Doomed To Be A King

Chapter 486: People in the city, people in the city!

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In Su Yu's eyes, the python seemed to come alive, twisting his body and standing upright, as if he could reach the sky!

The majestic momentum made the air solidify, making Su Yu breathless.

At the same time, on the opposite side of the giant python, stood a figure like a mountain. The height of the figure was three points higher than that of the giant python, just like the master of this world.

And Su Yu, finally seeing the whole picture of that figure, is actually a snow-white giant ape!

The two huge beasts confronted each other, and the momentum continued to rise, pressing on Su Yu's heart like Taishan's pressure, making him unable to move.

Then, this momentum seemed to reach a critical point, the two beasts roared and slammed away!


Their strength is as strong as a meteorite hitting the earth, and the devastating aftermath ripples from all around, making the world tremble.

Su Yu's pupils suddenly enlarged, and at this time his body could not move at all, so he could only watch the aftermath coming quickly!


In the eyes of Shuang'er and Kunqi, Su Yu's figure shuddered after being stopped, and then his body flew back quickly!

very scary!

Su Yu finally stabilized her figure and looked at the body of the giant python, with fear in her eyes.

This is the real powerhouse. Even if he dies, the laws of heaven and earth still follow, which is not tainted by ordinary people.

"Brother Yu, are you okay?" Shuanger greeted him immediately, caring.

"It's okay, just not prepared before." Su Yu shook his head, took a deep breath, and forced himself to shock.

He also encountered this situation on Shuang Er. The difference is that this python is full of anger, and Shuang Er can make people enchanted and involuntarily want to protect her.

The strength of this giant python before his death was definitely above Shuang'er and Lucifer at the time. Of course, Su Yu, who was in the heyday of Shuang'er and Lucifer, was also unknown.

"Brother Su, the will of this peerless beast will not dissipate after death, but exists around the corpse, which is difficult for ordinary people to approach." Kun Qi said, then said: "After three days, the high priest will baptize the corpse. , Then the will will be eliminated."

Eliminate the will?

There was a trace of surprise on Su Yu's face. How strong is the will of this fierce beast, even if he could not be eliminated, the high priest could be eliminated?

This village deserves to be inherited for thousands of years, and there are strangeness everywhere.

The use of the power of faith, the statue of the beast god, the mysterious high priest, and the mighty giant ape, each refreshed Su Yu's knowledge of the Wuzhou Continent.

Coming to the Hundreds of Thousand Mountains this time really made Su Yu feel that the Wuzhou Continent is just a world of decline in martial arts. It can be said that it is a low-level plane, which is really too backward!

"I don't know if you can let Su Mou observe in three days?" Su Yu tentatively asked.

"Brother Su is a noble guest in our village, so naturally." Who knows, Kun Qi didn't think of it, and he agreed.

"Thank you so much."

Su Yu thanked, and once again took a deep look at the body of the python, and a thought came up in his heart. If he used this corpse to make a corpse, how powerful would it be?

Su Yu thought fieryly in his heart, but immediately rejected his idea, and smelting the iron tower consumed almost all of his energy, let alone this giant python.

Moreover, the size of this giant python is so large that it is really refined. The materials and time consumed must be calculated in large quantities. It is also necessary to face the risk of refining failure. It is really worth the loss.

"Brother Su, here is your residence." Thinking room, they have come to a stone house, Kun Qi said with a smile.

The style of this stone house is no different from that of other stone houses. It is just made up of a few stones. It is very simple. The reason why it is called a house is because of its function of sheltering from the wind and rain.

Entering the house, the decoration is simpler. A stone bed is placed in the corner. In addition, there is only one stone table and two stone stools.

The bed was also filled with huge leaves and haystacks, which served as quilts and pillows.

"The broken house, brother Yu, we might as well live outside..." Shuanger was only seven years old after all, wrinkled Xiao Qiong nose, and said straight-heartedly.

Living outside also has this big bed, very comfortable, it is simply heaven and earth.

"Brother Su, the things in our village are relatively simple, please don't dislike them." Kun Qi said embarrassedly.

This is more than simple, this is simply the life of primitive people!

If it were not for seeing their clothes and weapons, Su Yu really had to wonder if they deliberately embarrassed themselves.

"Dude, this is not simple for you..." Su Yu's eyes were full of sincerity, making Kun Qi stunned slightly, his face serious, and he was ready to move.

"Broken is broken, there is nothing embarrassing to admit."

What's so special! Can you finish the conversation in one breath?

Su Yu's words made Kun Qi's face blue, almost unable to lift his breath.

"But anyway, I just need to change a set of Su Yu didn't care about waving his hand, and then moved out the stone bed, stone table and stone stool.

When the thoughts moved, the furniture was immediately taken out of the space.

First of all, a Simmons bed, exquisite workmanship, luxurious appearance, plus the mattress and quilt on the bed that looks beautiful and soft to the extreme, the appearance of this bed immediately made the whole room bright. .

This this……

Kun Qi's eyes were straight, and he swallowed involuntarily. He could sleep in this bed and he would definitely die.

Next, Su Yu took out a wide couch. The sofa was brown, and I didn't know what material it was made of. It looked soft but elastic.

Still waiting for Kun Qi to come back, Su Yu successively took out a series of furniture such as glass tables, sofa seats, etc., even the colored lights were there, and the originally ruined stone house immediately became bright and beautiful.

Tall, tall!

Kun Qi has an urge to cry, and he is really a turtle, a city man, this cliff is a city man!

However, what the **** did this guy actually do, actually carrying a set of furniture on his body, what's so special, let me take a look first...

"Oh, how often do murderers commit crimes?" Su Yu's voice made Kun Qi recover.

"The time is not fixed, the longest time is about seven days, and two days when it is frequent." Kun Qi replied, then said: "If you want to learn more, we can sit down and talk."

He was talking, but his eyes kept glancing into the room, quite a meaning of wanting to talk to Su Yu on the knee.

"Oh, no, it's enough to know these. Seven Brothers please come back." Su Yu said directly.

enough? What do you know is enough?

Kun Qiyi's face was so dumb, he really wanted to sit down with Su Yu and talk, of course, by the way... reflect the feeling of the city people...

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