help but stepped forward two steps and couldn't wait to say.

"Brother Su, I know that our village has a misunderstanding with you. I hope your adults don't remember the villains, let's try it?"

"Yeah, Brothers Su, it's fate when you meet. If you have something delicious, share it together..."

"Brother Su..."


"There is so much meat, you look at the points." Su Yu shrugged and flashed directly.

He had just left his front foot, and he was already messing up in the back. There was a tendency to attack.

"Lying trough, why are you so swallowing such a big piece of meat, put it down quickly, we are brothers!"

"I am your high priest, grab the meat with me? Are you trying to rebel?!"

"I didn't think I could eat this kind of delicacy, the beast **** shows spirits, the beast **** shows spirits..."

"All flashed away! For the sake of food, I fight with you..."


The chaos came and went quickly, and soon the whole village was covered with crying, this is... happy tears...

The next day.

Everyone is still reminiscing about the deliciousness of yesterday, and his attitude towards Su Yu has obviously become more friendly.

They regarded the food as a totem, and Su Yu was able to make such delicious food, and even helped them appease the **** ape. This great grace is too big for their village.

Because of the snake meat in the square of morning exercise, those children are full of energy, and some children have already given up the practice of sword drawing and continue to practice the skills of their own village.

To this part of the child, Su Yu is actually full of appreciation. The practice of sword drawing is boring and difficult, and there are few people who can cultivate it. This part of the child can realize what he is good at and can afford to let go. In the future The achievements will not be low.

"Oh, Su Xiaoyou's great gratitude to our village this time really made me ashamed." The high priest came to the door as always, and looked at the children and smiled.

"The high priest doesn't need to say that, it's just a show of effort." Su Yu shook his head with a smile.

The high priest looked at Su Yu, hesitated for a moment, and took a deep breath to continue: "I am not talented, there is a busy please Su Xiaoyou must help me."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Su Xiaoyou's food is delicious, but you will leave sooner or later. I will use the food from our village. I am afraid..." The high priest sighed and said anxiously.

Worthy of being a high priest, he looked farther away.

In fact, Su Yu also found out that because he had eaten his delicious food, many people could no longer eat the things in the village. The reactions of those children were the most obvious, and in the future, the Purple Eyed God Ape would not be appeased by the food, which was definitely a disaster. .

"High priest, don't worry, I have some seasonings here, as well as how to configure the seasonings. With these seasonings, the taste will never be worse!" Su Yu took out some bottles, jars and a brochure to the high priest. It doesn't matter.

"Hahaha, Su Xiaoyou is extraordinary, very humanly comparable. Since that's the case, our village can't be stingy. This is the cultivation method that the beast **** put in our village at that time, which may be helpful to the little friends..." The speaking room, the high priest It is also a simple cheat book...

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