Chapter 1793 is already ready

   unconsciously sighed again, Feng Geng looked and looked through the rearview mirror in the driver's seat, and finally coughed softly and said:

   "Mr. Li..."

  Li Mo said impatiently, "Speak!"

  Feng Geng coughed again unnaturally.

   "Actually, you can tell that your wife loves you very much..."

  Li Mo looked at the rearview mirror and glanced at him coldly.

   "Nonsense, need you to tell? Why did you go earlier?"

   Since he could see it long ago, why didn't he remind him before?

   Now that there are so many troubles, do you still need him to come here to put this aftermath?

   Feng Geng was slapped for no reason and did not speak for a while.

  Li Mo changed his sitting position, was silent for a while, and suddenly asked angrily, "What do you want to say?"

  Feng Geng's speed slowed down a little, "Mr. Li, the wife seems to be going back to...the wedding room?"

  Li Mo leaned forward, and sure enough, he saw the car heading towards the wedding house.

  's calm face instantly brightened a bit, but it didn't take long for him to rely on his actions again, his expression tangled.

   went back home, but, with her small temper now, he hasn't figured out how to deal with it...

   reached out and pinched his eyebrows, he suddenly felt that he might make the Li family even better in the future.

   Compared to dealing with Xu Qingzhi now, it seems much easier to negotiate the next expensive business.

   Does he have to thank Xu Qingzhi for inspiring his hidden abilities?

too difficult.

   He was really hard.

   Do not live by yourself!

   If I knew now, he didn't do so many... not very good things.

   It’s really feng shui turns.

  Feng Geng has been by Li Mo's side for so many years, apart from feeling that his boss's emotional intelligence is low, people can't actually pick out other flaws.

   After all, he has been by his side for several years, so he still needs some loyalty.

   "Mr. Li... The wife loves you so much, so she must not be willing to make you embarrassed..."

   Hearing this, Li Mo paused, then raised his head and looked at Feng Geng.

"what do you mean?"

  Feng Geng continued: "I can't bear to be embarrassed by you, and I can't bear to see you pitiful... In other words, women are actually easy to coax. It's definitely better to coax you like a wife who loves you..."

  Li Mo's eyes paused, "Continue."

   "You used to be too embarrassed, but now that you have decided to be shameless...cough..."

  Feng Geng coughed twice in embarrassment. He glanced at Li Mo through the rearview mirror. Seeing that his face was not very good, his heart suddenly twitched.

   "I mean... Since it's all like this now, it's not a matter of one or two things..."

   "What kind of a thing or two?"

  Feng Geng was silent for a few seconds, then cleared his throat vigorously.

   "The trunk of the car, I have already prepared it for you... I promise this trick, try Bailing... As long as the gentleman is willing to do it, it will definitely work..."

  Li Mo frowned, "Have you already prepared it for me?"

  Feng Geng smiled embarrassedly, "I don't know why, I thought you might be able to use this at first, so I... kept it in the trunk of the car..." 鈥�

  When Feng Geng's car arrived at the villa, the old lady and Qiao Zhilan just came out of the villa and saw his car, but they didn't get in the car.

   Instead, he stood at the entrance and didn't move, obviously waiting for him.

  Feng Geng stopped the car and quickly opened the door for Li Mo.

   I just said something "shameful" to Qiao Zhilan, and now it's a little embarrassing to see her.

   But compared to what he said and did in front of Xu Qingzhi these days, he was much more embarrassed than he was today, but he didn't feel that embarrassed either.

   Getting along with Xu Qingzhi is natural.

   Even his biological mother was not comfortable in front of her.


   Old lady Li stared at him, snorted, turned her head to one side, and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Qiao Zhilan had a schadenfreude smile on her face, "I brought it back to you, people are still in a bad mood now, you can only make up for the sins you've done... But if you don't coax people well this time, , if you have any questions, don't ask us for help... I have told you a lot of good things, if you hit us in the face at the end... you can do it yourself..."

  Li Mo put his hands in his pockets and responded vaguely.

   "He figured it out on his own? As an emotional idiot, he is so stupid that he can coax people into me by himself. I really need to invite a Bodhisattva to make offerings at home!"

  Li Mo: "..."

"I don't care! If he can't coax Qingzhi, he deserves a divorce! If you get divorced, get out of Li's house! I will recognize Qingzhi as my granddaughter and find her a son-in-law myself! Whoever dares to bully her , look I don't skin them and cramp!"

  The old lady Li said a few more aggressive words, and finally gave Li Mo a stern look, picked up a cane, and gave him a stick on his waist!

"Get off!"

  Li Mo moved to the side, and Qiao Zhilan helped the old lady down the steps.

   Watching them leave, Li Mo turned around, "It's snowing so hard, why don't you stay?"

   "I'm upset when I see you. Staying here will save me two years!"

  Li Mo: "..."

   Seeing the car with them leaving, Li Mo turned his attention to Feng Geng beside him.

   "What did you prepare for me?"

  Feng Geng made an "oh", and hurriedly ran to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and fiddled for a long time before finally taking out something.

  Li Mo walked over curiously, Jun's face darkened immediately after seeing what Feng Geng was holding.

   "Is this what you have prepared for me?"

  Feng Geng smiled awkwardly, "Yes...Yes..."

   "You thought I would use it sooner or later, didn't you?"

  Feng Geng didn't speak this time.

   Although it is true that it is true, it is definitely not acceptable to say it.

   Not speaking is the default.

  Li Mo angrily stretched out his hand and slapped him on the head, "You're so bold!"

   The strength is not heavy, Feng Geng laughed twice, "So, do you... use this?"


  Li Mo was reaching out and grabbed a handful of snow from the car and sprinkled it on him, turned around and walked towards the villa door.

  Feng Geng looked at the washboard in his hand and shook his head regretfully.


Although I can't see Mr. Li kneeling on the washboard, but thinking about it, knowing that this happened, also means that he knows Mr. Li's little secret, and sometimes "threatening" him with this incident doesn't seem to be the case. Can not.


   However, just when he was disappointed and helpless, the thing in his hand was suddenly taken away.

   looked up, Li Mo had already turned around with a cold face.

  Feng Geng was a little stunned.

   When Li Mo entered the door and closed the door, he slowly returned to his senses.

   reached out and caught a few snowflakes.

  Is it too cold?

   made Mr. Li's ears red from the cold. �

  Li Mo entered the room, looking at the washboard in his hand, the corners of his mouth twitched.

   Damn Feng Geng, he actually prepared this for him long ago.

   The lights in the living room were still on, but there was no one in the living room.

  There was no movement elsewhere on the first floor.

   It is estimated that Xu Qingzhi is now on the second floor.

   glanced at the thing in his hand again, but it seemed like he was stabbed, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

   grabbed a handful of hair in a tangled and irritable way, and walked back and forth in the living room for several minutes with the washboard in both hands, and finally stopped at the entrance of the stairs.

   looked in the direction of the second floor for a long time, then raised and lowered his footsteps.

  If you go up this time, Li Mo, you will be in front of Xu Qingzhi in this life, but... it's over.

   "Mr. Li, you're so shameless anyway, so it's not a matter of one or two things."

   Thinking about what Feng Geng said, although it was a bit of a beating, it seemed to make sense.


   Do you really want to do this?

   Thinking that he and Xu Qingzhi fought back and forth in the past, no one would admit defeat, each one was harder than the other...

  Although he is clearly at the disadvantage now, he has to kneel on the washboard for Xu Qingzhi...

   The whole person was still struggling, and the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

   took it out and found that it was a short video sent to him by Qiao Zhilan.

   He frowned in disgust, and just as he was about to turn off his phone, Qiao Zhilan's message came again.

   "I advise you to take a look. There are some things you don't realize, and you won't have time to regret it."

  Li Mo paused and saw the short video with black and white words on it——【Be nice to your wife when you are young, otherwise...】

   Not a ghost?

   reluctantly opened a video, first of all the big characters just now, and later a cartoon video of a few people.

  A middle-aged man was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at a beautiful woman opposite him who was dancing a duet with other men in the square.

   And the three of them were sitting together and drinking tea, but it turned out that the beautiful woman was chatting and laughing with another man, and the man in the wheelchair slipped and no one noticed.

   In the end, it was the beautiful woman pushing the man in the wheelchair for a walk, and when she walked to the lake, she met the man who danced, drank tea and chatted with her before. I don’t know if it was unintentional or intentional, and the wheelchair slid into the lake.

  Li Mo was inexplicable at first, but at the end, he suddenly reacted.

   Watched the video from start to finish again…

  【Be nice to your wife when you are young, otherwise...】

   Otherwise, a **** woman might change her mind for the rest of her life!

  Dancing with other men, drinking tea, meeting by chance, ignoring him, being indifferent, and possibly even murdering his own husband!

   As soon as he thought that Xu Qingzhi would dance, drink tea, chat, and have romantic encounters with other men in the future, there was a sigh of relief in his chest that made it painful.

   He immediately put the phone in his pocket, and without any hesitation, raised his foot and went upstairs.

   But just as he rushed to the door of the bedroom, he braked suddenly.

   took two deep breaths, adjusted his now somewhat irritable and impulsive mood for a while, and then reached out and opened the door.

   Xu Qingzhi returned to the bedroom, not knowing how to face Li Mo.

   That guy has changed a lot these days. In fact, it's hard for her to resist the current Li Mo.

   It's almost shameless and skinless, if he comes back and plays rogue with himself...

   She thought she wouldn't last long.

   Thinking of the phone call he made in the car, she couldn't help laughing for a long time.

   To prevent seeing Li Mo's heart soften for a while, she changed her clothes and went into the bathroom after entering the room.

   When she adjusts her mood, no matter how bad Li Mo is, she will not give him a good face tonight.

  Li Mo opened the door, and immediately found no one in the bedroom.

   After listening carefully, there was the sound of water in the bathroom.

   Just walked in, the sound of water in the bathroom suddenly stopped.

  Li Mo paused, holding the washboard and immediately wanted to rush out of the bedroom.

   But I felt that the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. After thinking about it, I turned back.

   Xu Qingzhi came out of the bathroom and immediately saw another person on the bed.

   She paused immediately, forcing her heart to harden.

   pursed his lips without speaking, pretended not to see him, walked over to the dressing table beside him, and did a simple skin care.

   As soon as she got there, Li Mo's eyes chased where he went, and his body turned with her.

   After Xu Qingzhi finished nursing, he walked to the bed and looked at him coldly, "Are you going to sleep here?"

  Li Mo nodded, "Of course."

  Xu Qingzhi turned around, "I'm used to sleeping alone. If you sleep here, I'll go to sleep on my side."

  Li Mo hurriedly propped up on the bed and reached out to hold her.

  Xu Qingzhi struggled for a while, "Let me go, Li Mo, I'm in a bad mood right now..."

   "Wife~~ I was wrong..."


  Xu Qingzhi couldn't help twitching at the corner of his mouth.

   This title is really...

  The wife just forget it, and she is still so aggrieved.

   Who should be wronged.

  Li Mo pulled her slightly behind him, then shook her gently, "Let's sleep here tonight, I'm not used to it now, I'll get used to it when I fall asleep later. Ang..."

   Ang... what Ang?

   What about your character? !

   "But when I see you now, I can't help but think of the excessive things you did in the past..."

   "Can't I change it? It was all my fault in the past, you can sleep here tonight..."

  Xu Qingzhi couldn't hold back the corners of his lips, but he still turned around, reached out and grabbed the quilt,

   "I can sleep here too, but you go to sleep on your side..."

   As she spoke, she lifted the quilt, and as a result, there was still one word left in the sentence, but she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

   stared at Li Mo's knee for a long time before she raised her head in disbelief.

  Li Mo's face turned red, his eyes flickered from side to side, and those ears were so red that they almost dripped blood.

   I just thought his posture on the bed was weird, but I never imagined that he actually...

   Kneeling on the bed on the washboard...

  Li Mo couldn't stand Xu Qingzhi's gaze, so he raised his hand and scratched his hair, but it finally landed on his face and didn't take it down.

   His face was covered, Xu Qingzhi couldn't see his expression, but he heard him say something in a muffled voice:

   "Kneeling and begging for forgiveness."

  Xu Qingzhi paused for a long time, his face full of shock, which was already unbelievable, his eyes fell on the angular washboard under his knees, and then looked at Li Mo, and finally he couldn't hold back.

   "Poof" he laughed.

   Li Mo's body froze as he knelt on the bed, and glanced at Xu Qingzhi through his fingers.

   After confirming that it was her laughing, she breathed a sigh of relief and felt a sense of shame at the same time.

   Xu Qingzhi really couldn't stop laughing.

   She had clearly thought about several things that Li Mo might do before, and she was clearly prepared to be "hard-hearted", and decided that she must not let Li Mo pass smoothly tonight!

   The result is...

   Never thought that Li Mo would actually give her this trick...

  【My mother~~ Li Zuozuo's desire to survive, Zha Nan's desire to survive, have you felt it? 】

   (end of this chapter)

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