Chapter 1789…

   "How common is it for men to wear watches? I just like to wear bracelets!"

   After he finished speaking, he snatched the bracelet from Xu Qingzhi's hand and put it on his wrist.

   Afterwards, Baba held it up in front of Xu Qingzhi and shook it, "Don't say it, the size is just right."

   Xu Qingzhi couldn't help but move the corner of his mouth, "It seems that I bought it a few years ago."

  Li Mo shook his head, hugged her with both hands, and rubbed her forehead affectionately, "It's not big, I didn't grow up later."

  's voice was obviously flattering, but Xu Qingzhi couldn't help but smile.

   Looking at the bracelet on his wrist, a person who has been pampered since childhood, his skin is fair, his bones are also delicate, and his fingers are also slender and beautiful, with well-defined joints.

The    platinum bracelet shone with a little crystal halo in the light, and hung freely and naturally on his wrist.

   She was as beautiful as she thought.

   "I finally gave this gift away."

   she murmured, staring at the bracelet with a contented smile on her face.

   "Well... I'm very happy."

  Li Mo put his arms around Xu Qingzhi, just wanting to rub this woman into his bones.

   After so many years, it was the first time I felt shameless and skinless.

  Xu Qingzhi sighed lightly, raised his head, glanced at the watch he threw aside, and looked at him with a half-smile.

   "I heard that Miss Mo put it on for you personally?"

  Li Mo's face froze, "This...she said that I should give her some face..."

   "Does she want to give face, is to put on a watch for you?"


"Have you ever thought about what tomorrow's popularity will look like if I don't come tonight? My ex-girlfriend celebrates Mr. Li's high-profile birthday? Or, the two have a high-profile love affair at the birthday banquet, and Mrs. Rong Chengli's position will change hands. ?"

  Li Mo's scalp is going numb now.

  This...what the **** is going on?

  Who knew there were so many things to wear a watch?

  A woman's mind is really elusive and elusive.

   However, when he thinks that because of Mo Xiaona back then, he has been thinking about Xu Qingzhi's release of her pigeons at her birthday party until now, maybe there won't be so many things in between!

   Maybe his son would have already run away!

   In the final analysis, he is the culprit, and Mo Xiaona is not worthy of forgiveness.

   "I never thought I'd give her any chance. It's not like you don't know, how much headache do I have to prevent you from getting a divorce these days?"

"After all, it was a little bit of a relationship before... Although nothing happened to us!" Li Mo hurriedly emphasized loudly, and then added: "Besides, he came here specifically to celebrate my birthday... It's not as if he didn't give her that Have a little face..."

"Besides, I just went to look for you and couldn't find it, and I was thinking about where you were. If you came here, would you be unhappy when you saw her, and just wanted her to finish things quickly and leave quickly, why don't you think so much? "

  Xu Qingzhi, listen, no matter how big his temper is, he can't get rid of it.

   Is Li Mo really Li Mo today?

   It's just... so abnormal.

   "Didn't you say you want to save face for her? If you say everything now, you won't worry about her losing face now?"

  Li Mo's eyebrows sank, "I'm shameless in order to keep my wife, do I still care about other people's faces?"


   Xu Qingzhi was undefended, Li Mo's words were too unexpected, she should have felt angry or uncomfortable, but instead...

  What kind of medicine did he take today? His attitude suddenly changed so quickly!

   Seeing that Xu Qingzhi finally smiled, Li Mo's face relaxed, and he raised his lips when he hugged her.

  The surrounding people were also amused by the sudden change of atmosphere.

   Covered their mouths one by one, leaning back and forth with laughter.

   "It turns out that it wasn't Mr. Li who always wanted to get a divorce, but Mrs. Li!"

   "Yeah, seeing Mr. Li acting like Mrs. Li, the desire to survive is overwhelming!"

   "Hahaha, I always thought that Li was always a cold, handsome and abstinent overbearing president! I didn't expect it to be a little wolf dog!"

   "The relationship between these two people is quite fun. They fight against each other every day, they don't like each other, but they secretly like others... It's absolutely amazing haha..."

   "After all, I still think it's Mr. Li who is too awkward!"

   "But now, the misunderstanding between the two has finally been resolved..."

   Some people mentioned that the misunderstanding was resolved, and they all turned their attention to Mo Xiaona, who had not spoken.

   "If someone hadn't acted as a **** stick, deliberately causing trouble, how could there be so many misunderstandings between these two people?"

"Deliberately changing the address of the party, deliberately not answering the phone, letting people stand in the snow all night, deliberately creating public opinion to pressure Mrs. Li to take the initiative to divorce, and actually stealing other people's things to give others birthday gifts... This kind of person... It really humiliated the face of his ancestors!"

   "Yeah! It's said that people are poor and ambitious, but she's good. If you don't have that ability, don't think about slapping your face to be fat! Give a famous watch..."

  Everyone made no secret of their irony towards Mo Xiaona.

  Mo Xiaona stood where she was, her skirt was wrinkled in her palms.

  The humiliation all over the sky rushed towards her, embarrassment, and grievance spread from her heart, but she had nothing to say.

   is completely powerless to refute.

   She only wanted to come to Li Mo's birthday party.

  Xu Qingzhi has arranged the new product launch to today, she naturally knows.

   She also knows that she and Li Mo have been tossing with each other these days!

   The decision to divorce was long overdue, but it was still delayed. She also knew a little about Xu Qingzhi's feelings for Li Mo.

So Xu Qingzhi was right. She just wanted to come over to celebrate Li Mo's birthday, and it was feasible to create public opinion. Even if she really came over to celebrate Li Mo's birthday, presumably her existence would definitely stab her in the heart. .

  The relationship between the two of them, one is awkward and refuses to face his heart, and the other is always locked out of the heart by the other party. Even if their relationship exists, it cannot be much stable.

   She thought about it a lot, but only didn't think of it.

   She will meet Xu Qingzhi from the very beginning today.

   From the very beginning, Zhuangshan has been buried foreshadowing.

   She appeared in front of Li Mo with Xu Qingzhi, and she would have been compared.

   But not absolute.

  But when two people show up wearing the exact same dress, everyone will definitely compare the two of them together...

   After that, Li Mo's attitude changed, Xu Qingzhi's calm and indifferent attitude...

   was completely out of her expectations.

   She didn't even think that Xu Qingzhi would suddenly bring up things from many years ago, let alone that Fan Zhe suddenly appeared to mention the thing she gave Li Mo's birthday present.

   The three people who rushed in confronted her. She didn't even have the opportunity or preparation to lie, so she was completely caught off guard.

  This humiliation, she can only endure like this, without any chance or possibility to refute.

   Everyone's words made Li Mo, who had been watching Xu Qingzhi smiling happily, gradually put away the smile on his face.

  Xu Qingzhi calmly restrained the emotions on his face, lowered his eyes, and reached out to tuck the hair from his ears behind his ears.

  Li Mo put one hand on her waist, patted her waist lightly, turned with her, picked up the watch that he just tossed aside, walked over to Mo Xiaona, and gave it to her.

  Mo Xiaona's hands gripping the skirt were shaking so hard, "What do you mean?"

There was a slight chill in Li Mo's brows, "I didn't agree to let you come to the birthday party. You lied to Qingzhi behind my back, which is unforgivable, but fortunately, it's not bad for you to come tonight. It's not too late, maybe I can't figure out the things that have been stuck in my heart for the past few years that I can't let go of..."

   "Unforgivable?" Mo Xiaona said slowly, and finally sneered sadly, "Li Mo, how can you say something so simple? I lied to her, but why don't you understand?"

   She put her eyes on the watch and reached for it, "Do you think I stole money to buy this watch for you, so you feel dirty and humiliating, don't you?"

   She was cold all over, holding the watch tightly, her face pale.

"But Li Mo, who do you think caused all of this? I am indeed a student from an ordinary family. Wouldn't it be bad for you to let me study at school? Why did you provoke me just to cover up your feelings for Xu Qingzhi? I pulled into your life circle!

   What people are around you, what do you think I should do to stand beside you arrogantly? Don't let myself, let you be pointed at by others? I try to make myself fit to stand by your side!

   But what have you given me now? My life has been ruined by you, Li Mo, do you know? My life has been ruined by you! ! ! "

  Everything was revealed tonight, not a single drop was left, Mo Xiaona's tone was full of resentment and resentment.

   At the end of her words, she couldn't help but get hysterical.

   The sound was so loud that everyone could not help covering their ears.

   Xu Qingzhi frowned, and his body moved back subconsciously.

  Li Mo covered her head with his hand, and at the same time covered her ear with his wrist, protecting Xu Qingzhi in his arms as much as possible.

  His movements were extremely protective, Xu Qingzhi paused for a moment, he was only acting subconsciously, not really scared, but Li Mo's movements made her slightly stunned, and her body was a little stiff.

   At this time, she seems to know some stars again.

  A person who is usually so independent and powerful, why is he a complete little woman in front of Bo Jingchuan?

   In the past, we were forced to be independent and strong, but now we have a safe and reliable support.

   Someone can rely on and let her unload her heart, so she is still a gentle little woman in her heart.

   Fanxing is like this, her gentle little woman side is only reserved for Bo Jingchuan.

   And what about her...

   Now Li Mo...

   She blinked lightly, and finally was pushed into his chest by Li Mo's strength.

   "Miss Mo!"

   Li Mo's first thought was to protect Xu Qingzhi.

   On the side, Qiao Zhilan didn't seem to be surprised by Mo Xiaona's hysteria, but instead walked to the front with a calm expression and called out Mo Xiaona coldly.

   "Ask everyone present, who hasn't been in love a few times in their life? Whatever is right, if not, how come you can't get through it?

   What's more, who knows my Li family in Rongcheng, who doesn't know what Li Mo had to do with his family for you? Who then left without a word?

how? You can say that you can leave, and others deserve to be single for your whole life. "

  Mo Xiaona bit her lip tightly, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't leave at all..."

Qiao Zhilan smiled and sighed, "Don't think we don't know what you were thinking about when you left, Li Mo has tossed with us in those days, you must be very happy in other places, right? I think our Li family is just such a son. , sooner or later can't stand his toss and compromise with him sooner or later?"

  Mo Xiaona's palms, clutching the skirt, broke out in cold sweat.

"I told you a long time ago that Li Mo is my son, and no one knows her better than me. You know about him, I know better than you, who he loves from the beginning to the end, do you know me? do not know?"


   "You know that the person Li Mo loved from the very beginning was wise, that's why he used that despicable method again and again. You know Li Mo doesn't love you, but you still want to stay by his side and don't want to leave.

  You said that Li Mo pulled you into his circle, does it mean that in your eyes, his circle must be wearing a famous brand and going in and out of luxury cars? Who stipulated that you have to give expensive things as birthday gifts?

Everything starts from the heart, because in your heart and in your eyes, all you see is Li Mo, who was born and famous, so when you give gifts, you can only think about how to be worthy of him. ! "

"Qingzhi compares to you, she has been Miss Qianjin since she was a child, what does she want? Is she short of money? Why do you choose to go out to work and earn money to buy birthday gifts for Li Mo? I really like Li Mo from the bottom of my heart. Buying gifts for him with other people's money? Are you insulting yourself or Li Mo?

  On delicate? Isn't Qingzhi more delicate than you? She could think of giving Li Mo a birthday present with her hard-earned money. What you could think of was stealing other people's things with those hands?

   Ask yourself, compare and contrast, if you were someone else, who would you love? "

"It's your own three views that are wrong, but you still think that the fault is someone else's fault! Everyone is sorry for you?! Originally, this is related to your future life trajectory, and I didn't want to expose you! But tonight, you don't bother to think about it. Please come and be exposed on the spot, it is also your own fault."

   "I've told you some things long ago. It's you, and you're not willing to give up. You earn your face, not someone else. Miss Mo, you should do it yourself in the future."

  Qiao Zhilan looks gentle and generous, never speaks in a high-pitched voice, typical of a noble lady, but tonight's words are sonorous and powerful, and the voice is clear and decipherable!

   At the same time, the dissatisfaction with Mo Xiaona and the satisfaction and care for her current daughter-in-law is absolutely obvious.

  The surrounding people also began to talk a lot, and Mo Xiaona's remarks were really not pleasant.

   "If I were you, I would have walked away with my face covered!" The old lady stood up from behind with a cane and looked at Mo Xiaona majestically!

   "Yeah! This outfit tonight is really ironic the more I look at it now!"

  Mo Xiaona took two steps back, clutching the skirt in her hand.

   The red in this body...

   She suddenly turned her head to look at Fan Zhe aside, "Why? Are these arranged by you? What grudge do I have with you that you want to plot against me like this!?"

   [Good night and good night~~ Dear darlings, save the diamonds first and don't vote, there is something else to fight for tomorrow, we are humble and retreat~~ I will tell everyone if you vote~~]

   [Chat: Some people don't like Qingzhi's character design, she still enjoys eating a slap and a sweet jujube~~ Well, I really spent too much time writing Qingzhi's feelings for Li Mo! Looking at Wen De's role in the relationship, she is already at a disadvantage in this relationship, she is useless and has no backbone, you can say whatever you want, but in every relationship there must always be one who is in a weak position, such as Bo Da and Fan Xing, Bo Da is not also Have you been accommodating the stars? In fact, this CP, to be honest, I would not dare to abuse it! It didn't take long from the beginning to deviate from my initial setting...just because you hated Li Mo so much... Did you see Li Mo's desire to survive now? His desire to survive is my desire to survive! [Laughing and crying], I want to stress again, you save the diamond event, don't vote tomorrow, and I will tell you in advance when you vote! 】



   (end of this chapter)

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