Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1788: wronged?

   Chapter 1788 Wronged?

   And Li Mo, who had been pushed behind by Xu Qingzhi, suddenly spoke gloomily.

   "Which thing?"

  Mo Xiaona shook her head, "No, about that matter...there is a misunderstanding...I can explain it."

   Seeing how flustered she is now, the doubt that has been unverified in her heart for so many years now finally has the answer.

   is like the final word.

   "Okay, since you are afraid of being wronged, of course you can explain it. If I really wronged you, don't worry, I will definitely give you a satisfactory apology."

   Xu Qingzhi said lightly, his emotions were very calm.

  When she was with Fanxing before, she always felt that Fanxing, as the client herself, always seemed too bland when faced with certain things.

   As if being insulted and framed and satirized that the disadvantaged person is not her.

   Now that it was really her turn, she finally understood that anger was just adding jokes to others.

   Relatives hurt enemies quickly.

   That is exactly what the other party wants to see.

   What's more, the performance is too exciting, there is really no need, and it is a loss of identity.

   looks more like a clown.

   The most important thing is to get used to it.

   Those unsightly remarks, after seeing a lot, I want to have any more feelings... It seems that there is really nothing.

   Just like now, she is very calm and her head is very clear.

   In the face of Xu Qingzhi's indifference, Mo Xiaona looked flustered.

   She glanced at Li Mo, and noticed that he was staring at her, her squinted eyes filled with cold probing.

   hurriedly retracted his gaze and pursed his lips, "Everyone had a good time playing... I forgot..."

   Xu Qingzhi twitched his lips, his face sarcastic.

   "If that's the reason, then indeed..."

   The irony in her voice could not be heard by Li Mo, so he turned her body around while clasping her waist, frowning tightly.

   "What the **** are you talking about? Today in the winter of your graduation mean my birthday?"

   seemed to have been poked at something. He took a deep breath and continued, "Speaking of this, Xu Qingzhi, why didn't you come for my birthday in the year of graduation?! Do you know how long I waited for you?!"

  Xu Qingzhi's eyes flashed, "Are you waiting for me?"

  Li Mo gritted his teeth, "On the last birthday before graduation, you actually let me dove! Obviously you have participated in any time, but the last time..."

   "Li Mo." Xu Qingzhi suddenly spoke lightly, and the hand on his waist was a little strong.

  Li Mo seemed to sense something, and suddenly let go of his strength, rubbed his big palm on her waist, and rubbed her awkwardly.

  Xu Qingzhi looked up at him with a calm expression, "You temporarily changed the meeting location, but you didn't tell me..."

  Li Mo's expression was startled, and after a long pause, he seemed to have thought of something, and looked up at Mo Xiaona.

   "You didn't tell her?"

  Mo Xiaona's scalp suddenly became numb and she opened her mouth, "I forgot for a while..."

  Li Mo was silent for a few seconds, and the expression on his face was already a little hideous.

   "You said you were going to rehearse the play in the activity room, and you would tell her in person when you saw her!"

  Mo Xiaona trembled, "I really forgot..."

   "Forget you **** don't let me call her!"

  Li Mo's voice was suddenly raised, his tone was so cold and terrifying that he could almost scare people to death.

  Mo Xiaona was so scared that she shrank her neck, tears welling in her eyes: "I..."

  Everyone was frightened for a while.

   Xu Qingzhi smiled at her lightly.

   "Everyone knows the news, but I don't. Miss Mo, you are ahead of me in terms of targeting and hostility. Do you still feel wronged? You can continue to explain..."

  Mo Xiaona bit her lip and clenched her hands tightly, but couldn't say anything.

   She glanced at Li Mo, but Li Mo's eyes didn't stay on her too much at this point.

   What can she say?

  Li Mo, Xu Qingzhi, she was almost a face-to-face confrontation.

   What she did in the past is completely impossible now.

  Li Mo clasped Xu Qingzhi's waist with one hand and held her slender arm with the other.

   "So, you went to where you started that day, didn't you?"

  Xu Qingzhi looked at him, his eyes slid inch by inch on his face, but he asked rhetorically:

   "Why did you suddenly decide to change the meeting address?"

  Li Mo's lips were pressed together tightly, and his face was gloomy and ugly.

"It is my fault."

   Xu Qingzhi asked, his eyes burning brightly:

   "You decide, or who suggested it?"

  Li Mo looked like he had done something wrong, "It was suggested by someone else."

   "Who are the others?"

  Li Mo stared at her and said in a low voice, "Let me make a small report in front of her... Are you...don't give her face, nor me?"

   "That's why Mo Xiaona suggested you change places temporarily, right?"

  Li Mo pursed his lips, and nodded his head as if indifferently.

   The fingers that wrapped around her waist kept buttoning her waist.

   reminded her to save face for him.

  Xu Qingzhi looked at him, pursed his lips and smiled, before speaking again, his voice was slow and faint.

"I went. I went to your original place, but you weren't there. I couldn't get through to your phone. I finally got through, but Mo Xiaona picked it up. She told me the address, but no answer. Tell me exactly where you are? I thought she would greet the service staff, but I was turned away. I called you again, but there was no response."

  Li Mo paused as he clasped her waist.

"Do you know why I said it was today in the winter of the year you graduated?... Because your birthday was the same as today, it was rare to see a lot of snow. I kept calling you until the phone was out of power, and I was worried about leaving for a while. Zhong will miss you, so I waited for you all night outside the club..."

  Looking back on the past, Xu Qingzhi's grievances that had been pressing in her heart spread uncontrollably, her voice trembled, her eyes were flushed, and a light mist seeped out from her eyes.

  Li Mo's Adam's apple moved, and his heart couldn't stop flooding with her emotions.

   "Me too... I've waited for you all night, I'm afraid you won't find me if I leave..."

   He didn't speak any further, folded his arms, took her into his arms, and kissed her forehead, "I'm sorry..."

"I worked for more than two months to prepare a birthday gift for you, but I didn't send it out. The next day I fell seriously ill, and I didn't go to school again a year ago. When school starts next year, your attitude is completely different, and you didn't give me one. Explanation, and I didn't give me any chance to get close to you and ask you clearly..."

   "I've thought about it a lot, but I don't think you did anything that made you unhappy before your birthday, so that you're going to play with me like this..."

   "I didn't." Li Mo said, "If it wasn't... I couldn't see you... If you were so calm and didn't fight against me, it would make me feel more at ease, and I wouldn't want to celebrate my birthday..."

   Li Mo's words were stiff and awkward. In front of Xu Qingzhi, he revealed his feelings for her and his secret thoughts...

   I really feel awkward.

   The two have been fighting each other for so many years, and neither has been too soft on the other and bowed their heads.

   has long been accustomed to this way of getting along.

  Say this…

   He said so much at her new product launch just now, but he didn't feel as awkward as he is now.

   But, once is said, twice is said.

   You will get used to it if you say it too much.

   In front of her, he has long been shameless, why is he still hypocritical now?

  Xu Qingzhi grabbed the hem of Li Mo's clothes. Hearing his words, he felt a little depressed and couldn't keep up.

  Li Mo kissed her on the forehead a few times, then slowly let go of her and stretched out his hand towards her.

   Xu Qingzhi wondered: "What are you doing?"

   "Where's the present? Where's my birthday present?"

  Xu Qingzhi paused and turned his head to the side, "I'm not prepared this time."

  Li Mo frowned, not the unhappy that followed, pursing his lips, a bit of grievance on his handsome face.

   "Although I'm glad you came to the birthday party, I'd be even happier if I could receive your birthday present,"

   Xu Qingzhi: "..."

Li Mo kissed her on the cheek in a pleasing manner, "You must be prepared, aren't you? Hurry up and give me... Ang?" (As the author, I can't imagine what kind of strange creature a CEO who can say 'Ang' is. )

  Xu Qingzhi lowered his head slightly, but squeezed the bag tightly in his hand.

   "This time there is really no..."

  Li Mo's sharp eyes, aware of her small movements, directly reached out and "snatched" the bag in her hand.

   Then she opened her bag on the spot and rummaged through it, except for a car key, a lipstick, and a velvet box, nothing else.

  Comparatively speaking, that box is most like a gift.

   He took out the box, looked at Xu Qingzhi proudly, and opened it without hesitation.

   Inside is a series of platinum bracelets.

   It doesn't look like something a man should wear at all.

  Li Mo paused, picked up the bracelet and looked at Xu Qingzhi, "Is this for me?"

  Xu Qingzhi blushed and reached out to grab it, "If you don't like it, give it to me!"

  Li Mo subconsciously raised his hand to prevent her from taking the bracelet away.

   "Really prepared for me?"


  Xu Qingzhi didn't speak, but it seemed that he had acquiesced.

   But he still reached out his hand to grab it, but Li Mo lifted it even higher.

   Two people like this are obviously a pair of happy enemies.

  Li Mo looks like a child, holding a girl's stuff and teasing her.


   The more you like someone, the more you want to tease her and bully her.

   When things got here, everyone present couldn't be more thorough.

   "Accusing Mrs. Lai for wronging her, targeting her because she is an ex-girlfriend, and being unilaterally hostile to her, tsk, don't even look at what she has done?"

   "You were so scheming when you were in school, yet you are so tricky?! People waited in the snow all night in vain!"

   "I'm afraid she has a ghost in her heart, isn't she? She is so daring to play tricks, so she's not afraid of the incident?"

   "It turns out that she has long been hostile to others, playing tricks on her birthday, playing tricks so ruthlessly? Since she was so concerned about Mrs. Li at the beginning, she must have known about her working as a part-time job?"

   These words are undisguised, most of them are people who have just sympathized with Mo Xiaona.

   The thought of being deceived makes him even more angry,

   "I wonder what birthday gift she gave Mr. Li for his birthday. Is it because I was afraid that it would not be as good as Mrs. Li's gift, so I decided to do this!"

   "I know." Someone suddenly said, "Just like today, I also gave away a watch. But I didn't put it on Li Mo personally like today."

   Everyone sneered in surprise, "What watch? Just as President Li, she can't give away an ordinary watch, right?"

  The man added: "It seems to be a famous watch. The price in those years was tens of thousands. I was very curious at the beginning. Mo Xiaona's family was ordinary, and she sold a watch that cost tens of thousands of yuan. It's amazing..."

  Mo Xiaona's already pale face stiffened again.

   "I don't know if I think too much. Before Li Mo's birthday, there have been many theft incidents in the school..."



   Everyone was surprised, "Stealing?"

   All eyes were on Mo Xiaona, "I'm from an ordinary family and gave me a watch, where did the money come from?"

   The man shrugged, "I don't know, I just said it casually... Don't think about it, what if you wronged someone?"



   The development of the matter up to now, isn't it caused by Mo Xiaona's "wrongful"?

   However, things are already obvious.

   This kind of thing is hard not to connect the two.

   Everyone looked at Mo Xiaona with undisguised contempt at this moment.

   And Li Mo, who had been teasing Xu Qingzhi, turned his attention at this moment.

  Xu Qingzhi snatched the bracelet while he was not paying attention.

  Li Mo didn't say anything, but stared at the person who had just spoken for a while, then suddenly strode towards him.

   "Fan Zhe?"

  The man paused, "How do you know my name? Although we are classmates, we don't seem to have any intersection..."

  Li Mo's face darkened inexplicably, "Who asked you to come?"

   Fan Zhe raised his eyebrows and suddenly laughed, "Secret. But I really want to ask Mr. Li, are you satisfied with Mrs. Li's outfit today?"

   "Fan Zhe?"

  Li Mo didn't have time to speak when Xu Qingzhi's voice rang out and he walked towards here in confusion.

   "Well, classmate Xu, I'm glad you still remember me,"

   Xu Qingzhi smiled, "Of course, you helped me a lot at that time, I haven't thanked you properly yet... Are you in Rongcheng now?"


   "I'll treat you to dinner when I have time..."

   Xu Qingzhi was about to go forward, but Li Mo grabbed his waist halfway and took him into his arms.

   "What please? People lack your meal?"

   Xu Qingzhi: "..."

   Fan Zhe: "...Lack."

  Li Mo frowned, "I'll give you double the things you sent out in the past! Enough for you to eat for a few years."

   Fan Zhe: "What?"

  Li Mo looked at him with disgust.

   "Feng Geng!"

   "Yes, Mr. Li!"

   "Go and order a truckload of sanitary napkins to send to Mr. Fan! Remember, they must be brand-name ones, such as Free, Sophie, ABC, and ultra-thin and extended ones for day and night use! This shows our sincerity!"

   Xu Qingzhi: "..."

   Fan Zhe: "..."

  Everyone: "..."

  This... is amazing!

   You know so much!

  Although others don't know why Li Mo suddenly said this, Fan Zhe and Xu Qingzhi know it!

   Xu Qingzhi's face flushed, "Li Mo, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

   Fan Zhe also smiled a little embarrassedly: "I think Mr. Li is joking, I want so many sanitary napkins... What do you do with sanitary napkins?"

   Forgive him for being thin-skinned, and he said that it was not easy.

   I admire Li Mo a little, but he said it so smoothly!

  Li Mo snorted twice, "Who knows? A big man always has sanitary napkins on his body when he goes to school, and he doesn't know if he is a psychopath?"


   Fan Zhe's mouth twitched.

   "...I doubt the reason why Mr. Li can remember me."

   "Yeah, because you're a man with a sanitary pad!"

Fan Zhe paused, "Do you think Mr. Li is so jealous, so disregarding the occasion? He is still wearing a birthday present from his ex-girlfriend, are you sure you want to continue eating the old vinegar from a few years ago? "

  Li Mo's face froze for a moment, his eyes lowered, and Xu Qingzhi in his arms glanced at him, and then glanced at his wrist again.

   He saw that the corners of her lips twitched slightly, and his heart sank immediately.

   "No wonder I don't like my bracelet, yes, men still like watches the most..."

"Who said that!"

  Li Mo said as he untied the watch and threw it aside without hesitation.

   "How common is it for men to wear watches? I just like to wear bracelets!"

   [This chapter has more than a few hundred words. Originally, I wanted to give you a little more because of the event, but it was a bit stuck. That’s all I had after sitting for an afternoon. Mo Xiaona was actually abused, and ignoring it is the most heart-wrenching abuse. Some things are almost finished~ I almost finished~ Next, Li Da pig's hoof will start a real shameless life as a wife and slave~ You can let Miss Qingzhi continue to abuse him in her daily life~ Thank you for your silent support of this book, Support Zha Nan, everyone who supports the event ~ I will wait for you on the 24th~]



   (end of this chapter)

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