Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1792: revenge

   Chapter 1792 Revenge

   "So, that night, I took you down the hallway..."

  Xu Qingzhi raised his head and looked at him, the whole person stood silently, his eyes were full of tears.

   "Didn't you also get drunk that night?"

  Li Mo pursed his lips, "I'm drunk, but not so drunk that I'm unconscious."

   He said, paused, and his voice became lower and lower, "...It's just a perfect excuse..."

  Xu Qingzhi reached out and wiped a handful of tears, then sniffed.

   "Excuse? In order to successfully sleep until I don't have to lose face and can shirk the responsibility?"

   Li Mo's mouth suddenly twitched, and he looked down at Xu Qingzhi, feeling that something was not right.

   "I...this...I just...was a big mistake..."

  Xu Qingzhi raised his eyebrows, and there were still tears on his face, but his eyes were already clear.

   "Although I really want to forgive you, Li Mo, what you've done these days really makes my heart feel uneasy. Forgiving you like this makes me seem too spineless..."

   Strike while the iron is hot!

   Now that she knows Li Mo's thoughts thoroughly, she still needs to settle the previous accounts!

   "revenge", of course it is still feasible!

  Li Mo hurriedly hugged her, "I can can do whatever you want, but as long as you don't continue tossing about divorce with me..."


   Of course not possible?

   She also wants to "torture" him for the rest of her life!

   She didn't speak, Li Mo was silent for a while, and when she saw that she didn't move, he slowly said:

   "However, what should I do to forgive me?"

   Xu Qingzhi broke free from him, "Who said I'm going to forgive you?"

  Li Mo frowned, "Xu Qingzhi..."

   As soon as he opened his mouth, he lowered his eyes and looked down, Xu Qingzhi knew that layers of grievances filled his eyes, and tears were shining.

   A lot of snowflakes fell on the top of her hair, Li Mo reached out and stroked the snowflakes off her head and touched her cheek.

   "Don't do this, as long as you tell me what to do, I will follow you... We have to live on, right?"

   "You bullied me so much back then, how could I feel at ease and live with you?! Li Mo, you are too much..."

   As she said, tears rolled in her eyes a few times, and then the lights were printed and fell like snowflakes in the sky.

  Li Mo's temple jumped twice.

   suddenly felt a little emotional, and it seems that his future days are really going to be in dire straits.

   "Okay, okay, we won't mention this matter, we'll bring it up later, okay, be careful of the son in your belly..."

   Xu Qingzhi's tears flowed even more fiercely, "You now know that I should be careful about the son in my belly, what about before?"

  Li Mo: "..."

   "Li Mo, you said, are you going too far?"

  Li Mo nodded, "Yes, yes, I'm going too far! It's all my fault..."

   "No sincerity at all!"

  Xu Qingzhi wiped his tears, and suddenly burst into tears again!

   "You're really going too far..."

  Li Mo had a headache, and just as he was about to go up to comfort her helplessly, there was a sudden pain in his back.

   was followed by a slap sound.

   "It was fine just now, but when you turn around, you bully Qingzhi... Let you bully her again, let you bully her again... The stinky brat..."

   Without a doubt.

   The one who beats and scolds at the back must be Mrs. Li.

   Qiao Zhilan, who was following behind, didn't care, she went directly to Xu Qingzhi, who was crying and aggrieved, and hugged her shoulders.

   "Don't cry, let grandma clean him up for you."

  Xu Qingzhi wiped his tears, looked up at the man who was slightly dodging by the old lady's beating, and lowered his head to touch his tears.

   Qiao Zhilan raised her eyes and glanced at Li Mo helplessly, pulling Xu Qingzhi.

   "Go, the snow is so heavy, don't catch a cold again, you are pregnant now, and being sick is dangerous for you and the baby."

  Xu Qingzhi nodded and let Qiao Zhilan lead him away.

   Before leaving, he turned to look at Li Mo.

  Li Mo saw that she was going to leave, so he hurriedly shouted, "Xu Qingzhi! Stop!"

  Because he was in a hurry, his tone didn't sound good.

   "You dare to murder her! The stinky boy can't change, right?!"

   Obviously the old lady's slap didn't bring much pain to Li Mo.

  Xu Qingzhi's lips twitched imperceptibly, then turned his head and followed Qiao Zhilan to the outside of the hotel courtyard.

  Li Mo just wanted to catch up, but was stopped by the old lady.

"Stop! Li Mo, you can. What you said at the meeting just now is false, right? You have deceived so many people, and you will start to bully Qingzhi again if you are annoying! How many grievances have you felt? Brat... You really have the heart to..."

   "I didn't bully her!"

   "Then why is she crying so sad?!"

  Li Mo choked, "...I bullied her before."

   "Huh! You know that too! Then do you know how much you did in the first place?"

  Li Mo pursed his lips and gave a vague "um".

   "Then have you figured out how to deal with Qingzhi?"

  Li Mo was silent.

   Be nice to her!

   But how "good" can she forgive him?

   This is the thing that gives him the most headache!

  Old Mrs. Li saw that he was also struggling, she snorted, and took two steps forward on crutches.

"Qingzhi is so good, if there are more people who like her, it must be you! If you treat her like before...then I advise you to let go earlier! You can't give her happiness, someone is rushing to ask for it. give her!"

  Li Mo clenched his fists a little bit, watching them leave, but didn't catch up.

   stood in place for a long time, finally let out a sigh of frustration, and scratched his hair irritably.

   "Mr. Li?"

   was Feng Geng's voice behind him, Li Mo turned his head to look at him, his expression stiffened, he put his hand down, and his face returned to his former sternness.


  Feng Geng shook his head, "Oh, I just wanted to ask if I should take you home."

  Li Mo was silent for a while, feeling a little irritable, and put his hands in his pockets.

   "Let's go."

  Feng Geng acted immediately.


When    walked out of the hotel, Li Mo was still walking very fast, but as soon as he walked out of the hotel, he just happened to see the car carrying Xu Qingzhi and Qiao Zhilan driving away.

   took two quick steps, and finally gave up.

   Sitting in the car, he still took out his mobile phone and called Qiao Zhilan directly.

   The call is connected.

  Qiao Zhilan: "Anything?"

   The voice of Xu Qingzhi still sobbing in a low voice could be heard vaguely on the phone, and Li Mo's hand tightened slightly.

   "You sent Qingzhi to our house!"

   Qiao Zhilan paused for a moment, then smiled, "Which is your home?"

   "Our wedding room!"

   "She is very sad now, she probably doesn't want to go back."

  Li Mo's fists clenched and loosened, and finally took a deep breath and tried to soften his voice.


  Qiao Zhilan laughed immediately, "Oh, I really didn't expect my son to be able to call this 'Mom' so nice one day!"

  Xu Qingzhi turned his head to look over, blinked, a little curious.

   Qiao Zhilan smiled and turned on the speakerphone directly and generously.

Li Mo's voice continued, "...I can see that you like Qingzhi very much, so at this time you have to stand with me on a united front and help me coax Qingzhi so that she can continue. Be your daughter-in-law. You have to give me a chance to get along, instead of making trouble like this... In this way, she will be even more aggrieved... If she is wronged, she will make trouble with me, in case one accidentally gets divorced... …”

  Qiao Zhilan glanced at Xu Qingzhi, and smiled, "How do you want me to help you?"

  Li Mo hesitated for a while, then glanced at Feng Geng who was driving in front of him, lowered his voice and said, "You can say something nice to me in front of her, and praise me for being similar..."

  Although the sound pressure was very low, Feng Geng's steering wheel in front was still a few millimeters, and the car shook for a while, but immediately stabilized.

   On Xu Qingzhi's side, he was stunned when he heard what Li Mo said in a deliberately low voice.

  Qiao Zhilan even covered her mouth and smiled, trying her best not to laugh out loud.

  Reacted, Xu Qingzhi blushed, and finally couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

  This man, really...


  Qiao Zhilan forcibly held back her laughter and said, "I know it's urgent now? Didn't we do this kind of thing less often back then?"

  Li Mo stroked his forehead, quite helpless, "Well, I'm in a hurry. So you and grandma have to help me. Now, send people home..."

   "What about sending it home? She's in a bad mood right now. Seeing you again stimulates her, affects her mood, and affects the child in her womb..."

   "...But you can't just separate us... Anyway, I don't care. If you take her back to Li's house, then I'll go to Li's house."

   Qiao Zhilan raised her eyebrows, "Why are you so shameless now?"

   "Wherever she goes, I go! You can figure it out!"

After   , he hung up the phone.

   Qiao Zhilan put away her phone and looked at Xu Qingzhi with a smile.

   "This time you should know that Li Mo is serious, right?"

   Xu Qingzhi smiled, looking a little shy.

   Of course she knew,

   Just now at the banquet, outside the hotel, he was a rogue, nervous, and foolishly tossed out all his troubles, and she knew it.

   She loves him, it's impossible not to see that.

   Therefore, she decided to "revenge" him a little.

   But, now I know, there is no most shameless and skinless, only more shameless and skinless.

  Li Mozhen has refreshed her lower limit again and again.

   "So, where do you decide to go back later?"

  Xu Qingzhi thought for a while, and said in a low voice, "It will still be us..."

   Originally, the best place was the apartment she just rented, but she didn't want the two elders to know about what she had moved out of.

   She didn't go on, but it was enough for Qiao Zhilan to understand.

   smiled and set the direction with the driver directly.

   In the car that was some distance behind them, after Li Mo hung up the phone, he pinched his eyebrows with a solemn expression.

   I was thinking about how to face Xu Qingzhi so that she would not be so excited that she even cried aggrieved.

  What is this called, it is completely self-inflicted and cannot live.

   Now he is really afraid of her making trouble, afraid of her sadness, afraid of her crying!

   is really a little ancestor.

   What should we do?

   unconsciously sighed again, Feng Geng looked and looked through the rearview mirror in the driver's seat, and finally coughed softly and said:

   "Mr. Li..."

  【I’m so good~~I owe two thousand words, and there is still no day to make up for it~~You are so difficult~~~I really can’t write it~The state is wrong~Hugs everyone~]

   (end of this chapter)

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