Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 487: Kids, morning exercises

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"That's enough? You can't be sloppy about the murderer." Kun Qi asked unwillingly.

"That's enough!" Su Yu smiled and nodded.

"Then...Brother Su will not leave me sitting for a while?" Kun Qi simply thickened his face and asked.

"Seven brothers are polite, you are busy, and in the humble room below, you will not invite them."

What a terrible room!

I’m not busy, I’m really not busy. Who told you I’m busy?

Kun Qi's heart collapsed a bit, but his face was not thick enough after all.

"Brother Yu, can you really catch the murderer?" Shuang Er happily wandered around the room, then looked at Su Yu and asked.

"At present, the information is still limited. What I can confirm at the moment is that this is definitely done by the people in the village." Su Yu shook his head slightly and said.

"Those children are really pitiful, you must find the abominable beast!" Shuang Er said indignantly, with a straight face.

"Relax, this murderer is absolutely impossible to close, and as long as he shoots again, he will definitely show flaws!" Su Yu waved his hand and said.

In the following days, Su Yu's rare leisure, just staying in the stone house with Shuang Er, is also considered leisure.

The location of this village is very special. In this forest, the beasts are vertical and horizontal, but each end seems to be agreed, and will not take the initiative to approach the village. Therefore, unless the people in the village go out to hunt, they will basically not see the beasts.

After a day of observation, Su Yu also got a general understanding of the situation in the village. There are only four or five hundred people in this village. The proportion is very balanced. Men and women account for half of each. Since childhood, they will learn martial arts.

However, when it comes to actual combat, men are basically the shots, and going out hunting is all men.

Among the middle-aged men, there will be fifty people as guards of the village, named from Kunyi to Kun50, symbolizing the highest combat power of the village, and the high priest is the authority of the entire village, with few shots. In many cases, it is the role of treatment, responsible for the treatment of the wounded.

At the same time, Su Yu also discovered that the guards of this village acted as patron saints, so they were admired and worshipped by the people of the village every day.

They then use the secret method to truly apply the power of these beliefs, which is equivalent to forming a special cycle.

Hunting is the main source of food in this village. Ten guards go out hunting every day.

Every day, the people in the village conduct morning exercises, and the objects of morning exercises are mainly aimed at the children in the village, so that they can lay the foundation of martial arts early.


"The Black Tiger takes his heart, his hands should be stable, and his position must be accurate!

"Daniel, lift your hand up a little."

"Xiaohu, make a fist and add some force."

"White crane spreads its wings!"


This village does not pay much attention to names, they are simple and easy to remember.

Su Yu and Shuang Er were sitting outside the stone house, watching the dozens of children facing the morning glow, and they were practicing seriously.

Not only they, but many people in the village are paying attention to this place. These children are like the rising sun, warm and full of hope.

"Remember, you will be soldiers in the village in the future, and you want to protect the peace in the village!" The instructor said as a guard, "You must practice hard at all times, do you know?"

"I know!" All the children said with unprecedented seriousness on their faces.

"We must not only protect the village, but also help Dalong to avenge them!" Just then, a child said firmly.

"That's right, revenge!" The children were all supposed to drink.

The words of these children instantly calmed everyone down, and the serious look on the faces of these children made them speechless, and all the young women cried.

During this period, a child's body has a great impact on adults, but for children who grew up with those children, the impact will only be greater!

"Chou is going to repay! But it must be remembered that this is not your first priority!" The instructor's eyes were red, almost roaring out: "All you have to do now is to save your life and see the murderer, Run if you can!"

"do you know?!"


"Okay, the morning exercise is over."

At this moment, Su Yu's brow furrowed sharply, his eyes quickly swept towards the back of a stone house, and vaguely saw a dark shadow quickly skipped.

"Brother Yu..."

"Brother Yu..."


At this moment, the group of children who had just finished their morning exercises ran to Su Yu one by one.

They both looked into their small heads and looked into Su Yu's room. Their eyes looked at the delicate furniture, as bright as a star.

"Okay, you go inside and have a good rest." Su Yu said with a smile.


The group of children immediately flooded into the house excitedly, some sitting on chairs, and some seizing the sofa.

"Wow, I said Brother Yu is very comfortable here."

"What the **** is this is so soft."

"The sofa is so big, how can you lie down and leave me a place!"


In the playroom, every child has a simple smile on his face, but no one is close to the bed.

"Space is limited, you can climb onto the bed." Su Yu couldn't help saying.

"No, we have just practiced in the morning, and we will smear Brother Yu's bed." The group of children shook their heads very consciously.

"It's okay, you go up." Su Yu shook his head and smiled.

Upon Su Yu’s instructions, the children were even more excited, cheering, and crawling to the bed one after another.

After all, Shuang'er's psychological age is only seven years old. Looking at these children, his face is full of happiness.

Looking at these children, Su Yu's heart became unprecedentedly relaxed. These children just lived in the village and were simple and lovely. The murderer actually had the heart to shoot them.

At this moment, Su Yu's eyes jumped and set his eyes on the morning exercise square, where a small figure was still standing, with a big sandbag in front of him, constantly Hitting with fists, the moves used are just what I learned during the morning exercise.

He was the child who took the lead in shouting revenge.

"Brother Yu, he was Xiaolong. He used to be Dalong's best friend. When Dalong died, he cried for a long time." A child said, looking at the figure, their original excitement was suddenly swept away.

This is the case with children, and their moods change rapidly.

Su Yu nodded and pondered for a moment, but he raised his foot and walked toward the morning training square.

"Black Tiger!"

"White crane spreads its wings!"

"Golden snake out of the hole!"


Xiaolong's face was already covered with sweat, but his eyes were still firm. Every time he hit a groove on the sandbag!

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